Thursday, October 23, 2014

Glencoe World History Interactive Student Edition

Glencoe World History Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Glencoe McGraw-Hill Tahun 2005.

Judul:  Glencoe World History Interactive Student Edition
Oleh: Jackson J. Spielvogel
Penerbit:  Glencoe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman: 1113  hal.

Jackson J. Spielvogel adalah profesor emeritus sejarah di The Pennsylvania State University. Dia menerima gelar Ph.D. dari The Ohio State University, di mana dia mengkhususkan diri dalam
reformasi Sejarah di bawah Harold J. Grimm. Artikel-Nya dan ulasan telah muncul dalam jurnal seperti Moreana, Journal of General Education, Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, dan American Historical Review Dia juga memberikan kontribusi bab atau artikel pada The Social History of the Reformation, The Holy Roman Empire: A Dictionary Handbook, Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual of Holocaust Studies, dan Utopian Studies. His book Hitler and Nazi Germany was published in 1987 (fourth edition, 2001). Bukunya Western Civilization  telah dipublikasikan 1991 (fourth edition, 2000).  Dia menulis bersama (with William Duiker) of World History, published in 1994 (third edition, 2001).
Profesor Spielvogel telah memenangkan lima penghargaan besar dalam bidang mengajar di universitas, dan pada tahun 1997, ia menjadi juara pertama Mahasiswa Choice Award Schreyer Institute untuk inovatif dan pengajaran inspiratif.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Unit. Setiap unit didukung oleh beberapa bab dan masing-masing bab  secara rinci dibahas menjadi topic-topik. Unit 1 Pertama Peradaban dan Empires, Unit ini mencakup Bab  1 tentang  Manusia Pertama, Prasejarah-3500 SM, Bab 2 Asia Barat dan Mesir, 3500-500 SM,  Bab 3 India dan China, 3000 SM-AD 500, Bab 4 Yunani Kuno, 1900-133 B.C, dan Bab 5 Roma dan Rise of Christianity 600 SM-AD 500 .  Unit 2 Pola Baru Peradaban, 400-1500 , mencakup Bab 6 Dunia Islam, 600-1500 , Bab  7 Peradaban Afrika Awal 2000 SM-AD 1500, Bab 8 Asian World, 400-1500, Ban 9  Perkembangan  Eropa dan Kekaisaran Bizantium, 400-1300, Bab 10 Eropa pada Abad Pertengahan, 1000-1500 , dan Bab 11 The Americas, 400-1500.   Unit 3 Awal Dunia Modern, 1400-1800, meliputi  Bab 12 Renaissance dan Reformasi, 1350-1600, Bab 13 The Age of Eksplorasi, 1500-1800, Bab 14 Krisis dan absolutisme di Eropa, 1550-1715, Bab  15 The Muslim Empires, 1450-1800, Bab 16 The East Asian World, 1400-1800 , Bab 17 Revolusi dan Pencerahan, 1550-1800 , dan Bab 18 Revolusi Perancis dan Napoleon, 1789-1815.  Unit 4 Sebuah Era Imperialisme Eropa, 1800-1914.  Nerisi  Ban  19 Industrialisasi dan Nasionalisme, 1800-1870, Bab  20 Mass Society dan Demokrasi, 1870-1914, Bab 21 Ketinggian Imperialisme, 1800-1914, dan Bab 22 Asia Timur Under Challenge, 1800-1914.  Unit 5 The Twentieth-Century Crisis, 1914-1945, Bab 23 Perang dan Revolusi, 1914-1919, Bab 24 The West Antara Wars, 1919-1939, Bab 25 Nasionalisme di Seluruh Dunia, 1919-1939, Bab 26 Perang Dunia II, 1939-1945. Unit 6 Menuju Global Civilization, 1945-sekarang, mencakup Bab 27 Perang Dingin dan Perubahan Pascaperang, 1945-1970, Bab 28 Kontemporer Dunia Barat, 1970-sekarang, Bab 29 Amerika Latin, 1945-sekarang, Bab 30 Afrika dan Timur Tengah, 1945-sekarang, Bab 31 Asia dan Pasifik, 1945-sekarang, dan Bab 32 Tantangan dan Harapan untuk Masa Depan.

