Monday, April 28, 2014

Accounting Real-World Applications & Connections

Accounting Real-World Applications & Connections (Aplikasi Akuntansi dan Hubungannya dengan Dunia Nyata)

Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2010 oleh The National AcademicPress, Washington DC

Judul: Accounting Real-World Applications & Connections (Aplikasi Akuntansi dan Hubungannya dengan Dunia Nyata)
Oleh: Donald J. Guerrieri, etal
Penerbit: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Company
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 974  hal.


Donald J. Guerrieri  mengajar akuntansi pada dua tingkat pendidikan yaitu tingat pendidikan menengah dan tingkat perguruan tinggi. Karyanya untuk sebuah perusahaan akuntan publik bersertifikat memberinya handson pengalaman dalam bekerja dengan klien di dunia nyata. Dr Guerrieri telah menulis berbagai artikel tentang mengajar akuntansi untuk sejumlah jurnal pendidikan. Sekarang sudah pensiun dari jabatannya sebagai Accounting Instruktur di Norwin High School, North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, ia adalah seorang pembicara program di banyak seminar dan konferensi  pendidikan bisnis.

F. Barry Haber telah mengajarkan prinsip program akuntansi untuk ribuan siswa selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Dr Haber adalah akuntan publik bersertifikat dan telah bekerja pada Minority Doctoral Fellows Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Selain mengajar prinsip akuntansi, Dr Haber telah menulis tiga buku lain selain sejumlah artikel tentang akuntansi. Dia adalah pensiun dari jabatannya sebagai Guru Besar Akuntansi di Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina .

William B. Hoyt adalah Instruktur Akuntansi Wilton High School, Wilton, Connecticut. Ia telah menjadi seorang ahli akuntansi dalam program pengembangan kurikulum selama bertahun-tahun dan menjabat sebagai anggota gugus tugas menulis untuk the National Standards for Business Education. Menulis berbagai artikel dalam jurnal profesional, Mr Hoyt  diangkat sebagai Connecticut’s Outstanding Business the Year pada tahun 1996 , dan pada tahun 1997 the National Business Education Association memberi penghargaan sebagai National Secondary Teacher of the Year.

Robert E. Turner adalah Asisten Profesor di College of Bisnis di Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Sebelumnya, ia menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden untuk Urusan bisnis di McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana, dan di University of Louisiana di Monroe. Pengalaman yang luas Mr Turner meliputi mengajar mata pelajaran akuntansi dan bisnis lainnya di sekolah tinggi dan tingkat perguruan tinggi. Dia sering menjadi pembicara utama pada konferensi pendidikan, seminar, dan lokakarya di seluruh negeri
Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Unit yang terdiri dari 29 Bab. Unit 1 terdiri atas 2 Bab, yaitu Bab 1 dan Bab 2 yang membahas tentang Pengantar Akuntansi. Unit 2 terdiri atas 9 Bab, yaitu Bab 3 dan Bab 11 yang menyajikan tentang Dasar Siklus Akuntansi. Unit 3 terdiri atas 2 Bab, yaitu Bab 12 dan Bab 13 yang membahas tentang Akuntansi untuk Sistim Penggajian. Unit 4 terdiri atas 8 Bab, yaitu Bab 14 sampai dengan Bab 21 dengan pembahasan tentang Siklus Akuntansi untuk Perusahaan Perdagangan. Unit 5 terdiri atas  5 Bab yaitu Bab 22 sampai dengan Bab 26 yang membahas tentang Prosedur Khusus Akuntansi.    Unit 6 terdiri atas 3 Bab dengan pokok bahasan Topik Tambahan tentang Akutansi.

Sebagaimana seluruh buku terbitan MCGraw-Hill yang lain, buku ini ini didesain dengan apik sebagaimana karakteristik terbitan McGraw-Hill. Desain bagus, rapi, full gambar, full warna, dan organisasi tulisan yang konsisten.

