Monday, November 2, 2015

World History Patterns of Interaction

World History Patterns of Interaction
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh  McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company, USA adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  World History Patterns of Interaction
Oleh:  Roger B. Beck, et al
Penerbit:   McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company, USA
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 1312  hal.

Roger B. Beck
adalah Profesor dari Afrika, bidang  Sejarah Dunia, dan  Abad 20th di Eastern Illinois University. Setelah mengajar di sekolah internasional di Tokyo, Paris, dan London, Dr Beck juga  pengawas guru siswa dan mengajar Metode Ilmu Sosial di Timur selama bertahun-tahun. Selain karir mengajar panjang di sekolah tinggi, perguruan tinggi, dan pascasarjana tingkat sekolah, Dr. Beck telah menerbitkan banyak buku, termasuk menulis The History of South Africa dan co-authoring
teks sejarah dunia untuk perguruan tinggi  A History of World Societies. Dia juga telah menerbitkan lebih dari 100 bab buku, artikel jurnal, dan resensi buku. Dia adalah penerima beasiswa Fulbright dua, dan merupakan anggota aktif dari Studi Afrika Asosiasi dan Asosiasi Sejarah Dunia.
LindaBlack, B.A., M.Ed. mengajar Sejarah Dunia di Falls High School Cypress di Houston, Texas, dan telah memiliki karir  berbeda dalam pendidikan sebagai guru sejarah dunia, sejarah Amerika, dan sejarah Texas. Dalam 1993-1994, Mrs Black  beperan pada sebuah Posisi Menengah Ilmu Sosial Guru di Amerika Serikat oleh Dewan Nasional untuk Ilmu Sosial. Di 1996, ia terpilih menjadi anggota Dewan Direksi Dewan Nasional untuk Ilmu Sosial. Dia adalah anggota aktif the Texas Council for the Social Studies, and the World History Association. Dia bertugas di the College Board Test Development for Advanced Placement World History 1995-2003.
Phillip C. Naylor, Ph.D. adalah seorang profesor sejarah di Universitas Marquette dan mengajar di Eropa, Afrika Utara, dan Sarjana dan pascasarjana program Asia barat. Dia adalah direktur program Peradaban Barat selama sembilan tahun di mana ia meresmikan sebuah "pendekatan transkultural" untuk pengajaran survei tradisional. Dia telah menulis tentang  Perancis dan Aljazair: Sejarah Dekolonisasi dan Transformasi, ditulis bersama The Historical Dictionary of Aljazair, dan coedited Negara dan Masyarakat di Aljazair. Dia telah menerbitkan banyak artikel, makalah, dan ulasan, dan diproduksi CD-ROM. Pada tahun 1996, Dr. Naylor menerima Pendeta John P. Raynor, SJ, Fakultas Award untuk Pengajaran Excellence at Universitas Marquette. Pada tahun 1992, ia menerima Edward G. Roddy Teaching Award di Merrimack College.
Dahia Ibo Shabaka, B.A., sarjana sastra, Ed.S. Dahia Ibo Shabaka adalah direktur Social Studies and African-Centered Education in the Detroit Public Schools  system. Dia memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan ilmiah yang luas dalam disiplin sejarah, ilmu politik, ekonomi, hukum, dan membaca, dan pendidikan menengah, pengembangan kurikulum, dan administrasi sekolah dan pengawasan. Ibu Shabaka telah menjadi guru, koordinator kurikulum, dan pengawas dari studi sosial di Detroit
Sekolah Menengah. Pada tahun 1991 dia bernama Ilmu Sosial Pendidik of the Year oleh Dewan Michigan untuk Sosial Studi. Ibu Shabaka adalah penerima Fulbright Fellowship di Universitas Ibrani di Israel dan telah menjabat sebagai anggota dewan eksekutif Nasional Ilmu Sosial Pengawas Asosiasi.
Larry S. Krieger, B.A., sarjana sastra, M.A.T. Larry S. Krieger adalah studi pengawas sosial untuk tingkat K-12 di Montgomery Township Sekolah Umum di New Jersey. Selama 26 tahun ia telah mengajar sejarah dunia di sekolah umum. Dia juga telah memperkenalkan banyak inovasi dalam layanan program, seperti "Menempatkan Cerita Kembali di Sejarah," dan telah menulis beberapa buku pelajaran sejarah sukses. Bapak. Krieger mendapatkan B.A. nya dan M.A.T. dari University of North Carolina dan MA dari Wake Forest University.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan tntang Sejarah Dunia dari zaman 4 juta SM – Sekarang. Buku ini dibagi menjadi 8 Unit Utama. Unit 1 4 juta SM-200 SM Awal Peradaban,  Unit 2 2000 B.C.-A.D. 700 Arah Baru di Pemerintah dan Masyarakat,  Unit 3 500-1500 Sebuah Age of Exchange dan Encounter,  Unit 4 500-1800 Hemispheres Menghubungkan,  Unit 5 1500-1900 Absolutisme untuk Revolusi, Unit 6 1700-1914 Industrialisme dan Race untuk Empire, Unit 7 1900-1945 The World at War, dan Unit 8 1945-Sekarang Perspektif tentang Present.

