Monday, April 28, 2014

Art in Focus

Art in Focus
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2006  oleh Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Company

Judul: Art in Focus
Oleh: Gene A. Mitler
Penerbit: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman: 657  hal.


Gene Mittler adalah penulis Art in Focus, Glencoe’s senior high school art history textbook, yang menggunakan pendekatan kronologis seni. Ia juga salah satu penulis dari sekolah menengah/seri seni SMP Glencoe.  Memperkenalkan Seni, Menjelajahi Seni, dan Memahami Seni, dan Membuat dan Memahami Gambar untuk sekolah tinggi. Dia telah mengajar baik di tingkat dasar dan menengah  di Indiana University. Dia menerima  M.F.A. berkaitan dengan seni patung dari Bowling Green State University dan Ph.D. dalam pendidikan seni dari Ohio State University.
Dia telah menulis dan menerbitkan banyak artikel dalam jurnal profesional dan telah mengajar di Amerika Serikat dan luar negeri. Dr Mittler saat ini adalah Profesor Emeritus di Texas Tech University.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 7 Unit sebanyak 24 Bab. Adapun rincian dari pembahasannya adalah Unit 1 terdiri atas 5 Bab, yaitu Bab 1 sampai dengan Bab 5 dengan pokok pembahasan membuat dan memahami seni. Unit 2 terdiri atas 2 Bab yaitu Bab 6 dan Bab 7 dengan pokok bahasan awal peradaban seni. Unit 3 terdiri atas 2 Bab yaitu Bab 8 dan Bab 9. Adapun pokok bahasan Unit 3 adalah seni dan perkembangan peradaban. Unit 4 terdiri atas 3 Bab, yaitu Bab 10 sampai dengan Bab 12, adapaun focus pembahasan unit 4 ini adalah tentang Seni di Asia, Amerika, dan Afrika. Unit 5 terdiri atas 3 Bab, yaitu Bab 13, Bab 14, dan Bab 15 dengan pokok bahasan  upaya menyelamatkan seni. Unit 6 terdiri atas 5 Bab yaitu Bab 16 sampai dengan Bab 20. Adapun pokok bahasannya adalah seni dan peradaban modern di Eropa.Unit 7 terdiri atas 4 Bab, yaitu Bab 21 sampai dengan Bab 24 dengan focus pembahasan seni di  zaman modern.

Sebagaimana seluruh buku terbitan MCGraw-Hill yang lain, buku ini ini didesain dengan apik sebagaimana karakteristik terbitan McGraw-Hill. Desain bagus, rapi, full gambar, full warna, dan organisasi tulisan yang konsisten.

Daftar Isi Buku:

Unit 1   Creating and Understanding Art
Chapter 1 Art and You    4
        Lesson One Exploring Art    6
        Lesson Two Understanding Art  17
Chapter 2 Developing a Visual Vocabulary 24
        Lesson One The Elements of Art   26
        Lesson Two The Principles of Art    40
        STUDIO LESSON Using the Design Chart 47
        Breaking Down Walls with Art 48
Chapter 3  Creating Art: Media and Processes 50
        Lesson One Drawing and Painting 52
        Lesson Two Printmaking, Photography, Video, and Digital Media 59
        Lesson Three Sculpture 66
        Lesson Four Architecture 73
        STUDIO LESSON Relief Sculpture 80
        A Cut Above 82
Chapter 4 Art Criticism and Aesthetics 84
        Lesson One Art Criticism: A Search for Aesthetic Qualities 86
        Lesson Two Using Aesthetics and Art Criticism 91
        The Mint Is a Revelation 102
Chapter 5  Art History 104
        Lesson One Art History: A Search for Information 106
        Lesson Two Using Art History 116
        STUDIO LESSON Creating an Expressive Collage 121
        Pop Icon 122

Unit 2  Art of Early Civilizations
Chapter 6 Art of Earliest Times 126
        Lesson One Prehistoric Art in Western Europe 128
        Lesson Two Art of the Fertile Crescent 135
        STUDIO LESSON Modeling an Animal in Clay 143
        Stone-Age Artists 144
Chapter 7 The Art of Ancient Egypt 146
        Lesson One The Growth of Egyptian Civilization 148
        Lesson Two Egyptian Sculpture and Painting 155
        Treasures in the Sand 162

