Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition

Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh  McGraw-Hill.Pada buku ini tidak mencantumkan tahun terbit.

Judul:   Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition
Oleh:Carol MalLoy, et al
Penerbit:  Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Tahun: -
Jumlah Halaman: 836  hal.

Carol Malloy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Jack Price, Ed.D.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics Education
California State Polytechnic University
Pomona, California
Teri Willard, Ed.D.
Mathematics Consultant Belgrade, Montana
Leon L. “Butch” Sloan, Ed.D.
Secondary Mathematics
Coordinator Garland ISD
Garland, Texas

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 5 Unit. Masing-masing Unit terdiri atas Bab. Dan pada setiap Bab dilengkapi dengan Quiz, aktivitas, dan Tes. Unit 1 Satuan Aljabar dan Integral. Unit ini mencakup  Bab 1 tentang Peralatan Aljabar,  Bab 2 Bilangan bulat, dan  Bab 3 Persamaan.   Unit 2 Satuan Aljabar dan Nomor Rasional, meliputi  Bab 4 Faktor dan pecahan,   Bab 5 Bilangan Rasional, dan  Bab 6 Rasio, Proporsi, dan Persen.
Unit 3 Satuan Persamaan Linear, kesenjangan, dan Fungsi. Unit ini mencakup  Bab 7 Persamaan dan kesenjangan dan Bab 8 Fungsi dan Grafik. Unit 4  Menerapkan Aljabar Geometri. Unit ini terdiri atas  
Bab 9 Nomor Nyata dan Segitiga Kanan, Bab 10 Angka Dua Dimensi , dan Bab 11 Angka Tiga-Dimensi.
Unit 5  Memperluas Aljabar ke Statistik dan Polinomial mencakup Bab 12 Statistik lanjut dan Probabilitas, dan  Bab 13 Polinomial dan Fungsi nonlinear.

Daftar Isi:   
Unit 1  Algebra and Integers
Chapter 1 The Tools of Algebra   4

    Getting Started  5
    1-1 Using a Problem-Solving Plan  6
          Reading Mathematics: Translating Expressions Into Words  11
    1-2 Numbers and Expressions  12
    1-3 Variables and Expressions 17
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 1-1 through 1-3  21
          Spreadsheet Investigation: Expressions and Spreadsheets  22
    1-4 Properties  23
    1-5 Variables and Equations  28
           Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 1-4 and 1-5  32
    1-6 Ordered Pairs and Relations   33
          Algebra Activity: Scatter Plots  39
    1-7 Scatter Plots   40
          Graphing Calculator Investigation: Scatter Plots   45
    Study Guide and Review   47
    Practice Test   51
    Standardized Test Practice  .52
Chapter 2 Integers   54
    Getting Started   55
    2-1 Integers and Absolute Value  56
          Algebra Activity: Adding Integers  62
    2-2 Adding Integers   64
          Reading Mathematics: Learning Mathematics Vocabulary  .69
    2-3 Subtracting Integers   70
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 2-1 through 2-3   74
    2-4 Multiplying Integers   75
    2-5 Dividing Integers   80
           Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 2-4 and 2-5  84
    2-6 The Coordinate System   85
    Study Guide and Review  90
    Practice Test  93
    Standardized Test Practice  94
Chapter 3 Equations  96
    Getting Started  .97
    3-1 The Distributive Property   98
    3-2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions   103
           Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 3-1 and 3-2   107
           Algebra Activity: Solving Equations Using Algebra Tiles   108
    3-3 Solving Equations by Adding or Subtracting  110
    3-4 Solving Equations by Multiplying or Dividing   115
    3-5 Solving Two-Step Equations  120
           Reading Mathematics: Translating Verbal Problems into Equations  125
    3-6 Writing Two-Step Equations  126
           Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 3-3 through 3-6   130
    3-7 Using Formulas   131
    Spreadsheet Investigation: Perimeter and Area   137
    Study Guide and Review  138
    Practice Test   141
    Standardized Test Practice  142