Daftar Isi:

Unit 1   4 million B.C.–200 B.C.   Beginnings of Civilization
    Atlas A1
    Strategies for Taking Standardized Tests S1
    PART 1: Strategies for Studying History S2
    PART 2: Test-Taking Strategies and Practice S6

CHAPTER ●1  Prehistory–2500 B.C.  The Peopling of the World 2
    1     Human Origins in Africa 5
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Culture 6
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Cave Paintings 12
    2     Humans Try to Control Nature 14
    3     Civilization CASE STUDY Ur in Sumer 19
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Civilization 21
CHAPTER●2 3500 B.C.–450 B.C. Early River Valley Civilizations 26
    1     City-States in Mesopotamia 29
    2     Pyramids on the Nile 35
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Pyramids and Mummies 39
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Work and Play in Ancient Egypt 42
    3     Planned Cities on the Indus 44
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Plumbing in Mohenjo-Daro 47
    4     River Dynasties in China 50
CHAPTER●3 2000 B.C.–250 B.C  People and Ideas on the Move 58
    1     The Indo-Europeans 61
    2     Hinduism and Buddhism Develop 66
    3     Seafaring Traders 72
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Phoenician Trade 75
    4     The Origins of Judaism 77
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Judaism 80
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The Flood Story 83
CHAPTER●4 1570 B.C.–200 B.C. First Age of Empires 86
    1     The Egyptian and Nubian Empires 89
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Egyptian Influence on Nubian Culture 92
    2     The Assyrian Empire 95
    3     The Persian Empire 99
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Empire Building 102
    4     The Unification of China 104
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The Great Wall of China 108
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Ancient Civilizations 112

Unit 2  2000 B.C.–A.D. 700  New Directions in Government and Society
CHAPTER●5 2000 B.C.–300 B.C. Classical Greece 120

    1     Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea 123
    2     Warring City-States 127
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Festivals and Sports 130
    3     Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age 134
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Greek Art and Architecture 140
    4     Alexander’s Empire 142
    5     The Spread of Hellenistic Culture 146
CHAPTER●6 500 B.C.–A.D. 500 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity 152
    1     The Roman Republic 155
    2     The Roman Empire 160
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Life in a Roman Villa 166
    3     The Rise of Christianity 168
    4     The Fall of the Roman Empire 173
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The Fall of the Roman Empire 177
    5     Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization 178
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Western Civilization 180
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: The Colosseum 182
CHAPTER●7 400 B.C.–A.D. 550  India and China Establish Empires 186
    1     India’s First Empires 189
    2     Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture 193
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Hindu and Buddhist Art 198
    3     Han Emperors in China 200
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Trade Networks 204
CHAPTER●8 1500 B.C.–A.D. 700 African Civilizations 210
    1     Diverse Societies in Africa 213
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: African Ironworking 218
    2     Migration
           CASE STUDY Bantu-Speaking Peoples 220
    3     The Kingdom of Aksum 225
CHAPTER●9 40,000 B.C.–A.D. 700 The Americas: A Separate World 232
    1     The Earliest Americans 235
    2     Early Mesoamerican Civilizations 240
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Olmec Sculpture 244
    3     Early Civilizations of the Andes 246
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Nazca Lines 248
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Classical Ages 252

Unit 3 500–1500  An Age of Exchange and Encounter
CHAPTER●10 600–1250 The Muslim World 260

    1     The Rise of Islam 263
           ANALYZING ARCHITECTURE: The Dome of the Rock 266
    2     Islam Expands 269
    3     Muslim Culture 273
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Astronomy 275
           Buddhism 284
           Christianity 286
           Hinduism 288
           Islam 290
           Judaism 292
           Confucianism 294

CHAPTER●11 500–1500   Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact 298
    1     The Byzantine Empire 301
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy 305
    2     The Russian Empire 307
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Russian Religious Art and Architecture 312
    3     Turkish Empires Rise in Anatolia 314

