Thursday, October 22, 2015

Skin Cancer after Organ Transplantation

Skin Cancer after Organ Transplantation
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. USA buku  edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Skin Cancer after Organ Transplantation
Oleh:  Eggert Stockfleth, MD, PhD (Editor)
Penerbit:   Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. USA
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 216  hal.

Eggert Stockfleth, MD, PhD
Charit´e - Universit¨atsmedizin Berlin
Klinik f¨ur Dermatologie
Venerologie und Allergologie

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan karya tulis para ahli. Isi buku ini dibagi menjadi 4 Bagian utama, meliputi: Bagian 1  tentang Kedokteran Transplantasi, Bagian II Kanker Post-Transplant, Bab III Kanker Kulit Tertentu, dan bagian IV Profilaksis dan Terapi.

Daftar Isi:

Introduction – Historical Perspective  1
    Georgios Katsanos and Vincent Donckier
Skin Cancer After Transplantation: Where Did We Come From, Where  DoWe Go?  5
    Robin Marks

Part I   Transplant Medicine

De Novo Post-Transplantation Malignancies: Incidence and Risk Factors  11
    Jacques Dantal
Immunosuppression  23
    Edward K. Geissler
Skin Immune System  45
    Jan D. Bos and Rosalie M. Luiten

Part II Post-Transplant Cancer

Post-Transplant Skin Cancer: The Influence of Organ and Pre-Transplant Disease 65
    Sylvie Euvrard and Alain Claudy
The Epidemiology of Transplant-Associated Keratinocyte Cancers in different Geographical 
Regions 75
    Charlotte M. Proby, Hermina C. Wisgerhof, Delphine Casabonne, Adele C. Green, Catherine A. 
    Harwood, and Jan N. Bouwes Bavinck
Etiological Factors in Cutaneous Carcinogenesis – An Introduction  97
    Hermina C. Wisgerhof and Jan N. Bouwes Bavinck
Photocarcinogenesis – DNA Damage and Gene Mutations 101
    Frank R. de Gruijl and Pieter Voskamp
Ultraviolet-Induced Immunosuppression: Implications for Photocarcinogenesis  109
    Stefan Beissert and Thomas Schwarz
CarcinogenicMechanisms Related to Immunosuppressive Therapy  123
    Conal M. Perrett, Catherine A. Harwood, Jane M. McGregor, and Peter Karran
Oncogenic Viruses   133
    Herbert Pfister
Epidemiology of Cutaneous Human Papillomavirus Infections  143
    Elsemieke I. Plasmeijer, Linda Struijk, Jan N. Bouwes Bavinck, and Mariet C.W. Feltkamp
Interaction Between Ultraviolet Radiation and Human Papillomavirus 159
    Alan Storey and Mark Simmonds
Human Herpesvirus 8  169
    Celeste Lebb´e and Camille Franc`es
Molecular Events in Skin Cancer  189
    Thomas Meyer
Molecular Pathogenesis of Basal Cell Carcinoma  193
    T. Meyer
Molecular Pathogenesis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma  205
    Ingo Nindl and Frank R¨osl
New Trends in the Susceptibility to Melanoma  213
    Nadem Soufir, Bernard Grandchamp, and Nicole Basset-Seguin

Part III Specific Skin Cancers

Actinic Keratoses  227
    Eggert Stockfleth
Squamous Cell Carcinoma  241
    Anna Belloni Fortina, Stefano Piaserico, Mauro Alaibac, and Andrea Peserico
Basal Cell Carcinoma  263
    Carlos Ferr´andiz, Mar´ıa J. Fuente, Lara Ferr´andiz, and Jos´e M. Carrascosa
External Anogenital Premalignant and Malignant Disease  279
    Karen L. Gibbon, Arucha L. Ekeowa-Anderson, and Irene M. Leigh
Kaposi’s Sarcoma  299
    Camille Franc`es and C´eleste Lebb´e
Malignant Melanoma  311
    Beata Imko-Walczuk, Richard Turner, and Fenella Wojnarowska
Rare Skin Cancers   323
    Jean Kanitakis
Merkel Cell Carcinoma  329
    Jean Kanitakis
Cutaneous Lymphomas  343
    Deniz Sec¸kin and G¨unther F.L. Hofbauer
Appendageal Malignancies  353
    Catherine A. Harwood, Charlotte M. Proby, and Rino Cerio

Part IV Prophylaxis and Therapy

The Role of the Transplant Physician in the Management of Skin Cancers After Organ
Transplantation  377

    EmmanuelMorelon, EmmanuelMahe, and Jean-Louis Touraine
Pretransplantation Dermatologic Screening and Prophylaxis 391
    Clark C. Otley
Aftercare – A Multi-disciplinary Approach 405
    Alexandra Geusau and Erich Pohanka
Evaluation of Patient Education   417
    Luigi Naldi and Fabrizia Sassi
Sunscreens and Sun Protection   425
    Jason Fallon and Gillian M. Murphy
Surgical Intervention for Skin Cancer in Organ Transplant Recipients  433
    HenryW. Randle
Topical Treatment of Field Cancerization  439
    Claas Ulrich
Destructive Management of Skin Cancers in Organ Transplant Recipients   447
    Jonathan Ng, Alvin Chong, and Peter Foley
Systemic Chemoprevention  461
    Stephen Shumack
Management of Metastatic Skin Cancers in Organ Transplant Recipients   467
    Steve Nicholson

Index   483


Skin Cancer after Organ Transplantation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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