Showing posts with label Algebra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algebra. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

California Algebra 1 Concepts, Skills, Problem Solving

California Algebra 1 Concepts, Skills, Problem Solving Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  Routledge, New York adalah buku edisi  Pertam...

Saturday, June 13, 2015

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving Buku ini ...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving Interactive Student Edition Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun 2008  oleh ...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Future of The Teaching and Learning of Algebra The 12th ICMI Study

The Future of The Teaching and Learning of Algebra The 12th ICMI Study Buku ini  diterbitkan tahun 2004  oleh  Kluwer Academic Publis...

Friday, November 21, 2014

Beginning Algebra 11th Edition

Beginning Algebra 11th Edition Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2012  oleh  Pearson Education, Inc. merupakan buku edisi kesebelas

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

College Algebra Tenth Edition

College Algebra Tenth Edition Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun 2010   Oleh  Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, merupakan buku edisi ke Sepuluh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skill, and Problem Solving Interactive Student Edition

California Algebra Readiness Concepts, Skill, and Problem Solving Interactive Student Edition Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun...

Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition

Glencoe Mathematics Pre-Algebra Interactive Student Edition Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh  McGraw-Hill.Pada buku ini tidak mencan...

Glencoe Mathematics Algebra 1 Interactive Student Edition

Glencoe Mathematics Algebra 1 Interactive Student Edition Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Glencoe McGraw-Hill

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

California Algebra 2 Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving Interactive Student Edition

California Algebra 2 Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving Interactive Student Edition Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2008  oleh...