CHAPTER●12 600–1350  Empires in East Asia 320
    1     Tang and Song China 323
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Tang and Song China: People and Technology 328
    2     The Mongol Conquests 330
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: A Mighty Fighting Force 332
    3     The Mongol Empire 335
    4     Feudal Powers in Japan 339
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Japanese Samurai 342
    5     Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea 344
CHAPTER●13  500–1200  European Middle Ages 350
    1     Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms 353
    2     Feudalism in Europe 358
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Feudalism 361
    3     The Age of Chivalry 364
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Castles and Siege Weapons 366
    4     The Power of the Church 370
CHAPTER●14 800–1500  The Formation of Western Europe 376
    1     Church Reform and the Crusades 379
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Gothic Architecture 381
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The Crusades 386
    2     Changes in Medieval Society 387
    3     England and France Develop 393
    4     The Hundred Years’ War and the Plague 398
           GLOBAL IMPACT: The Spread of Epidemic Disease 400
CHAPTER●15 800–1500  Societies and Empires of Africa 406
    1     North and Central African Societies 409
    2     West African Civilizations 413
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Benin Bronzes 420
    3     Eastern City-States and Southern Empires 422
           ANALYZING ARCHITECTURE: Great Zimbabwe 426
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Trade Networks 430

Unit 4  500–1800  Connecting Hemispheres
CHAPTER●16 500–1500  People and Empires in the Americas 438

    1     North American Societies 441
    2     Maya Kings and Cities 446
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Maya Architecture 450
    3     The Aztecs Control Central Mexico 452
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The Aztec Calendar 457
    4     The Inca Create a Mountain Empire 459
            SOCIAL HISTORY: Incan Mummies 464

CHAPTER●17 1300–1600  European Renaissance and Reformation 468
    1     Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance 471
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Renaissance Ideas Influence Renaissance Art 478
    2     The Northern Renaissance 480
           SOCIAL HISTORY: City Life in Renaissance Europe 486
    3     Luther Leads the Reformation 488
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Protestantism 491
    4     The Reformation Continues 495
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The Reformation 501
CHAPTER●18 1300–1700  The Muslim World Expands 504
    1     The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire 507
    2     Cultural Blending
           CASE STUDY The Safavid Empire 512
    3     The Mughal Empire in India 516
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Cultural Blending in Mughal India 522
CHAPTER●19 1400–1800  An Age of Explorations and Isolation 526
    1     Europeans Explore the East 529
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: The Tools of Exploration 531
    2     China Limits European Contacts 536
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The Forbidden City 538
    3     Japan Returns to Isolation 542
CHAPTER●20 1492–1800  The Atlantic World 550
    1     Spain Builds an American Empire 553
            DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The Legacy of Columbus 560
    2     European Nations Settle North America 561
    3     The Atlantic Slave Trade 566
    4     The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade 571
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Food Exchange 572
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Mercantilism 574
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Methods of Government 578

Unit 5  1500–1900  Absolutism to Revolution
CHAPTER●21 1500–1800  Absolute Monarchs in Europe 586

    1     Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism 589
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Absolutism 594
    2     The Reign of Louis XIV 596
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The Palace at Versailles 600
    3     Central European Monarchs Clash 603
    4     Absolute Rulers of Russia 608
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Surviving the Russian Winter 612
    5     Parliament Limits the English Monarchy 614
CHAPTER●22 1550–1789  Enlightenment and Revolution 620
    1     The Scientific Revolution 623
    2     The Enlightenment in Europe 629
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: European Values During the Enlightenment 635
    3     The Enlightenment Spreads 636
    4     The American Revolution 640
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Democracy 643
CHAPTER●23 1789–1815  The French Revolution and Napoleon 648
    1     The French Revolution Begins 651
    2     Revolution Brings Reform and Terror 656
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: The Guillotine 659
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: The French Revolution 662
    3     Napoleon Forges an Empire 663
    4     Napoleon’s Empire Collapses 668
    5     The Congress of Vienna 672
CHAPTER●24 1789–1900  Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 678
    1     Latin American Peoples Win Independence 681
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Struggling Toward Democracy 684
    2     Europe Faces Revolutions 687
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Nationalism 688
    3     Nationalism CASE STUDY Italy and Germany 692
    4     Revolutions in the Arts 698
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Revolutions in Painting 702
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Political Revolutions 706