Daftar Isi Buku:
Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting
Chapter 1 You and the World of Accounting 4
           Thinking About a Career: National Geographic Society
           Section 1 Exploring Careers 6
           Assessment 12
           Section 2 Accounting Careers: The Possibilities Are Endless! 13
           Assessment 16
           Accounting Careers in Focus 17
           Chapter Summary 18
           Chapter Review and Activities 20
           Chapter Problems 21
           Winning Competitive Events 23
           Real-World Applications and Connections 24

Chapter 2 The World of Business and Accounting 26
           Becoming an Entrepreneur: Aveda Corporation
           Section 1 Exploring the World of Business 28
           Assessment 32
           Section 2 Accounting: The Universal Language of Business 33
           Assessment 36
           Accounting Careers in Focus 37
           Chapter Summary 38
           Chapter Review and Activities 40
           Chapter Problems 41
           Winning Competitive Events 43
            Real-World Applications and Connections 44

Unit 2  The Basic Accounting Cycle
Chapter 3  Business Transactions and the Accounting Equation 48
           Investing Capital: HARPO Productions, Inc.
           Section 1 Property and Financial Claims 50
          Assessment 53
          Section 2 Transactions That Affect Owner’s Investment, Cash, and Credit    54
          Assessment 59
          Section 3 Transactions That Affect Revenue, Expense, and Withdrawals by the Owner 60
          Assessment 63
          Chapter Summary 64
          Chapter Review and Activities 66
          Computerized Accounting 67
          Chapter Problems 68
          Winning Competitive Events 73
          Real-World Applications and Connections 74
Chapter 4 Transactions That Affect Assets, Liabilities, and Owner’s Capital  76
          Analyzing Business Transactions: Panda Restaurant Group
          Section 1 Accounts and the Double-Entry Accounting System 78
          Assessment 82
          Section 2 Applying the Rules of Debit and Credit 83
          Assessment 88
          Accounting Careers in Focus 89
          Chapter Summary 90
          Chapter Review and Activities 92
          Computerized Accounting 93
          Chapter Problems 94
          Winning Competitive Events 99
           Real-World Applications and Connections 100
Chapter 5 Transactions That Affect Revenue, Expenses, and Withdrawals   102
          Analyzing Revenue and Expenses: Southwest Airlines
          Section 1 Relationship of Revenue, Expenses, and Withdrawals to Owner’s Equity  104
          Assessment 110
          Section 2 Applying the Rules of Debit and Credit to Revenue, Expense, and Withdrawals
          Transactions 111
          Assessment 116
          Accounting Careers in Focus 117
          Chapter Summary 118
          Chapter Review and Activities 120
          Computerized Accounting 121
          Chapter Problems 122
          Winning Competitive Events 127
          Real-World Applications and Connections 128
Chapter 6 Recording Transactions in a General Journal 130
          Recording Financial Information: Google Inc.
          Section 1 The Accounting Cycle 132
          Assessment 135
          Section 2 Recording Transactions in the General Journal 136