Unit 2 Algebra and Rational Numbers
Chapter 4 Factors and Fractions   146

    Getting Started  147
    4-1 Factors and Monomials  148
    4-2 Powers and Exponents  153
          Algebra Activity: Base 2  158
    4-3 Prime Factorization   159
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 4-1 through 4-3  163
    4-4 Greatest Common Factor (GCF)   164
    4-5 Simplifying Algebraic Fractions   169
          Reading Mathematics: Powers  174
    4-6 Multiplying and Dividing Monomials  175
          Algebra Activity: A Half-Life Simulation  180
    4-7 Negative Exponents   181
          Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 4-4 through 4-7  185
    4-8 Scientific Notation   186
    Study Guide and Review  .191
    Practice Test    195
    Standardized Test Practice   196
Chapter 5 Rational Numbers   198
    Getting Started   199
    5-1 Writing Fractions as Decimals   200
    5-2 Rational Numbers   205
    5-3 Multiplying Rational Numbers   210
    5-4 Dividing Rational Numbers   215
    5-5 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions   220
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 5-1 through 5-5   224
          Reading Mathematics: Factors and Multiples   225
    5-6 Least Common Multiple   226
          Algebra Activity: Juniper Green   231
    5-7 Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions  232
          Algebra Activity: Analyzing Data    237
    5-8 Measures of Central Tendency   238
          Graphing Calculator Investigation: Mean and Median   243
    5-9 Solving Equations with Rational Numbers   244
          Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 5-6 through 5-9    248
    5-10 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences    249
    Algebra Activity: Fibonacci Sequence    253
    Study Guide and Review   254
    Practice Test   259
    Standardized Test Practice   260
Chapter 6 Ratio, Proportion, and Percent   262
    Getting Started    263
    6-1 Ratios and Rates   264
           Reading Mathematics: Making Comparisons   269
    6-2 Using Proportions   270
          Algebra Activity: Capture-Recapture   275
    6-3 Scale Drawings and Models    276
    6-4 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents    281
          Algebra Activity: Using a Percent Model   286
    6-5 Using the Percent Proportion   288
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 6-1 through 6-5  292
    6-6 Finding Percents Mentally  293
    6-7 Using Percent Equations   298
          Spreadsheet Investigation: Compound Interest....303
    6-8 Percent of Change   304
          Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 6-6 through 6-8   308
          Algebra Activity: Taking a Survey   .309
    6-9 Probability and Predictions    310
          Graphing Calculator Activity: Probability Simulation  315
    Study Guide and Review  316
    Practice Test    321
    Standardized Test Practice  322

Unit 3 Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Functions
Chapter 7 Equations and Inequalities  326

    Getting Started  327
    Algebra Activity: Equations with Variables on Each Side  328
    7-1 Solving Equations with Variables on Each Side  330
    7-2 Solving Equations with Grouping Symbols  334
           Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 7-1 and 7-2   338
           Reading Mathematics: Meanings of At Most and At Least   339
    7-3 Inequalities   340
    7-4 Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting   345
    7-5 Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing  350
          Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 7-3 through 7-5   354
    7-6 Solving Multi-Step Inequalities   355
    Study Guide and Review   .360
    Practice Test  363
    Standardized Test Practice     364
Chapter 8 Functions and Graphing    366
    Getting Started   367
    Algebra Activity: Input and Output   368
    8-1 Functions   369
          Graphing Calculator Investigation: Function Tables   374
    8-2 Linear Equations in Two Variables   375
          Reading Mathematics: Language of Functions   380
    8-3 Graphing Linear Equations Using Intercepts   381
          Algebra Activity: It’s All Downhill    386
    8-4 Slope    387
          Algebra Activity: Slope and Rate of Change   392
    8-5 Rate of Change   393
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 8-1 through 8-5  397
    8-6 Slope-Intercept Form   398
          Graphing Calculator Investigation: Families of Graphs   402
    8-7 Writing Linear Equations   404
    8-8 Best-Fit Lines   409
    8-9 Solving Systems of Equations   414
           Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 8-6 through 8-9   418
    8-10 Graphing Inequalities   419
    Graphing Calculator Investigation: Graphing Inequalities   423
    Study Guide and Review   424
    Practice Test    429
    Standardized Test Practice  .430

Unit 4 Applying Algebra to Geometry
Chapter 9 Real Numbers and Right Triangles  434

