Sunday, September 21, 2014

Liver Immunology Principles and Practice

Liver Immunology Principles and Practice
Buku Ini pertama kali diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2007 oleh Humana Press Inc.

Judul: Liver Immunology Principles and Practice ( Imunologi Hati: Prinsip dan Praktek)
Oleh: M. Eric Gershwin, MD, FACP., etal (Editor)
Penerbit: Humana Press Inc.
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 468 hal.

M. Eric Gershwin, MD, FACP
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
University of California at Davis School of Medicine, Davis, CA
John M. Vierling, MD, FACP
Departments of Medicine and Surgery
Baylor Liver Health
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Michael P. Manns, MD
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology
Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Germany

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 7 Bagian. Bagian I mengemukakan pendahuluan, Bagian II Bakteri, Parasit, dan Infeksi Hati yang disebabkan oleh Virus, Bagian III  Penyakit Hati autoimun, Bagian IV Penyakit Hati yang disebabkan oleh Lemak  Beralkohol dan nonalkohol, Bagian V  Kegagalam Hati Akut, Bab VI  Hepatotoksisitas dari Obat, dan Bagian VII  Transplantasi.


Dedication  v
Preface  vii

Contributors xiii
Foreword: Contemporary Liver Immunology and Immunopathology: Obstacles and Opportunities  1
Ian R. Mackay
Part I. Introduction
1     A Short Primer on Fundamental Immunology  15
       Cliona O’Farrelly and Derek G. Doherty
2     Role and Function of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells  25
       Percy A. Knolle
3     Innate Immune Mechanisms in the Liver  41
       Cliona O’Farrelly and Derek G. Doherty
4     Antigen Processing and Presentation in the Liver  49
       Masanori Abe and Angus W. Thomson
5     Adaptive Immunity in the Liver 61
       James D. Gorham
6     Hepatic NK, NKT, and T Cells    71
       Golo Ahlenstiel and Barbara Rehermann
7     Cytokines in Liver Health and Disease  83
       Pietro Invernizzi, Ilaria Bianchi, Massimo Locati, Raffaella Bonecchi, and Carlo Selmi
8     Prevalence and Significance of Autoantibodies in Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases and Hepatocellular
       Carcinoma  95
       Christian P. Strassburg and Michael P. Manns
9     The Role of Inflammation and Immunity in the Pathogenesis of Liver Fibrosis     111
       Wajahat Z. Mehal and Scott L. Friedman
10     Clinical Use of Immunopathology Techniques in Liver Diseases 123
         Chen Liu and James M. Crawford
11     Tumor Immunology: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Cholangiocarcinoma, and Metastatic
         Neoplasms 137
        Christopher L. Bowlus
Part II. Bacterial, Parasitic, and Viral Infections of the Liver
12     Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses to Bacterial and Parasite Infections: Clinicopathological
         Consequences   153
         Valentina Medici, Lorenzo Rossaro, Sripriya Balasubramanian, and Stuart H. Cohen
13     Immune Response to Hepatitis A and E Viruses: Role in Disease Pathogenesis and Viral
         Elimination  163
         Johannes Hadem and Michael P. Manns
14     Role of the Immune Response in Hepatitis B: Determinants of Severity, Chronicity, and Response to
         Antiviral Therapy  179
         Antonio Bertoletti, Patrick Kennedy, and Adam J. Gehring
15     Immune Responses in Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C: Implications for Prognosis and  Therapy  193
         Heiner Wedemeyer, Markus Cornberg, and Michael P. Manns
16     Immunopathogenesis of Extrahepatic Manifestations in HAV, HBV, and HCV Infections: Importance
         of Recognition and Therapy  209
         Sven Pischke, Arndt Vogel, Elmar Jaeckel, and Michael P. Manns
Part III. Autoimmune Liver Diseases
17     Immunogenetics of Autoimmune Liver Disease: Risk Factors for Susceptibility and  Progression 221
         Peter Tickell Donaldson
18     Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Autoimmune Cholangitis  235
         Carlo Selmi, Ana Lleo, Pietro Invernizzi, and M. Eric Gershwin
19     Sclerosing Cholangitis: Primary and Secondary   249
         Sue Cullen and Roger Chapman
20     Autoimmune Hepatitis  263
         Diego Vergani and Giorgina Mieli-Vergani
21     Unique Aspects of Autoimmune Hepatitis in Children  277
         Giorgina Mieli-Vergani and Diego Vergani
22     Overlap Syndromes of Autoimmune Hepatitis With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing
         Cholangitis  285
         Ulrich Beuers and Christian Rust
23     Animal Models of Autoimmune Liver Diseases 293
         Markus Biburger and Gisa Tiegs

Part IV. Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
24     The Immune Response in the Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Liver Disease 309
         Lynell W. Klassen and Geoffrey M. Thiele
25     Immunomodulation Therapy for Alcoholic Hepatitis: Rationale and Efficacy 323
         Robert O’Shea and Arthur J. McCullough
26     Role of Immune Response in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Evidence in Human and Animal
         Studies  337
         Liu Yang and Anna Mae Diehl

Part V. Acute Liver Failure
27     Mechanisms of Acute Liver Failure   349
         Christian Trautwein and Alexander Koch

Part VI. Hepatotoxicity of Medications
28     Immune Mechanisms in Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Therapeutic Implications  363
         Zhang-Xu Liu and Neil Kaplowitz
29     Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases Induced by Drugs or Xenobiotics 375
         Frank N. A. M. van Pelt, Michelle A. Carey, and John B. Carey

Part VII. Transplantation
30     Clinical Use of Immunosuppressive Drugs to Control the Immune Response  391
         John M. Vierling
31     Hepatic Complications of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation  409
         Howard M. Shulman and George B. McDonald
32     Acute and Chronic Rejection of the Liver Allograft  423
         James Neuberger
33     Immunological Tolerance in Allo- and Xenografts  433
         Aftab A. Ansari and Kovit Pattanapanyasat
34     Autoimmune Diseases in Transplanted Livers  451
         Hiromi Ishibashi, Shinji Shimoda, Minoru Nakamura, and M. Eric Gershwin
35     Immunopathogenesis and Outcomes of Recurrent Hepatitis C  459
         James R. Burton, Jr., Lucy Golden-Mason, and Hugo R. Rosen
Index  471


Liver Immunology Principles and Practice Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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