Thursday, October 22, 2015


THE NEW GLOBAL THREAT Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Its Impacts
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003 Oleh World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:   THE NEW GLOBAL THREAT Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Its Impacts
Oleh:   Tommy Koh et al (Editor)
Penerbit:   World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman:  356  hal.

Timmoty Koh

Director, Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore andAmbasadore-at-large
Aileen Plant
Proffesor of International Health
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Eng Hin Lee
Director, Division of Graduate Medical Studies and Formerly
Dean of Fakulty of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini mengemukakan tentang Peran dan Pengaruh WHO terhadap Ancaman Global Baru tentang Respiratory Syndrome Severe Acute dan Dampaknya.

Daftar Isi:
Editorial by Professor Tommy Koh vii
Editorial by Professor Aileen J. Plant xiii
Editorial by Professor Eng Hin Lee xxv

Section I: WHO: Role and Influence
1.     WHO: At the Forefront of Combating SARS 3

Section II: China
2.   Fighting Infectious Diseases: One Mission, Many Agents 17

      Shiping Tang
3.   SARS, Anti-Populism, and Elite Lies: Temporary Disorders in China 31
      Lynn T. White III
4.   Baptism by Storm: The SARS Crisis’ Imprint on China’s New Leadership 69
      Christopher A. McNally

Section III: Hong Kong
5.   The Impact of SARS on Hong Kong Society and Culture: Some Personal Reflections 93

      Leo Ou-fan Lee
6.   SARS and the HKSAR Governing Crisis 107
      Ma Ngok
7.   The Social Impact of SARS: Sustainable Action for the Rejuvenation of Society 123
      Cecilia L.W. Chan
8.   Catching SARS in the HKSAR: Fallout on Economy and Community 147
      Yun-Wing Sung and Fanny M. Cheung
9.   Will SARS Result in a Financial Crisis? —Differentiating Real, Transient, and Permanent 
      Economic Effects of a Health Crisis 165
      Frank T. Lorne
10. Facing the Unknowns of SARS in Hong Kong 173
      Kwok-yung Yuen and Malik Peiris

Section IV: Singapore
11. Sars, Policy-making and Lesson-drawing 195

      Khai Leong Ho
12. SARS: A Psychological Perspective 209
      George D. Bishop
13. Cracking the Genome of the SARS Virus 221
      Lawrence W. Stanton
14. The Infection Control Response to SARS in Hospitals and Institutions 243
      Paul A. Tambyah
15. SARS — Lessons on the Role of Social Responsibility in Containing an Epidemic 273
      Pheng-Soon Lee
16. Combating SARS with Infrared Fever Screening System (IFss) 283
       Yang How Tan

Section V: Taiwan
17. Epidemiology and Control of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Outbreak in 

     Taiwan 301
     Chien-Jen Chen, Yin-Chu Chien and Hwai-I Yang

Section VI: Toronto
18. SARS in Canada: The Story of SARS in Canada is Essentially Toronto’s Tale 317
      Pauline Chan


THE NEW GLOBAL THREAT Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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