          Assessment 149
          Chapter Summary 150
          Chapter Review and Activities 152
          Computerized Accounting 153
          Chapter Problems 154
          Winning Competitive Events 159
          Real-World Applications and Connections 160
Chapter 7 Posting Journal Entries to General Ledger Accounts 162
         Accounts and the General Ledger: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
         Section 1 The General Ledger 164
         Assessment 167
         Section 2 The Posting Process 168
         Assessment 175
         Accounting Careers in Focus 176
         Section 3 Preparing a Trial Balance 177
         Assessment 181
         Chapter Summary 182
         Chapter Review and Activities 184
         Computerized Accounting 185
         Chapter Problems 186
         Winning Competitive Events 189
         Real-World Applications and Connections 190
         Mini Practice Set 1 Web Sites 192
         Setting Up Accounting Records for a Sole Proprietorship
Chapter 8 The Six-Column Work Sheet 194
         Summarizing Results: American Express Company
         Section 1 Preparing the Work Sheet 196
         Assessment 200
         Section 2 Completing the Work Sheet 201
         Assessment 207
         Chapter Summary 208
         Chapter Review and Activities 210
         Computerized Accounting 211
         Chapter Problems 212
         Winning Competitive Events 215
         Real-World Applications and Connections 216
Chapter 9 Financial Statements for a Sole Proprietorship 218
         Preparing Financial Statements: Tapatío Hot Sauce Company
         Section 1 The Income Statement 220
         Assessment 224
         Section 2 The Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity 225
         Assessment 229
         Accounting Careers in Focus 230
         Section 3 The Balance Sheet and the Statement of  Cash Flows    231
         Assessment 237
         Chapter Summary 238
         Chapter Review and Activities 240
         Computerized Accounting 241
         Chapter Problems 242
         Winning Competitive Events 245
         Real-World Applications and Connections 246
Chapter 10 Completing the Accounting Cycle  for a Sole Proprietorship   248
         Looking at Fiscal Year-End Activities: Radio Flyer
         Section 1 Preparing Closing Entries 250
        Assessment 259
        Section 2 Posting Closing Entries and Preparing a Post- Closing Trial Balance  260
        Assessment 263
        Chapter Summary 264
        Chapter Review and Activities 266
        Computerized Accounting 267
        Chapter Problems 268
        Winning Competitive Events 273
        Real-World Applications and Connections 274
Chapter 11 Cash Control and Banking Activities 276
        Controlling Cash: Jamba Juice
        Section 1 Banking Procedures 278
        Assessment 283
        Section 2 Reconciling the Bank Statement 284
        Assessment 292
        Accounting Careers in Focus 293
        Chapter Summary 294
        Chapter Review and Activities 296
        Computerized Accounting 297
        Chapter Problems 298
        Winning Competitive Events 301
        Real-World Applications and Connections 302
        Mini Practice Set 2 Fast Track Tutoring Service 304
        Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Sole Proprietorship

