Sunday, April 10, 2016

Study Skills for Business and Management Students

Study Skills for Business and Management Students
Buku diterbitkan Tahun  2009  oleh  McGraw-Hill, New York adalah buku Edisi Pertama.

Judul:   Study Skills for Business and Management Students
Pengarang: Barbara Allan
Penerbit: McGraw-Hill, New York
Tahun:  2009
Jumlah Halaman: 241  hal.

Barbara Allan adalah Direktur Pembelajaran dan pengajaran di Hull University Business School, Inggris dan juga  Director of the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT).  She became a Higher Education Academy National Teaching  Fellow in 2008.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini akan membantu Anda menunjukkan arah diri sendiri dan menjadi akrab dengan ide-ide dan pendekatan untuk belajar yang diperlukan untuk menjadi sukses dalam bisnis atau manajemen. Buku ini ditulis sebagai panduan referensi umum. Tujuan dari buku ini adalah untuk memberikan panduan pada keterampilan akademik yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses di bisnis atau manajemen program studi Anda. Dengan membaca buku ini akan diperoleh:
• keterampilan manajemen pribadi Anda
• Anda bisa mencapai sukses di tempat kerja
• pemahaman pendekatan yang berbeda untuk belajar dan mengajar yang digunakan pada    
• pemahaman dan persiapan diri untuk metode penilaian yang berbeda
• keberhasilan merencanakan dan menyelesaikan perpanjangan proyek, disertasi atau independen
• keterampilan bekerja dalam kelompok
• keterampilan merencanakan dan mengambil bagian dalam pengalaman profesional dan belajar di
  luar  Negeri.

Daftar Isi: 
Series editor’s preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
1  Introduction 1
    Introduction 1
    Getting started on your degree programme 2
    What do you study on a business or management degree? 3
    Ethics and professionalism 5
    Subjects not covered in this book 5
    Topics covered in this book 7
    Summary 13
2  Personal management skills 14
    Introduction 14
    Identifying your skills 15
    Becoming organized 18
    Personal goals 22
    Managing your time 24
    Looking after yourself 29
    Managing your emotions 30
    Gaining help and support 34
    Summary 36
3  Different approaches to becoming a success in the workplace 37
    Introduction 37
    Overview of theories of learning 38
    Becoming a reflective learner 48
    Making the most of different learning opportunities 52
    Developing your portfolio 55
    Summary 56
4  Studying at university 58
    Introduction 58
    Tutor-centred and student-centred approaches to teaching and learning 59
    Making the most of lectures 61
    Contributing to seminars 63
    Using e-learning 64
    Getting the most out of tutorials 67
    Independent study 68
    Experiential learning 69
    Working on case studies 70
    Inquiry based learning (IBL) 71
    Action learning 75
    Learning and developing using a learning journal 76
    Summary 79
5  Finding and using business and management information 80

    Introduction 80
    The production and dissemination of knowledge 81
    Searching and finding business and management information 82
    Identifying and selecting relevant information 89
    Academic reading skills 91
    References and referencing 97
    Summary 106
6  Assessment 107
    Introduction 107
    Examinations 109
    Online assessment activities 115
    Assignments 116
    Presentations 126
    Oral or viva voce examinations 131
    Portfolios 133
    Learning journals 135
    Plagiarism and other forms of cheating 136
    Summary 140
7  Planning and carrying out your project, dissertation or independent study 141
    Introduction 141
    Project management 142
    Getting the most out of supervision sessions 144
    Working with public, private or voluntary sector organizations 146
    Getting started and identifying your topic 148
    Writing your research proposal 149
    Research approach, methodologies and methods 150
    Writing up 161
    Summary 165
8  Working in groups 167
    Introduction 167
    Reasons for using group work 168
    Effective student groups 169
    Organizing and getting the most out of meetings 171
    Working in diverse groups 176
    Virtual groups 179
    Common problems in group work 181
    Managing the emotional aspects of group work 183
    Summary 184
9  Professional experience and study abroad 185
    Introduction 185
    Professional experience 186
    Study abroad 192
    Assessing the professional experience or study abroad experiences 207
    Summary 209
10  Where do I go from here? 210
    Introduction 210
    Gaining Employment 210
    What do you want to do next? 211
    Searching for employment opportunities 212
    Developing your career as a reflective manager 217
    Keeping in touch – professional networks 218
    Further study 220
    Summary 221
References 223
Index 225


Study Skills for Business and Management Students Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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