Monday, January 18, 2016

Measurement and Assessment in Teaching tenth edition

Measurement and Assessment in Teaching tenth edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh   Pearson, New Jersey adalah buku edisi  kesepuluh

Judul:  Measurement and Assessment in Teaching tenth edition
Oleh: M. David Miller, et al
Penerbit:   Pearson, New Jersey
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman:   560   hal.

M. David Miller
Robert L. Linn
Norman E. Gronlound

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 3 bagian utama, yaitu BAGIAN I PENGUKURAN DAN  PROSES PENILAIAN TERMASUK  Bab 1 Educational Testing dan Penilaian: Konteks, Isu, dan Tren, Bab 2 Peran Pengukuran dan Penilaian dalam Pengajaran, Bab 3  Tujuan  Instruksional dan Sasaran: Yayasan Pengkajian,
Bab 4 Validitas,  dan Bab 5 Keandalan dan Karakteristik Lain yang  diinginkan.
BAGIAN II TES DAN PENILAIAN KELAS meliputi Bab 6 Perencanaan Tes dan Penilaian Kelas,
Bab 7 Membangun Tujuan Uji Produk: Bentuk Simple, Bab 8 Membangun Tujuan Uji Produk: Bentuk Pilihan Ganda, Bab 9 Mengukur Prestasi Complex:  Latihan Interpretasi, Bab 10 Mengukur Prestasi Complex: Esai Pertanyaan, Bab 11 Mengukur Prestasi Complex: Penilaian Berbasis Kinerja,
Bab 12 Portofolio, Bab 13 Prosedur Penilaian: Teknik observasi, Appraisal Peer, dan Self-Report,
Bab 14 Assembling, Penyelenggara, dan Menilai Tes dan Penilaian Kelas, dan  Bab 15 Grading dan Pelaporan.  BAGIAN III PEMILIHAN DAN MENGGUNAKAN TES yang DITERBITKAN, mencakup
Bab 16 Tes Prestasi, Bab 17 Tes Aptitude, Bab 18 Uji Seleksi, Administrasi, dan Penggunaan, dan
Bab 19 Interpreting Uji Skor dan Norma.

Daftar Isi:    

Chapter 1 Educational Testing and Assessment: Context, Issues, and Trends

    Educational Assessment: Barometer and Lever of Reform
    Five Decades of Test-Based Educational Reform
    Technological Advances in Testing and Assessment
    Public Concern About Testing and Assessment
Chapter 2 The Role of Measurement and Assessment in Teaching
    Instructional Decisions Requiring Assessment Data
    Assessment, Test, and Measurement
    General Principles of Assessment
    Assessment and the Instructional Process
    Types of Assessment Procedures
    Summary of Assessment Categories
Chapter 3 Instructional Goals and Objectives: Foundation for Assessment
    Instructional Objectives as Learning Outcomes
    From Overly Specific Objectives to the Thinking Curriculum
    Method of Stating Instructional Objectives
Chapter 4 Validity
    Nature of Validity
    Major Considerations in Assessment Validation
    Content Considerations
    Construct Considerations
    Assessment-Criterion Relationships
    Consideration of Consequences
        Factors Influencing Validity
Chapter 5 Reliability and Other Desired Characteristics
    Nature of Reliability
    Determining Reliability by Correlation Methods
    Standard Error of Measurement
    Factors Influencing Reliability Measures
    Reliability of Assessments Evaluated in Terms of a Fixed Performance Standard

Chapter 6 Planning Classroom Tests and Assessments

    The Purpose of Classroom Testing and Assessment
    Developing Specifications for Tests and Assessments
    Selecting Appropriate Types of Items and Assessment Tasks
    Considerations in Preparing Relevant Test Items and Assessment Tasks
Chapter 7 Constructing Objective Test Items: Simple Forms
    Short-Answer Items
    True-False or Alternative-Response Items
    Matching Exercises
Chapter 8 Constructing Objective Test Items: Multiple-Choice Forms
    Characteristics of Multiple-Choice Items
    Uses of Multiple-Choice Items
    Advantages and Limitations of Multiple-Choice Items
    Suggestions for Constructing Multiple-Choice Items
Chapter 9 Measuring Complex Achievement: The Interpretive Exercise
    Nature of the Interpretive Exercise
    Forms and Uses of the Interpretive Exercise
        Advantages and Limitations of Interpretive Exercises
    Suggestions for Constructing Interpretive Exercises
Chapter 10 Measuring Complex Achievement: Essay Questions
    Forms and Uses of Essay Questions
    Summary Comparison of Learning Outcomes Measured
    Advantages and Limitations of Essay Questions
    Suggestions for Constructing Essay Questions
    Scoring Criteria
    Suggestions for Scoring Essay Questions
Chapter 11 Measuring Complex Achievement: Performance-Based Assessments
    Types of Performance-Based Assessment
    Advantages and Limitations of Performance Assessments
    Suggestions for Constructing Performance Tasks
    Performance Criteria
    Scoring Rubrics and Rating Scales
    Student Participation in Rating
Chapter 12 Portfolios
    What Qualifies as a Portfolio of Student Work?
    Potential Strengths and Weaknesses of Portfolios
    Purpose of Portfolios
    Guidelines for Portfolio Entries
    Guidelines and Students' Role in Selection of Portfolio Entries and Self-Evaluation
    Evaluation Criteria
    Using Portfolios in Instruction and Communication
Chapter 13 Assessment Procedures: Observational Techniques, Peer Appraisal, and Self-Report
    Anecdotal Records
    Student Judgments and Reports
        Peer Appraisal
    Self-Report Techniques
    Attitude Measurement
    Interest Inventories
    Personality Measures
Chapter 14 Assembling, Administering, and Appraising Classroom Tests and Assessments
    Assembling the Classroom Test
    Administering and Scoring Classroom Tests and Assessments
    Appraising Classroom Tests and Assessments
    Building a File of Effective Items and Tasks
Chapter 15 Grading and Reporting
    Functions of Grading and Reporting Systems
    Types of Grading and Reporting Systems
    Multiple Grading and Reporting Systems
    Assigning Letter Grades
    Record-Keeping and Grading Software
    Conducting Parent-Teacher Conferences
    Reporting Standardized Test Results to Parents

Chapter 16 Achievement Tests

    Characteristics of Standardized Achievement Tests
    Standardized Tests versus Informal Classroom Tests
    Standardized Achievement Test Batteries
    Achievement Tests in Specific Areas
    Customized Achievement Tests
    Individual Achievement Tests
Chapter 17 Aptitude Tests
    Achievement and Aptitude Tests
    Scholastic Aptitude and Learning Ability
    Group Tests of Learning Ability
    Individual Tests
    Cautions in Interpreting and Using Learning Ability Scores
    Culture-Fair Testing
    Differential Aptitude Testing
Chapter 18 Test Selection, Administration, and Use
    Obtaining Information About Published Tests
    Selecting Appropriate Tests
    Administering Published Tests
    Using Results of Published Tests
Chapter 19 Interpreting Test Scores and Norms
    Methods of Interpreting Test Scores
    Grade Norms
    Percentile Rank
    Standard Scores
    Skill Analysis
    Judging the Adequacy of Norms
    Using Local Norms
    Cautions in Interpreting Test Scores
Appendix A Elementary Statistics
Appendix B Professional Journals for Locating Measurement and Assessment Articles
Appendix C Content Standards
Appendix D Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students
Appendix E Test Publishers
Appendix F Selected Published Tests
Appendix G Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Appendix H Relating Assessment Procedures to Instructional Objectives


Measurement and Assessment in Teaching tenth edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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