Sunday, December 13, 2015

There is no such thing as a natural disaster : race, class, and Hurricane Katrina

There is no such thing as a natural disaster : race, class, and Hurricane Katrina
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun  2006  oleh   Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, LLc.  New York buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul: There is no such thing as a natural disaster : race, class, and Hurricane Katrina
Oleh:   Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (Editor)
Penerbit:   Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, LLc.  New York
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman:  324 hal.

Chester Hartman ( adalah Direktur for the Washington, D.C.-based Poverty & Race Research Action Council,  ia mendirikan Direktur Eksekutif 1990-2003. Dia juga pendiri dan mantan Ketua The The Planners Network, organisasi nasional perencana perkotaan progresif. Dia saat ini melayani di Jangka Panjang Perencanaan masyarakat Task Force Pemulihan Kewenangan dari Gubernur Blanco Louisiana. Buku-bukunya terbaru yang  Dijual: The Transformation of San Francisco (University of California Press, 2002); Between Eminence and Notoriety: Four Decades of Radical Urban Planning (Rutgers Center for Urban Policy Research, 2002); A Right to Housing: Foundation for a New Social Agenda (Temple University Press, 2006); and Poverty & Race in America: The Emerging Agendas (Lexington Books, 2006).

Gregory D. Squires ( adalah Profesor  Sociology, and Public Policy and Public Administration, dan Ketua Department of Sociology di The George Washington University. Dia adalah anggota dari Direksi dari Board of Directors of the Woodstock Institute, Dewan Penasehat John Marshall John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Support Center di Chicago, dan Dewan Penasehat Board of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council. Dia telah menjabat sebagai konsultan untuk organisasi hak-hak sipil di seluruh negeri, termasuk HUD dan Perumahan Adil Aliansi Nasional, dan sebagai anggota Konsumen National Fair Housing Alliance, and as a member of the Federal Reserve Board’s Consumer. Ia telah menulis beberapa jurnal akademik dan kepentingan umum publikasi, termasuk Housing Policy Debate, Urban Studies, Social Science Quarterly, Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, New York Times, and Washington Post. His recent books include Urban Sprawl (Urban Institute Press, 2002), Organizing Access to Capital (Temple University Press, 2003), Why the Poor Pay More: How to Stop Predatory Lending (Praeger, 2004), and Privileged Places: Race, Residence, and the Structure of Opportunity (with Charis E. Kubrin, Lynne Rienner, 2006).

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini membahas tentang bencana alam meliputi:  1) Pra-Katrina, Post-Katrina,  2)  Masalah Pemulihan Bencana,  3) Oral History, Folklore, dan Katrina , 4)  Menuju Transformatif View of Ras: Krisis dan Peluang Katrina,  5)  Ditinggalkan Sebelum Badai: The Bencana Mencolok dari Gender, Ras, dan Kelas Disparitas di Teluk, 6) Katrina dan Politik,  7) Dimana Home? Perumahan untuk Berpenghasilan Rendah Orang Setelah Badai 2005,  8) Reclaiming New Orleans 'Masyarakat, 9) A New Kind of Bencana Medis di Amerika Serikat,  10) Edukasi Masyarakat di New Orleans Sebelum dan Setelah Storm,   11) Sebuah Ekonomi Old untuk "New" New Orleans? Upaya Pembangunan Ekonomi Pasca Badai Katrina, 12)  Dari Kemiskinan ke Prosperity: Peran Kritis Lembaga Keuangan, 13) Peran Local Organizing: Rumah-to-House dengan Boots di Lapangan, dan 14) Membangun Kembali Sebuah Disiksa Past atau Membuat Model Masa Depan: The Limits dan Potensi Plannng .

Daftar Isi:
Foreword vii
Mary Frances Berry
Acknowledgments ix
1     Pre-Katrina, Post-Katrina 1
      Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires
2    A Matter of Choice: Historical Lessons for Disaster Recovery 13
      Michael P. Powers
3    Oral History, Folklore, and Katrina 37
      Alan H. Stein and Gene B. Preuss
4    Towards a Transformative View of Race: The Crisis and Opportunity of Katrina 59
      John a. powell, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Daniel W. Newhart, and Eric Stiens
5    Abandoned Before the Storms: The Glaring Disaster of Gender, Race, and Class Disparities  
      in the Gulf 85
      Avis A. Jones-DeWeever and Heidi Hartmann
6    Katrina and the Politics of Later Life 103
      Margaret Morganroth Gullette
7   Where Is Home? Housing for Low-Income People After the 2005 Hurricanes 121
      Sheila Crowley
8    Reclaiming New Orleans’ Working-Class Communities 167
      Robert O. Zdenek, Ralph Scott, Jane Malone, and Brian Gumm
9    A New Kind of Medical Disaster in the United States 185
      Evangeline (Vangy) Franklin
10  Double Jeopardy: Public Education in New Orleans Before and After the Storm 197
      Michael Casserly
11  An Old Economy for the “New” New Orleans? Post- Hurricane Katrina Economic 
      Development Efforts 215
      Robert K. Whelan
12  From Poverty to Prosperity: The Critical Role of Financial Institutions 233
      John Taylor and Josh Silver
13  The Role of Local Organizing: House-to-House with Boots on the Ground 255
      Wade Rathke and Beulah Laboistrie
14  Rebuilding A Tortured Past or Creating A Model Future: The Limits and Potentials of 
      Plannng 271
      Peter Marcuse
Contributors 291
Index 301


There is no such thing as a natural disaster : race, class, and Hurricane Katrina Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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