Sunday, December 13, 2015

Epigenetics and Human Health

Epigenetics and Human Health
Buku ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2010  oleh  WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:   Epigenetics and Human Health
Oleh:    Alexander G. Haslberger  et al(Editor)
Penerbit:   WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
KGaA, Weinheim
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman:  322  hal.

Dr. Alexander G. Haslberger
University of Vienna
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Althanstrasse 14
1090 Vienna

Mag. Sabine Gressler
Barichgasse 30/4/54
1030 Vienna

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengambil pendekatan transdisciplinary berfokus pada pemahaman baru dari epigenetik dan gen - interaksi lingkungan untuk ilmiah, biomedis, toksikologi, lingkungan, gizi, evolusi dan peraturan aspek.  Buku ini  berfokus pada pandangan dari banyak ilmuwan yang luar biasa bekerja di  bidang  yang berbeda terhadap epigenetik dan interaksi lingkungan kesehatan.
Bagian I dari buku menekankan interaksi antara konsep keragaman genetik, epigenetik, kesehatan lingkungan, epidemiologi molekuler, nutrisi dan teori evolusi. Bagian II berfokus pada aspek keturunan, Bagian III di aspek lingkungan dan toksikologi. Bagian IV meluas pada aspek gizi.
Bagian V pemahaman baru epigenetik dan interaksi kesehatan lingkungan  secara rinci dalam studi kasus bidang seperti ginekologi, onkologi, menular penyakit, asma, atau penyakit neurodegenerative. Yang terakhir Bagian VI mengeksplorasi konsep untuk menerjemahkan pemahaman baru dalam kebijakan kesehatan masyarakat dan strategi termasuk aspek etika pokok.
Buku ini ditargetkan pada para ilmuwan, lingkungan, ahli gizi dan kesehatan, genetika, ahli dalam ilmu komunikasi, pembuat kebijakan, para ahli dari standar pengaturan otoritas, guru serta scientifi konsumen Cally mengalami tertarik pada aspek interdisipliner di  bidang   ini.

Daftar Isi:

Preface XV
List of Contributors XVII

Part I General Introduction
1  The Research Program in Epigenetics: The Birth of a New Paradigm 3

    Paolo Vineis
    References 5
2  Interactions Between Nutrition and Health 7
    Ibrahim Elmadfa
    2.1 Introduction 7
    2.2 Epigenetic Effects of the Diet 8
    2.3 Current Nutrition Related Health Problems 8
3  Epigenetics: Comments from an Ecologist 11
    Fritz Schiemer
    References 12
4  Interaction of Hereditary and Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Regulation of Gene Expression 13
    Thaler Roman, Eva Aumüller, Carolin Berner, and Alexander G. Haslberger
    4.1 Hereditary Dispositions 13
    4.2 The Epigenome 14
    4.3 Epigenetic Mechanisms 15
    4.4 Environmental Infl uences 20
    4.5 Dietary Effects 22
    4.6 Inheritance and Evolutionary Aspects 28
    4.7 Conclusion 29
    References 30

Part II Hereditary Aspects
5  Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T and A1298C Polymorphisms and Cancer Risk: A 
    Review of the Published Meta-Analyses 37
    Stefania Boccia
    5.1 Key Concepts of Population-Based Genetic Association Studies 37
    5.2 Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene Polymorphisms (C677T and A1298C) and Its         
          Association with Cancer Risk 41
    5.3 Meta-Analyses of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T and A1298C Polymorphisms and
         Cancer 44
    References 47
6  The Role of Biobanks for the Understanding of Gene–Environment Interactions 51
    Christian Viertler, Michaela Mayrhofer, and Kurt Zatloukal
    6.1 Background 51
    6.2 The Investigation of Gene–Environment Interactions as a Challenge for Biobanks 55
    References 60
7  Case Studies on Epigenetic Inheritance 63
    Gunnar Kaati
    7.1 Introduction 64
    7.2 Methodology 65
    7.3 Patterns of Transgenerational Responses 70
    7.4 Epigenetic Inheritance 77
    7.5 Future Directions 80
    7.6 Conclusions 81
    References 83

