Thursday, November 5, 2015

Supply Chain Risk

Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management, and Performance
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. New York merupakan buku edisi pertama.

Judul:  Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment,
Management, and Performance
Oleh:  George A. Zsidisin, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. New York
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman:  347  hal.


George A. Zsidisin

Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH

Bob Ritchie
Lancashire Business School
University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri dari karya kolektif dari banyak individu dan organisasi. Buku ini terdiri ata 4 bagian utama, yaitu BAGIAN SATU – Resiki Analisa, Penilaian dan Alat, BAGIAN DUA – Rangkaian Supply dan Risiko, BAGIAN TIGA – Rangkaian Supply Manajemen Resiko, dan  Rangkaian Supply.

Daftar Isi:
Acknowledgements  xvii
Chapter 1: Supply Chain Risk Management – Developments, Issues and Challenges  1
    George A. Zsidisin and Bob Ritchie
    1.1 Introduction    1
    1.2 Background to SCRM   2
    1.3 Supply Chain Risk    3
    1.4 Structure of the Handbook   5
    1.5 Background of ISCRiM and Handbook  11
    1.6 Future Developments in SCRM  11

Chapter 2:  Assessing the Vulnerability of Supply Chains  15

    Bjørn Egil Asbjørnslett
    2.1 Introduction   15
    2.2 Concepts and Definitions   18
    2.3 Vulnerability of Supply Chains  21
    2.4 Vulnerability Analysis  23
    2.5 Summary 32
    References        32
Chapter 3: Risk Management in Value Networks   35
    Jukka Hallikas and Jari Varis
    3.1 Introduction  35
    3.2 Value Networks  36
    3.3 Connecting Industry Change with Risk Analysis   43
    3.4 Risk Profiles of Interconnected Actors   47
    3.5 Discussion   51
    References   52
Chapter 4: Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks. 53
    Samir Dani
    4.1 Introduction  53
    4.2 Uncertainty and Risk  54
    4.3 Risks in the Supply Chain  55
    4.4 Supply Chain Risk Management  56
    4.5 Proactive Supply Chain Risk Management  58
    4.6 Predicting Supply Chain Risks  59
    4.7 The Predictive – Proactive Methodology  62
    4.8 Conclusion  64
    References     64
Chapter 5: Assessing Risks in Projects and Processes  67
    Barbara Gaudenzi
    5.1 Introduction 67
    5.2 Managing Uncertainty and Risks in Projects and Processes  70
    5.3 Risk Assessment   74
    5.4 Some Risk Factors in Processes and Projects   79
    5.5 Conclusions  80
    References   81
Chapter 6:Risk Management System – A Conceptual Model  83
    Arben Mullai
    6.1 Introduction   83
    6.2 Variations in Terms and Definitions   84
    6.3 A Unified Concept of the Risk Management System    85
    6.4 Main Elements of the Risk Management System  86
    6.5 Risk Analysis   88
    6.6 Risk Evaluation  91
    6.7 Risk Management   94
    6.8 Risk Communication  96
    6.9 Re-Assessment – A Continuous Cyclic Process    98
    6.10 Summary   98
    References    98
Chapter 7:Using Simulation to Investigate Supply Chain Disruptions  103
    Steven A. Melnyk, Alexander Rodrigues, and Gary L. Ragatz
    7.1 Introduction   103
    7.2 Understanding Supply Chain Disruptions: Background   104
    7.3 Modeling Supply Chain Disruptions: A Framework  106
    7.4 Parameters and Experimental Factors  111
    7.5 Generating and Analyzing Simulation Data   113
    7.6 Classical Statistical Analysis of Simulation-Based Experimental Data   114
    7.7 Intervention Analysis: Evaluating the Transient Response  116
    7.8 Outlier Detection    117
    7.9 Dealing with Replications: Time Series Considerations   117
    7.10 Other Applications  118
    7.11 Methodological Triangulation  118
    7.12 Concluding Comments  119
    References   120

Chapter 8: Single Versus Multiple Sourcing: A Supply Risk  Management Perspective  125
    Constantin Blome and Michael Henke
    8.1 Introduction  125
    8.2 The Decision of Single and Multiple Sourcing  126
    8.3 Evaluation of the Single and Multiple Sourcing Decision from a Risk Perspective  128
    8.4 Integrating Supply Risk Management into an Enterprise Risk Management System  133
    References   134
Chapter 9: The Role of Product Design in Global Supply Chain Risk Management  137
    Omera Khan, Martin Christopher, and Bernard Burnes
    9.1 Introduction  137
    9.2 Trends in the Textile and Clothing Industry 138
    9.3 The Trend to Global/Off Shore Sourcing  139
    9.4 Research Method  141
    9.5 Case Study of Marks and Spencer: Part One  143
    9.6 Case Study: Part Two   146
    9.7 The Hidden Risks of Off Shore Sourcing   149
    9.8 Strategies for Managing Risk in a Global Market  150
    9.9 Conclusions  151
    References   152
Chapter 10: How Much Flexibility Does It Take to Mitigate Supply Chain Risks?   155
    Christopher Tang and Brian Tomlin
    10.1 Introduction   155
    10.2 Supply Chain Risks and the Role of Flexibility  157
    10.3 The Power of Flexibility: How Much Flexibility Do You Need?  164
    10.4. Concluding Remarks  170
    References   172