Unit 6 1700–1914  Industrialism and the Race for Empire
CHAPTER●25 1700–1900  The Industrial Revolution 714

    1     The Beginnings of Industrialization 717
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Revolutions in Technology 719
    2     Industrialization  CASE STUDY Manchester 723
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Industrialization 727
    3     Industrialization Spreads 729
    4     Reforming the Industrial World 734
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Capitalism vs. Socialism 737
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: Industrialization 741
CHAPTER●26 1815–1914  An Age of Democracy and Progress 744
    1     Democratic Reform and Activism 747
    2     Self-Rule for British Colonies 751
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Life in Early Australia 756
    3     War and Expansion in the United States 758
    4     Nineteenth-Century Progress 762
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Edison’s Inventions 763
CHAPTER●27 1850–1914  The Age of Imperialism 770
    1     The Scramble for Africa 773
    2     Imperialism CASE STUDY Nigeria 779
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Imperialism 780
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: Views of Imperialism 785
    3     Europeans Claim Muslim Lands 786
    4     British Imperialism in India 791
    5     Imperialism in Southeast Asia 796
CHAPTER●28 1800–1914  Transformations Around the Globe 802
    1     China Resists Outside Influence 805
    2     Modernization in Japan 810
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Japanese Woodblock Printing 814
    3     U.S. Economic Imperialism 816
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Panama Canal 820
    4     Turmoil and Change in Mexico 822
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Scientific and Technological Changes 830

Unit 7  1900–1945  The World at War
CHAPTER●29 1914–1918  The Great War 838

    1     Marching Toward War 841
    2     Europe Plunges into War 845
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The New Weapons of War 848
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Military Aviation 850
    3     A Global Conflict 851
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: Views of War 857
    4     A Flawed Peace 858
CHAPTER●30 1900–1939  Revolution and Nationalism 864
    1     Revolutions in Russia 867
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Communism 872
    2     Totalitarianism  CASE STUDY Stalinist Russia 874
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Totalitarianism 875
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Propaganda 880
    3     Imperial China Collapses 882
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: The Long March 885
    4     Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia 887
CHAPTER●31 1919–1939  Years of Crisis 894
    1     Postwar Uncertainty 897
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Labor-Saving Devices in the United States 902
    2     A Worldwide Depression 904
    3     Fascism Rises in Europe 910
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Fascism 911
    4     Aggressors Invade Nations 915
CHAPTER●32 1939–1945  World War II 922
    1     Hitler’s Lightning War 925
    2     Japan’s Pacific Campaign 931
    3     The Holocaust 936
    4     The Allied Victory 940
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Arming for War 946
    5     Europe and Japan in Ruins 948
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: The Changing Nature of Warfare 954

Unit 8  1945–Present  Perspectives on the Present
CHAPTER●33 1945–Present  Restructuring the Postwar World 962

    1     Cold War: Superpowers Face Off 965
           SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: The Space Race 971
    2     Communists Take Power in China 972
    3     Wars in Korea and Vietnam 976
    4     The Cold War Divides the World 982
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: How the Cold War Was Fought 983
    5     The Cold War Thaws 988
CHAPTER●34 1945–Present  The Colonies Become New Nations 994
    1     The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom 997
    2     Southeast Asian Nations Gain Independence 1004
           SOCIAL HISTORY: Changing Times in Southeast Asia 1010
    3     New Nations in Africa 1012
    4     Conflicts in the Middle East 1017
           HISTORY IN DEPTH: Signs of Hope 1022
    5     Central Asia Struggles 1024
CHAPTER●35 1945–Present  Struggles for Democracy 1030
    1     Democracy
           CASE STUDY Latin American Democracies 1033
    2     The Challenge of Democracy in Africa 1040
    3     The Collapse of the Soviet Union 1046
    4     Changes in Central and Eastern Europe 1052
            HISTORY IN DEPTH: Ethnic Groups in the Former Yugoslavia 1057
    5     China: Reform and Reaction 1059
           HISTORY THROUGH ART: Photojournalism 1064
CHAPTER●36 1960–Present  Global Interdependence 1068
    1     The Impact of Science and Technology 1071
    2     Global Economic Development 1075
           ANALYZING KEY CONCEPTS: Globalization 1078
           DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES: Economics and the Environment 1081
    3     Global Security Issues 1082
    4     Terrorism CASE STUDY September 11, 2001 1087
    5     Cultures Blend in a Global Age 1093
           GLOBAL IMPACT: Rock ‘n’ Roll 1094
           COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: Nation Building 1100


World History Patterns of Interaction Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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