Part III Environmental and Toxicological Aspects
8  Genotoxic, Non-Genotoxic and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Chemical Hepatocarcinogenesis: 

    Implications for Safety Evaluation 89
    Wilfried Bursch
    8.1 Introduction 90
    8.2 Genotoxic and Non-Genotoxic Chemicals in Relation to the Multistage Model of Cancer
          Development 91
    8.3 Concluding Remarks 97
    References 99
9  Carcinogens in Foods: Occurrence, Modes of Action and Modulation of Human Risks by 
    Genetic Factors and Dietary Constituents 105
    M. Mišík, A. Nersesyan, W. Parzefall, and S. Knasmüller
    9.1 Introduction 105
    9.2 Genotoxic Carcinogens in Human Foods 106
    9.3 Contribution of Genotoxic Dietary Carcinogens to Human Cancer Risks 111
    9.4 Protective Effects of Dietary Components Towards DNA-Reactive Carcinogens 112
    9.5 Gene Polymorphisms Affecting the Metabolism of Genotoxic Carcinogens 114
    9.6 Concluding Remarks, Epigenetics and Outlook 118
References 118

Part IV Nutritional Aspects
10 From Molecular Nutrition to Nutritional Systems Biology 127

    Guy Vergères
    10.1 Impact of Life Sciences on Molecular Nutrition Research 127
    10.2 Nutrigenomics 129
    10.3 Nutrigenetics 133
    10.4 Nutri-Epigenetics 135
    10.5 Nutritional Systems Biology 137
    10.6 Ethics and Socio-Economics of Modern Nutrition Research 137
    References 139
11 Effects of Dietary Natural Compounds on DNA Methylation Related to Cancer 
     Chemoprevention and Anticancer Epigenetic Therapy 141
    Barbara Maria Stefanska and Krystyna Fabianowska-Majewska
    11.1 Introduction 141
    11.2 DNA Methylation Reaction 142
    11.3 Implication of the Selected Natural Compounds in DNA Methylation Regulation 144
    11.4 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 151
    References 152
12 Health Determinants Throughout the Life Cycle 157
    Petra Rust
    12.1 Introduction 157
    12.2 Pre- and Postnatal Determinants 159
    12.3 Determinants During Infancy and Adulthood 160
    12.4 Determinants in Adults and Older People 160
    12.5 Interactions Throughout the Lifecycle 161
    12.6 Intergenerational Effects 161
    References 162

Part V Case Studies
13 Viral Infections and Epigenetic Control Mechanisms 167

    Klaus R. Huber
    13.1 The Evolutionary Need for Control Mechanisms 167
    13.2 Control by RNA Silencing 168
    13.3 Viral Infections and Epigenetic Control Mechanisms 169
    13.4 Epigenetics and Adaptive Immune Responses 171
    References 171

