Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Teachers and Educational Quality

Teachers and Educational Quality: Monitoring Global Needs for 2015
Buku Ini   adalah buku diterbitkan tahun 2006  UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:   Teachers and Educational Quality: Monitoring Global Needs for 2015
Oleh:   Institute for Statistics
Penerbit:  UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman:  217  hal.

Institute for Statistics

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 3 pembahasan utama, yaitu Pasokan Guru dan Permintaan: Sebuah laporan status global. Pelatihan Guru, kualifikasi dan kualitas pendidikan. Dan Menyeimbangkan kuantitas dan kualitas untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar guru.

Daftar isi:
Foreword   3
Acknowledgements  5
Table of contents  7
List of figures, tables and text boxes   8
Chapter 1. Teacher supply and demand: A global status report   11
    Section 1. Teacher supply and demand: Global and regional trends  12
    Section 2. The characteristics of teaching forces  34
    Section 3. Projecting teacher needs to 2015  41
Chapter 2. Teacher training, qualifications and education quality  49
    Section 1. Teachers and minimum qualification standards    50
    Section 2. Beyond minimum qualifications: Teachers’ education levels   58
    Section 3. Measuring academic skills of teachers   67
    Section 4. Continuing professional development of teachers  71
Chapter 3: Balancing teacher quantity and quality to improve learning outcomes  78
    Section 1. Balancing the number and quality of teachers  79
    Section 2. Balancing teacher deployment and conditions of service  88
    Section 3. Concluding remarks  100
References  104
Annex 1. Methodology for simulating teacher demand for 2015   108
Annex 2. Primary and secondary education indicators   111
Annex 3. Teacher ages, qualifications, workloads and salaries  174
Annex 4. Regions  214

Teachers and Educational Quality Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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