Sunday, September 21, 2014

Clinical Procedures in Laser Skin

Clinical Procedures in Laser Skin
Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan Tahun  2007  oleh Informa UK Ltd

Judul:  Clinical Procedures in Laser Skin
Pengarang: Paul J. Carniol, etal (Editor)
Penerbit: Informa UK Ltd
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 234 hal.

Paul J Carniol MD FACS
Cosmetic Laser and Plastic Surgery
Sadick Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan petunjuk rinci tentang penggunaan produk atau prosedur penggunaan teknologi yang dibahas di sini, silakan berkonsultasi dengan materi pembelajaran yang dikeluarkan oleh produsen. Misalnya Mengenai FDA di Amerika Serikat dan mungkin juga tidak memiliki EC persetujuan di Eropa, dengan demikian, produk ini sebaiknya digunakan  berdasarkan kebijaksanaan dokter.

Daftar Isi:
List of contributors vii
Note on outcomes x
1     Laser safety 1
William Beeson
2     Evaluation of the aging face 11
Philip J Miller
3     Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, Fractional resurfacing and YSGG resurfacing 17
Dee Anna Glaser,Natalie L Semchyshyn and Paul J Carniol
4     Erbium laser aesthetic skin rejuvenation 31
Richard D Gentile
5     Complications secondary to lasers and light sources 45
Robert M Adrian
6     Nonablative technology for treatment of aging skin 51
Amy Forman Taub
7     Lasers, light, and acne 69
Kavita Mariwalla and Thomas E Rohrer
8     Treatment of acne scarring 89
Murad Alam and Greg Goodman
9     Nonsurgical tightening 103
Edgar F Fincher
10   Laser treatment of pigmentation associated with photoaging 111
David H Ciocon and Cameron K Rokhsar
11   Management of vascular lesions 125
Marcelo Hochman and Paul J Carniol
12   Laser treatment for unwanted hair 135
Marc R Avram
13   Non-invasive body rejuvenation technologies 139
Monica Halem, Rita Patel, and Keyvan Nouri
14   Treatment of leg telangiectasia with laser and pulsed light 157
Mitchel P Goldman
15   Photodynamic therapy 173
Papri Sarkar and Ranella J Hirsch
16   Adjunctive techniques I: the bioscience of the use of botulinum toxins and fillers for 

       non-surgical facial rejuvenation 181
Kristin Egan and Corey S Maas
17   Adjunctive techniques II: clinical aspects of the combined use of botulinum toxins and fillers    

       for non-surgical facial rejuvenation 191
Stephen Bosniak, Marian Cantisano-Zilkha, Baljeet K Purewal and Ioannis P Glavas
18   Adjunctive techniques III: complementary fat grafting 205
Robert A Glasgold, Mark J Glasgold and Samuel M Lam
Index 219


Clinical Procedures in Laser Skin Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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