Sunday, October 5, 2014

Focus on Earth Science Glencoe Science California Grade 6 Interactive Student Edition

Focus on Earth Science Glencoe Science California Grade 6 Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 2007  Oleh  Glencoe McGraw-Hill.

Judul:  Focus on Earth Science Glencoe Science California Grade 6 Interactive Student Edition
Oleh: Juli Berwald, PhD., et al
Penerbit: Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 749  hal.

Juli Berwald, PhD
Science Writer  Austin, TX
Sergio A. Guazzotti, PhD
Teaching Faculty
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
UC, San Diego La Jolla, CA
Douglas Fisher, PhD
Director of Professional
Development and Professor, City Heights
Educational Collaborative, San Diego State University
San Diego, CA
Joseph J. Kerski, PhD
University of Denver. Denver, CO
Elizabeth A. Nagy- Shadman, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Geological Sciences California State University, Northridge
Northridge, CA
Donna L. Ross, PhD
Associate Professor of Science Education San Diego State University
San Diego, CA
Julie Meyer Sheets, PhD
Science Writer Columbus, OH
Nancy Trautmann, PhD
Director of Environmental
Inquiry Program Cornell University Ithaca, NY
Jan Vermilye, PhD
Assistant Professor
Whittier College. Whittier, CA
Dinah Zike
Educational Consultant
Dinah-Might Activities, Inc.
San Antonio, TX

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 4 unit. Masing-masing unit didukung oleh beberapa Bab. Jumlah seluruh Bab adalah 14. Pada setiap Bab terditi atas Lesson dan Standar Asesmen. Unit 1  membahas tentang Struktur dan Lempeng Tektonik Permukaan Bumi. Unit ini mencakup  Bab 1 Pemetaan Bumi,  Bab 2 Struktur Bumim,   Bab 3 Energi Panas dan Panas,  Bab 4  Lempeng Tektonik, dan Bab 5 Batas Plate dan California.
Unit 2  Pembentuk Permukaan Bumi. Unit ini meliputi  Bab 6 Gempa bumi,  Bab 7 Volcanoes, dan 
Bab 8 Pelapukan dan Erosi. Unit 3 Energi dalam Sistem Bumi, Unit ini mencakup  Bab 9  Atmosfer Bumi, Bab 10 Oceans, dan  Bab 11 Cuaca dan Iklim.  Unit 4 Ekologi dan Sumber Daya yang mencakup  Bab 12 Peran Ekologis,  Bab 13 Energi dan Materi dalam Ekosistem, dan Bab 14 Sumber Daya.
Daftar Isi:
Introduction to Investigation and Experimentation  2
What is science?  2
Tools of the Earth Scientist   7
Case Study: The Next Big Tsunami  34

Unit 1 Earth’s Structure and Plate Tectonics  42
Chapter 1  Mapping Earth’s Surface   44

        Lesson 1 Reading Maps   48
        Lesson 2 Topographic and Geologic Maps  54
             Standards Assessment  72–73
Chapter 2   Earth’s Structure   74
        Lesson 1 Landforms  78
        Lesson 2 Minerals and Rocks  86
        Lesson 3 Earth’s Interior  102
             Standards Assessment   118–119
Chapter 3  Thermal Energy and Heat   120
        Lesson 1 Forms of Energy  124
        Lesson 2 Energy Transfer  131
        Lesson 3 Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Heat  139
        Lesson 4 Conduction, Convection, and  Radiation   145
            Standards Assessment 160–161
Chapter 4   Plate Tectonics  162
        Lesson 1 Continental Drift   166
        Lesson 2 Seafloor Spreading   174
        Lesson 3 Theory of Plate Tectonics  183
        Standards Assessment  204–205
Chapter 5   Plate Boundaries and California   206
        Lesson 1 Interactions at Plate Boundaries 210
        Lesson 2 California Geology  223
        Standards Assessment 236–237
        Read on Your Own   238
            Unit Test   23

Unit 2 Shaping Earth’s Surface    240
Chapter 6      Earthquakes   242

        Lesson 1 Earthquakes and Plate Boundaries  246
        Lesson 2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves  252
        Lesson 3 Measuring Earthquakes  260
        Lesson 4 Earthquake Hazards and Safety   270
             Standards Assessment  288–289
Chapter 7   Volcanoes  290
        Lesson 1 Volcanoes and Plate Boundaries  294
        Lesson 2 Volcanic Eruptions and Features   301
        Lesson 3 Hazards of Volcanic Eruptions  313
             Standards Assessment 328–329
Chapter 8   Weathering and Erosion   330
        Lesson 1 Weathering    334
        Lesson 2 Erosion and Deposition  342
        Lesson 3 Reshaping the California Landscape  355
        Standards Assessment  372–373
        Read on Your Own   374
            Unit Test  375

Unit 3 Energy in the Earth System   376
Chapter 9   Earth’s Atmosphere   378

        Lesson 1 Energy from the Sun  382
        Lesson 2 Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere   393
        Lesson 3 Air Currents    401
             Standards Assessment   418–419
Chapter 10  Oceans   420
        Lesson 1 Earth’s Oceans   424
        Lesson 2 Ocean Currents   430
        Lesson 3 The Ocean Shore    438
        Lesson 4 Living on the California Coast   446
             Standards Assessment 462–463
Chapter 11  Weather and Climate   464
        Lesson 1 Weather  468
        Lesson 2 Weather Patterns   475
        Lesson 3 Climate    483
        Lesson 4 California Climate and Local Weather Patterns   490 
             Standards Assessment  506–507
             Read on Your Own   508
             Unit Test    509

Unit 4 Ecology and Resources   510
Chapter 12  Ecological Roles   512

        Lesson 1 Abiotic and Biotic Factors   516
        Lesson 2 Organisms and Ecosystems    532
             Standards Assessment    546–547
Chapter 13  Energy and Matter in Ecosystems   548
        Lesson 1 Producers and Consumers  552
        Lesson 2 Energy in Ecosystems   560
        Lesson 3 Matter in Ecosystems  568
             Standards Assessment   582–583
Chapter 14  Resources   584
        Lesson 1 Natural Resources   588
        Lesson 2 Energy Resources    595
        Lesson 3 Using Energy Resources  607
             Standards Assessment  624–625
             Read on Your Own  626
             Unit Test   627
At-Home Standards Practice   628
Student Resources  646
Science Safety Skill Handbook   648
Technology Skill Handbook  651
Math Skill Handbook   
Math Review  655
Science Applications  665
Reference Handbook
Using a Calculator  670
Understanding Scientific Terms   671
Topographic Map Symbols   673
Rocks    674
Minerals    675
Weather Map Symbols   677
Periodic Table of the Elements    678
English/Spanish Glossary   680
Index   694
Credits 708


Focus on Earth Science Glencoe Science California Grade 6 Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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