Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Respiratory Disease and its Management

Respiratory Disease and its Management
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009 Springer-Verlag London Limited Buku ini adalah edisi Pertama.

Judul: Respiratory Disease and its Management
Oleh:  A. McLuckie
Penerbit:  Springer-Verlag London Limited
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman:  169  hal.


Angela McLuckie, FRCA, FJFICM
Department of Intensive Care
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 18 Bab meliputi  Bab 1 Cedera Paru Cedera Akut  dan Respiratory Distress Syndrome Akut (ALI / ARDS), Bab 2 Asma Ganas, Bab 3 Penyakit Airways Obstruktif Kronik, Bab 4 Interstitial Penyakit Paru-paru Membaur, Bab 5 Pneumonia, Bab 6 Efusi pleura di Kritis III, Bab 7 Pneumotoraks di Kritis III, Bab 8 Diagnosis dan Pengelolaan Airway terhalang, Bab 9 Manajemen pascaoperasi Pasien Menjalani Resection Paru, esophagectomy atau Thymectomy, Bab 10 Indikasi untuk bantuan ventilasi di usia Dewasa, Bab 11 Moda Invasif dan bantuan ventilasi Non-invasif, Bab 12 Pengukuran Gas Darah dan Interpretasi, Bab 13 Terinspirasi dan Pemantauan Gas Expired, Bab 14 Mengelola Sekresi pada Pasien dengan Ventilasi: Peran humidifikasi, Suction, Fisioterapi, mukolitik dan Airway tambahan berarti,  Bab 15 Obat Bertindak pada Sistem Pernapasan, Bab 16 Bronkoskopi di Unit Perawatan Intensif, Bab 17 Trakeostomi dan Mini-trakeostomi, dan Bab 18 Menyapih dari Teknik Ventilasi.

Daftar Isi Buku:
Contributors   vii
Chapter 1 Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ALI/ARDS)  1
    David C.J. Howell and Geoffrey J. Bellingan
Chapter 2 Life-Threatening Asthma  19
    John E.S. Park and Mark J.D. Griffi ths
Chapter 3 Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease   29
    Richard Leach
Chapter 4 Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease  41
    Aimee Brame and Andrew Jones
Chapter 5 Pneumonia  51
    Richard Leach
Chapter 6 Pleural Effusions in the Critically Ill   61
    Philip S. Marino       
Chapter 7 Pneumothorax in the Critically Ill  73
    Mansoor Sange and Chris J. Langrish
Chapter 8 Diagnosis and Management  of the Obstructed Airway   79
    Adrian Pearce and Gerard Gould
Chapter 9 Postoperative Management of Patients Undergoing Lung Resection, Oesophagectomy or Thymectomy  89
    Michael Gillies and Paul Hayden
Chapter 10 Indications for Ventilatory Support in Adults  95
    David Goldhill
Chapter 11 Modes of Invasive and Non-invasive Ventilatory Support   99
    Tony Pickworth
Chapter 12 Blood Gas Measurement and Interpretation  113
    Adrian J. Williams
Chapter 13 Inspired and Expired Gas Monitoring  121
    Terry Fox
Chapter 14 Managing Secretions in the Ventilated Patient: The Role of Humidifi cation, Suction, Physiotherapy, Mucolytics and Airway Adjuncts   127
    George Ntoumenopoulos
Chapter 15 Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System  135
    Gavin Whelan and Catherine McKenzie
Chapter 16 Bronchoscopy in the Intensive Care Unit   143
    David F. Treacher
Chapter 17 Tracheostomy and Mini-Tracheostomy  149
    Ulrike Buehner and Andy Bodenham
Chapter 18 Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation  157
    Nicholas Hart
Index  165


Respiratory Disease and its Management Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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