    Getting Started   435
    9-1 Squares and Square Roots  .436
    9-2 The Real Number System  ..441
           Reading Mathematics: Learning Geometry Vocabulary   446
    9-3 Angles    447
          Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 9-1 through 9-3   451
          Spreadsheet Investigation: Circle Graphs and Spreadsheets  452
    9-4 Triangles   453
          Algebra Activity: The Pythagorean Theorem  458
    9-5 The Pythagorean Theorem   460
          Algebra Activity: Graphing Irrational Numbers   465
    9-6 The Distance and Midpoint Formulas   466
          Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 9-4 through 9-6  .470
    9-7 Similar Triangles and Indirect Measurement   471
          Algebra Activity: Ratios in Right Triangles   476
    9-8 Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Ratios  477
          Graphing Calculator Investigation: Finding Angles of a Right Triangle   482
    Study Guide and Review  483
    Practice Test  487
    Standardized Test Practice   488
Chapter 10 Two-Dimensional Figures   490 Getting Started   491
    10-1 Line and Angle Relationships   492
             Algebra Activity: Constructions   498
    10-2 Congruent Triangles    500
             Algebra Activity: Symmetry  .505
    10-3 Transformations on the Coordinate Plane   506
             Algebra Activity: Dilations   .512
    10-4 Quadrilaterals   513          
             Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 10-1 through 10-4   517
             Algebra Activity: Area and Geoboards  .518
    10-5 Area: Parallelograms, Triangles, and Trapezoids    520
             Reading Mathematics: Learning Mathematics  Prefixes   526
    10-6 Polygons  527
             Algebra Activity: Tessellations   532
    10-7 Circumference and Area: Circles   533
             Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 10-5 through 10-7   538
    10-8 Area: Irregular Figures   .539
    Study Guide and Review  544
    Practice Test   549
    Standardized Test Practice  .550

Chapter 11 Three-Dimensional Figures   552
    Getting Started  .553
    Geometry Activity: Building Three-Dimensional Figures   554
    11-1 Three-Dimensional Figures   556
            Geometry Activity: Volume   562
    11-2 Volume: Prisms and Cylinders   .563
    11-3 Volume: Pyramids and Cones   568
            Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 11-1 through 11-3  572
    11-4 Surface Area: Prisms and Cylinders  573
    11-5 Surface Area: Pyramids and Cones   578
            Geometry Activity: Similar Solids   583
    11-6 Similar Solids  .584
            Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 11-4 through 11-6    588
            Reading Mathematics: Precision and Accuracy    589
    11-7 Precision and Significant Digits   590
    Study Guide and Review   595
    Practice Test   599
    Standardized Test Practice  600

Unit 5  Extending Algebra to Statistics and Polynomials
Chapter 12 More Statistics and Probability   604

    Getting Started   605
    12-1 Stem-and-Leaf Plots   .606
    12-2 Measures of Variation  612
    12-3 Box-and-Whisker Plots   617
            Graphing Calculator Investigation: Box-and-Whisker Plots   622
    12-4 Histograms   623
            Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 12-1 through 12-4    628
            Graphing Calculator Investigation: Histograms   629
    12-5 Misleading Statistics   630
             Reading Mathematics: Dealing with Bias   634
    12-6 Counting Outcomes   635
            Algebra Activity: Probability and Pascal’s Triangle   640
    12-7 Permutations and Combinations  .641
            Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 12-5 through 12-7  645
    12-8 Odds  .646
    12-9 Probability of Compound Events   650
    Algebra Activity: Simulations   656
    Study Guide and Review   658
    Practice Test   663
    Standardized Test Practice   664
Chapter 13 Polynomials and Nonlinear Functions   666
    Getting Started  .667
    Reading Mathematics: Prefixes and Polynomials   668
    13-1 Polynomials  669
            Algebra Activity: Modeling Polynomials with Algebra Tiles   673
    13-2 Adding Polynomials   674
    13-3 Subtracting Polynomials    678
            Practice Quiz 1: Lessons 13-1 through 13-3   681
            Algebra Activity: Modeling Multiplication   682
    13-4 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial   683
    13-5 Linear and Nonlinear Functions  687
            Practice Quiz 2: Lessons 13-4 and 13-5   691
    13-6 Graphing Quadratic and Cubic Functions   692
            Graphing Calculator Investigation: Families of Quadratic Functions    697
    Study Guide and Review   698
    Practice Test    701
    Standardized Test Practice  702
Student Handbook

Prerequisite Skills  706
Extra Practice   724
Mixed Problem Solving    758
English-Spanish Glossary   R1
Selected Answers   R17
Photo Credits   R51
Index  R52


Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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