14 Epigenetics Aspects in Gyneacology and Reproductive Medicine 173
    Alexander Just and Johannes Huber
    References 178
15 Epigenetics and Tumorigenesis 179
    Heidrun Karlic and Franz Varga
    15.1 Introduction 179
    15.2 Role of Metabolism Within the Epigenetic Network 181
    15.3 Epigenetic Modifi cation by DNA Methylation During Lifetime 183
    15.4 Interaction of Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer 184
    15.5 DNA Methylation in Normal and Cancer Cells 185
    15.6 Promoter Hypermethylation in Hematopoietic Malignancies 186
    15.7 Hypermethylated Gene Promoters in Solid Cancers 187
    15.8 Interaction DNA Methylation and Chromatin 188
    References 190
16 Epigenetic Approaches in Oncology 195
    Sabine Zöchbauer-Müller and Robert M. Mader
    16.1 Introduction 195
    16.2 DNA Methylation, Chromatin and Transcription 196
    16.3 Methods for Detecting Methylation 197
    16.4 The Paradigm of Lung Cancer 198
    16.5 Epigenetics and Therapy 200
    16.6 Epigenetic Alterations Under Cytotoxic Stress 201
    16.7 Therapeutic Applications of Inhibitors of DNA Methylation 202
    16.8 How May Methylation Become Relevant to Clinical Applications? 203
    16.9 Conclusions 204
    References 205
17 Epigenetic Dysregulation in Aging and Cancer 209
    Despina Komninou and John P. Richie
    17.1 Introduction 210
    17.2 The Cancer-Prone Metabolic Phenotype of Aging 210
    17.3 Age-Related Epigenetic Silencing Via DNA Methylation 212
    17.4 Infl ammatory Control of Age-Related Epigenetic Regulators 214
    17.5 Lessons from Anti-Aging Modalities 215
    17.6 Conclusions 217
    References 218
18 The Impact of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Neurodegeneration: Emerging Role of 
     Epigenetics 225
    Lucia Migliore and Fabio Coppedè
    18.1 Neurodegenerative Diseases 225
    18.2 The Role of Causative and Susceptibility Genes in Neurodegenerative Diseases 226
    18.3 The Contribution of Environmental Factors to Neurodegenerative Diseases 231
    18.4 Epigenetics, Environment and Susceptibility to Human Diseases 233
    18.5 Epigenetics and Neurodegenerative Diseases 234
    18.6 The Epigenetic Role of the Diet in Neurodegenerative Diseases 237
    18.7 Concluding Remarks 238
    References 239
19 Epigenetic Biomarkers in Neurodegenerative Disorders 245
    Borut Peterlin
    19.1 Introduction 245
    19.2 Epigenetic Marks in Inherited Neurological and Neurodegenerative Disorders 246
    19.3 Epigenetic Dysregulation in Neurodegenerative Disorders 247
    19.4 Gene Candidates for Epigenetic Biomarkers 248
    19.5 Conclusions 249
    References 250
20 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Asthma 253
    Rachel L. Miller and Julie Herbstman
    20.1 Introduction 253
    20.2 Epigenetic Mechanisms 255
    20.3 Fetal Basis of Adult Disease 255
    20.4 Fetal Basis of Asthma 256
    20.5 Experimental Evidence 257
    20.6 Epigenetic Mechanisms in Asthma 257
    20.7 Cell-Specifi c Responses 259
    20.8 Conclusion 259
    References 260

Part VI Ways to Translate the Concept
21 Public Health Genomics – Integrating Genomics and Epigenetics into National and European 

     Health Strategies and Policies 267
    Tobias Schulte in den Bäumen and Angela Brand
    21.1 Public Health and Genomics 267
    21.2 The Bellagio Model of Public Health Genomics 268
    21.3 The Public Health Genomics European Network 271
    21.4 From Public Health Genomics to Public Health and Epigenetics/ Epigenomics 272
    21.5 Health in All Policies – Translating Epigenetics/Epigenomics into Policies and Practice 272
    21.6 Health in All Policies as a Guiding Concept for European Policies 273
    21.7 Relative Risk and Risk Regulation – A Model for the Regulation of Epigenetic Risks? 274
    21.8 Attributable Risks and Risk Regulation 275
    21.9 Translating Attributable Risks into Policies 275
    21.10 Limits to the Concept of Health in All Policies in Genomics and Epigenetics 277
    21.11 Conclusion 278
    References 278
22 Taking a First Step: Epigenetic Health and Responsibility 281
    Astrid H. Gesche
    22.1 Introduction 281
    22.2 Responding to Epigenetic Challenges 282
    22.3 Responsibility and Public Health Care Policy 283
    22.4 Conclusion 284
References 285
Index 287


Epigenetics and Human Health Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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