Unit 3  Art of Rising Civilizations
Chapter 8 Greek Art 166
        Lesson One The Birthplace of Western Civilization 168
        Lesson Two The Evolution of Greek Sculpture 177
        STUDIO LESSON Painting Using Analogous Colors 187
        Firm Foundation 188
Chapter 9 Roman Art 190
        Lesson One The Rising Power of Rome 192
        Lesson Two Roman Buildings and Monuments 200
        The Art of Living 208

Unit 4  Art of Asia, the Americas, and Africa
Chapter 10 The Art of India, China, and Japan 212
        Lesson One The Art of India 214
        Lesson Two The Art of China 222
        Lesson Three The Art of Japan 232
        STUDIO LESSON Negative Shape Painting 241
        Animation Artistry 242
Chapter 11 The Native Arts of the Americas 244
        Lesson One Native American Art 246
        Lesson Two Art in Mexico and in Central and
        South America 254
        Mask Man 262
Chapter 12 The Arts of Africa 264
        Lesson One Art of African Kingdoms 266
        Lesson Two African Sculpture 273
        Looking to Africa 282

UNIT 5 Art in Quest of Salvation

Chapter 13 Early Christian, Byzantine, and Islamic Art 286
        Lesson One Early Christian and Byzantine Art 288
        Lesson Two Islamic Art 297
        STUDIO LESSON Creating a Word Design 305
        Bits and Pieces 306
        Chapter 14 Early Medieval and Romanesque Art 308
        Lesson One The Early Medieval Period 310
        Lesson Two The Romanesque Period 318
        Stepping Back in Time 328
Chapter 15 Gothic Art 330
        Lesson One Emergence of the Gothic Style 332
        Lesson Two Gothic Sculpture and Illustrated Books 338
        Lesson Three Italian Church Painting 344
        STUDIO LESSON Carving a Tympanum Landscape Relief 347
        Let There Be Light . . . and Color 348

Unit 6 Art of an Emerging Modern Europe
Chapter 16 The Italian Renaissance 352
        Lesson One The Emergence of the Italian Renaissance 354
        Lesson Two The Acceptance of Renaissance Ideas 361
        Lesson Three High Renaissance 367
       Old Masters, New Tricks 376
Chapter 17 Fifteenth-Century Art in Northern Europe 378
        Lesson One Renaissance Painting in Northern Europe 380
        Lesson Two Realism and Emotionalism 386
        STUDIO LESSON Designing a Visual Symbol 391
        Reading Paintings 392
Chapter 18 Art of Sixteenth-Century Europe 394
        Lesson One The Art of Venice 396
        Lesson Two Mannerism 401
        Lesson Three The Art of Northern Europe 407
        STUDIO LESSON Painting a Bizarre Creature 415
        Saving Venice 416
Chapter 19 Baroque Art 418
        Lesson One Baroque Art of Italy and Flanders 420
        Lesson Two Dutch Art 429
        Lesson Three Spanish Art 437
        STUDIO LESSON Painting a Shape
        Moving in Space 441
        A Passion for Painting 442
Chapter 20 Rococo Art 444
        Lesson One Art in France 446
        Lesson Two Art in England and Spain 452
        STUDIO LESSON Expressive Self-Portrait Collage 459
        Portraying Women 460

Unit  7  Art of the Modern Era
Chapter 21 New Directions in Nineteenth-Century Art 464
        Lesson One Neoclassicism 466
        Lesson Two Romanticism and Realism 471
        Lesson Three Impressionism 480
        Art as Satire 490
Chapter 22 Art of the Later Nineteenth Century 492
        Lesson One Europe in the Late Nineteenth Century 494
        Lesson Two America in the Late Nineteenth Century 501
        STUDIO LESSON Painting Emphasizing Aesthetic Qualities 511
        The Great Society 512
Chapter 23 Art of the Early Twentieth Century 514
        Lesson One Many Movements in European Art 516
        Lesson Two Contributions from Mexico and the United States 528
        Lesson Three European and American Architecture 536
        STUDIO LESSON Painting in the Cubist Style 541
        A Style All His Own 542
Chapter 24 Modern Art Movements to the Present 544
        Lesson One Revolutions in European and American Art 546
        Lesson Two Innovations in Sculpture and Architecture 562
        Lesson Three Digital Art Forms 574
        STUDIO LESSON Expressive Computer Painting 581
        The Master Builder 582
Art Handbook H2
Careers in Art 584
Glossary 599
Glosario 606
Artists and Their Works 614Index 618


Art in Focus Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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