Unit 3 Accounting for a Payroll System 306 

Chapter 12 Payroll Accounting 308
        Moving Into the Workforce: Symantec Corporation
        Section 1 Calculating Gross Earnings 310
        Assessment 314
        Section 2 Payroll Deductions 315
        Assessment 319
        Section 3 Payroll Records 320
        Assessment 325
        Chapter Summary 326
        Chapter Review and Activities 328
        Computerized Accounting 329
        Chapter Problems 330
        Winning Competitive Events 335
        Real-World Applications and Connections 336
Chapter 13 Payroll Liabilities and Tax Records 338
        Evaluating Payroll Costs: Verizon Wireless
        Section 1 Journalizing and Posting the Payroll 340
        Assessment 345
        Section 2 Employer’s Payroll Taxes 346
        Assessment 350
        Section 3 Tax Liability Payments and Tax Reports 351
        Assessment 360
        Accounting Careers in Focus 361
        Chapter Summary 362
        Chapter Review and Activities 364
        Computerized Accounting 365
        Chapter Problems 366
        Winning Competitive Events 369
        Real-World Applications and Connections 370
        Mini Practice Set 3 Green Thumb Plant Service 372
        Payroll Accounting

Unit 4 The Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Corporation   376
Chapter 14 Accounting for Sales and Cash Receipts 378
        Analyzing Sales: Underground Station
        Section 1 Accounting for a Merchandising Business 380
        Assessment 383
        Section 2 Analyzing Sales Transactions 384
        Assessment 392
        Section 3 Analyzing Cash Receipt Transactions 393
        Assessment 401
        Chapter Summary 402
        Chapter Review and Activities 404
        Computerized Accounting 405
        Chapter Problems 406
        Winning Competitive Events 411
        Real-World Applications and Connections 412
Chapter 15 Accounting for Purchases and Cash Payments  414
        Analyzing Purchases: Suncoast Motion Picture Company
        Section 1 Purchasing Items Needed by a Business 416
        Assessment 420
        Section 2 Analyzing and Recording Purchases on Account 421
        Assessment 427
        Accounting Careers in Focus 428
        Section 3 Analyzing and Recording Cash Payments 429
        Assessment 435
        Chapter Summary 436
        Chapter Review and Activities 438
        Computerized Accounting 439
        Chapter Problems 440
        Winning Competitive Events 445
         Real-World Applications and Connections 446
Chapter 16 Special Journals: Sales and Cash Receipts 448
        Analyzing Sales Growth: The Sharper Image
        Section 1 The Sales Journal 450
        Assessment 458
        Section 2 The Cash Receipts Journal 459
        Assessment 469
        Chapter Summary 470
        Chapter Review and Activities 472
        Computerized Accounting 473
        Chapter Problems 474
        Winning Competitive Events 477
        Real-World Applications and Connections 478
Chapter 17 Special Journals: Purchases and Cash Payments 480
        Looking at the Role of Purchases: Adler Planetarium &
       Astronomy Museum
       Section 1 The Purchases Journal 482
       Assessment 488
       Section 2 The Cash Payments Journal 489
       Assessment 502
       Accounting Careers in Focus 503
       Chapter Summary 504
       Chapter Review and Activities 506
       Computerized Accounting 507
       Chapter Problems 508
       Winning Competitive Events 513
        Real-World Applications and Connections 514
Chapter 18 Adjustments and the Ten-Column Work Sheet 
Analyzing Adjustments: Plantronics, Inc. 516     
       Section 1 Identifying Accounts to Be Adjusted and Adjusting Merchandise Inventory  518
       Assessment 523
       Section 2 Adjusting Supplies, Prepaid Insurance, and  Federal Corporate Income Tax   524
       Assessment 528
        Section 3 Completing the Work Sheet and Journalizing and Posting the Adjusting Entries  529
       Assessment 537
       Chapter Summary 538
       Chapter Review and Activities 540
       Computerized Accounting 541
       Chapter Problems 542
       Winning Competitive Events 547
        Real-World Applications and Connections 54
Chapter 19 Financial Statements for a Corporation
Analyzing Corporate Financial Statements: 
        99 Cents Only Stores 550   
        Section 1 The Ownership of a Corporation 552
        Assessment 556
        Section 2 The Income Statement 557
        Assessment 564
        Section 3 The Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash             

            Flows   565
        Assessment 571
        Chapter Summary 572
        Chapter Review and Activities 574
        Computerized Accounting 575
        Chapter Problems 576
        Winning Competitive Events 579
         Real-World Applications and Connections 580
         Mini Practice Set 4 In-Touch Electronics 582
         Recording Business Transactions in Special Journals
Chapter 20 Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Corporation   586
        Section 1 Journalizing Closing Entries 588
        Assessment 592
        Section 2 Posting Closing Entries 593
        Assessment 599
        Chapter Summary 600
        Chapter Review and Activities 602
        Computerized Accounting 603
        Chapter Problems 604
        Winning Competitive Events 609
        Real-World Applications and Connections 610
Chapter 21 Accounting for Publicly Held Corporations
Analyzing Corporate Stock: 
Hewlett-Packard  612   
        Section 1 Publicly Held Corporations 614
        Assessment 618
        Section 2 Distribution of Corporate Earnings 619
        Assessment 622
        Accounting Careers in Focus 623
        Section 3 Financial Reporting for a Publicly Held Corporation 624
        Assessment 627
        Chapter Summary 628
        Chapter Review and Activities 630
        Computerized Accounting 631
        Chapter Problems 632
        Winning Competitive Events 635
        Real-World Applications and Connections 636