Chapter 11: Enterprise and Supply Risk Management   177

    Michael Henke
    11.1 Introduction: Enterprise Risk Management for Supply Management   177
    11.2 ERM Starting Points   179
    11.3 ERM Monitoring and Managing of Supply Risks  181
    11.4 Advances in Operationalizing Tasks for Supply Controlling and Risk Management 183
    11.5 Conclusions   184
    References    185
Chapter 12: Pre-Contract Risk in International PFI Projects  187
    Simon A. Burtonshaw-Gunn
    12.1 Introduction   187
    12.2 Construction Prime Contracting and the Management of Risk   189
    12.3 Risks in International PFI Projects   192
    12.4 Conclusion   195
    References   197
Chapter 13: Supply Chain Risk Management for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses   199
    Uta Jüttner and Arne Ziegenbein
    13.1 Introduction   199
    13.2 The Research Project    200
    13.3 Requirements for Managing Supply Chain Risks in SMEs   202
    13.4 A Practical SCRM Approach for SME  209
    13.5 Conclusion  216
    References   216
Chapter 14: Psychological Foundations of Supply Chain Risk Management   219
    Michael E. Smith
    14.1 Introduction   219
    14.2 Perception in Risk   219
    14.3 The Challenged Decision Maker  220
    14.4 The Shortcuts We Take   221
    14.5 The Number of Suppliers Issue – Reconsidered   225
    14.6 Practical Steps for Supply Management Professionals  230
    References   231
Chapter 15: Behavioural Risks in Supply Networks  235
    M. Seiter
    15.1 Introduction   235
    15.2 Conceptual Model  236
    15.3 Research Methodology  240
    15.4 Results   241
    15.5 Discussion  243
    15.6 Managerial Implications  244
    15.7 Conclusions   244
    References   245
Chapter 16: SCRM and Performance – Issues and Challenges  249
    Bob Ritchie and Clare Brindley
    16.1 Introduction  249
    16.2 Risk and Performance  251
    16.3 Risk – Uncertainty and Risk Management 252
    16.4 Performance   254
    16.5 Performance and Risk Metrics  256
    16.6 Risk-Performance: Sources, Profiles and Drivers   259
    16.7 Risk Management Responses  261
    16.8 Risk and Performance Outcomes   262
    16.9 Empirical Application – Illustrative Case  263
    16.10 Conclusions and Future Developments  267
    References  269
Chapter 17: Dominant Risks and Risk Management Practices in Supply Chains  271
    Stephan M. Wagner and Christoph Bode
    17.1 Introduction   271
    17.2 Nomenclature and Conceptual Framework  273
    17.3 Questionnaire Development and Data Collection  281
    17.4 Results and Discussion   283
    17.5 Managerial Implications and Conclusions  286
    References  287

Chapter 18: Food Supply Chain Security: Issues and Implications  293

    Douglas Voss and Judith Whipple
    18.1 Introduction  293
    18.2 Importance and Challenges of Food Supply Chain Security  295
    18.3 Why Firms Focus on Supply Chain Security   295
    18.4 Security Best Practices in the Food Industry   297
    18.5 Encouraging Security Enhanced Supply Chains    301
    18.6 The Impact of Security of Supplier Selection in the Food Industry  302
    18.7 Conclusion   303
    References    304
Chapter 19: Supply Chain Security: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach   307
    Chad Autry and Nada Sanders
    19.1 Introduction 307
    19.2 Supply Chain Security Concepts   309
    19.3 Securing Supply Chains Through Capability Development   312
    19.4 Building Supply Chain Continuity Through Security Management Capabilities  314
    19.5 Conclusion   328
    References   328
Chapter 20: Securing Global Food Distribution Networks  331
    Nicole Mau and Markus Mau
    20.1 Challenges in Providing Food Safety and Quality  331
    20.2 Problems in the Food Supply Chain 332
    20.3 Requirement Shift  ough Globalized Procurement and BtoB-Solutions   334
    20.4 Risk Management  335
    20.5 Vertical Integration Versus Risk Management  336
    20.6 Efforts to Solve Supply Chain Security Problems  337
    20.7 A Potential Solution  338
    20.8 Setup of Supply Chain Security  341
    References    344
Index  345


Supply Chain Risk Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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