Unit 5 Accounting for Special Procedures 638
Chapter 22 Cash Funds 640
       Protecting Cash: Applebee’s International
       Section 1 The Change Fund 642
       Assessment 646
       Section 2 The Petty Cash Fund 647
       Assessment 655
       Chapter Summary 656
       Chapter Review and Activities 658
       Computerized Accounting 659
       Chapter Problems 660
       Winning Competitive Events 665
       Real-World Applications and Connections 666
Chapter 23 Plant Assets and Depreciation
Depreciating Assets: Rush Trucking 668  
       Section 1 Plant Assets and Equipment 670
       Assessment 673
       Section 2 Calculating Depreciation 674
       Assessment 676
       Section 3 Accounting for Depreciation Expense at the End of a Year     677
       Assessment 684
       Accounting Careers in Focus 685
       Chapter Summary 686
       Chapter Review and Activities 688
       Computerized Accounting 689
       Chapter Problems 690
       Winning Competitive Events 693
       Real-World Applications and Connections 694
Chapter 24 Uncollectible Accounts Receivable
Analyzing Credit Losses: U.S. Government 
       Accountability Office 696
       Section 1 The Direct Write-Off Method 698
       Assessment 702
       Section 2 The Allowance Method 703
       Assessment 711
       Section 3 Estimating Uncollectible Accounts Receivable 712
       Assessment 715
       Chapter Summary 716
       Chapter Review and Activities 718
       Computerized Accounting 719
       Chapter Problems 720
       Winning Competitive Events 723
        Real-World Applications and Connections 724
Chapter 25 Inventories 726
        Section 1 Determining the Quantity of Inventories 728
        Assessment 730
        Section 2 Determining the Cost of Inventories 731
        Assessment 735
        Accounting Careers in Focus 736
        Section 3 Choosing an Inventory Costing Method 737
        Assessment 739
        Chapter Summary 740
        Chapter Review and Activities 742
        Computerized Accounting 743
        Chapter Problems 744
        Winning Competitive Events 747
         Real-World Applications and Connections 748
Chapter 26 Notes Payable and Receivable 750
         Evaluating Notes: Advanced Micro Devices
         Section 1 Promissory Notes 752
         Assessment 756
         Section 2 Notes Payable 757
         Assessment 764
         Section 3 Notes Receivable 765
         Assessment 767
         Chapter Summary 768
         Chapter Review and Activities 770
         Computerized Accounting 771
         Chapter Problems 772
         Winning Competitive Events 775
         Real-World Applications and Connections 776
         Mini Practice Set 5 Kite Loft Inc. 778
        Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Corporation

Unit 6 Additional Accounting Topics 782
Chapter 27 Introduction to Partnerships 784
          Looking at Partnerships: Moss Adams LLP 
          Section 1 Partnership Characteristics and Partners’ Equity 786 
          Assessment 789 
          Section 2 Division of Income and Loss 790 
          Assessment 795 
          Chapter Summary 796 
          Chapter Review and Activities 798 
          Computerized Accounting 799 
          Chapter Problems 800 
          Winning Competitive Events 803 
          Real-World Applications and Connections 804
Chapter 28 Financial Statements and Liquidation of a Partnership 806
         Evaluating Partnership Financial Statements: King & King, Architects
         Section 1 Financial Statements for a Partnership 808
         Assessment 810
         Section 2 Liquidation of a Partnership 811
         Assessment 815
         Chapter Summary 816
         Chapter Review and Activities 818
         Computerized Accounting 819
         Chapter Problems 820
         Winning Competitive Events 823
          Real-World Applications and Connections 824
          Mini Practice Set 6 Fine Finishes 826
         Completing the Accounting Cycle for a Partnership
Chapter 29 Ethics in Accounting 830
         Assuring Responsible Governance: The Institute of Internal Auditors
         Section 1 The Nature of Ethics 832
         Assessment 835
         Section 2 Ethics in the Accounting Profession 836
         Assessment 839
         Chapter Summary 840
         Chapter Review and Activities 842
         Chapter Problems 843
Real-World Applications and Connections 845
Appendix A Adjustments for a Service Business Using a A–2
Ten-Column Work Sheet
Appendix B Using the Numeric Keypad A–14
Appendix C Recording Transactions in the Combination Journal A–18
Appendix D The Accrual Basis of Accounting A–26
Appendix E Federal Personal Income Tax A–36
Appendix F Excerpts from the PETsMART, Inc. 2003 Annual Report A–42
Appendix G Additional Reinforcement Problems A–52
Appendix H Answers to Section Assessment Problems A–70
Glossary G–1
Index A I–1
Index B Real-World Applications and Connections I–11


Accounting Real-World Applications & Connections Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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