Daftar Isi:
Previewing Your Textbook  xx
Scavenger Hunt   xxv
What Is History?   xxvi
Reading for Information . xxx
Reading Skills Handbook   RH1
Geography’s Impact on History   RH10
Reference Atlas
Geography Handbook

Unit 1 The First Civilizations and Empires, 12
Prehistory–A.D. 500
CHAPTER 1 The First Humans, Prehistory–3500 B.C   16

    1     Early Humans    19
    2     The Neolithic Revolution and the Rise of Civilization   27
CHAPTER 2 Western Asia and Egypt, 3500–500 B.C   34
    1     Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia   37
    2     Egyptian Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”   45
    3     New Centers of Civilization   54
    4     The Rise of New Empires   61
CHAPTER 3 India and China, 3000 B.C.–A.D. 500    68
    1     Early Civilization in India   71
    2     New Empires in India    81
    3     Early Chinese Civilizations    88
    4     Rise and Fall of Chinese Empires   98
CHAPTER 4  Ancient Greece, 1900–133 B.C   106
    1     The First Greek Civilizations   109
    2     The Greek City-States   115
    3     Classical Greece    121
    4     The Culture of Classical Greece   127
    5     Alexander and the Hellenistic Kingdoms   138
CHAPTER 5 Rome and the Rise of Christianity 600 B.C.–A.D. 500   146
    1     The Rise of Rome   149
    2     From Republic to Empire    156
    3     Culture and Society in the Roman World    163
    4     The Development of Christianity    169
    5     Decline and Fall    175

Unit 2 New Patterns of  Civilization, 400–1500    184
CHAPTER 6  The World of Islam, 600–1500   188

    1     The Rise of Islam   191
    2     The Arab Empire and Its Successors   196
    3     Islamic Civilization    203
    4     The Culture of Islam   207
    World Religions   214–219
CHAPTER 7 Early African Civilizations, 2000 B.C.–A.D. 1500   220
    1     The Development of Civilizations in Africa   223
    2     Kingdoms and States of Africa   228
    3     African Society and Culture   236
CHAPTER 8  The Asian World, 400–1500    244
    1     China Reunified   247
    2     The Mongols and China   253
    3     Early Japan and Korea   263
    4    India after the Guptas    268
    5    Civilization in Southeast Asia   273
CHAPTER 9 Emerging Europe and the Byzantine Empire, 400–1300     282
    1     Transforming the Roman World   285
    2     Feudalism    291
    3     The Growth of European Kingdoms    297
    4    The Byzantine Empire and the Crusades    303
CHAPTER 10 Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000–1500     312
    1     Peasants, Trade, and Cities    315
    2     Christianity and Medieval Civilization    323
    3     The Culture of the High Middle Ages    329
    4     The Late Middle Ages  . 335
CHAPTER 11  The Americas, 400–1500    344
    1     The Peoples of North America    347
    2     Early Civilizations in Mesoamerica    352
    3     Early Civilizations in South Americ     359

Unit 3 The Early Modern   World, 1400–1800    368
CHAPTER 12  Renaissance and Reformation,  1350–1600   372

    1     The Renaissance  375
    2     The Intellectual and Artistic Renaissance   382
    3     The Protestant Reformation   389
    4     The Spread of Protestantism and the Catholic Response  395
CHAPTER 13 The Age of Exploration, 1500–1800      404
    1     Exploration and Expansion   407
    2     Africa in an Age of Transition    415
    3     Southeast Asia in the Era of the Spice Trade   419
CHAPTER 14  Crisis and Absolutism in Europe,  1550–1715   426
    1     Europe in Crisis: The Wars of Religion  429
    2    Social Crises, War, and Revolution   434
    3     Response to Crisis: Absolutism     441
    4     The World of European Culture   448
CHAPTER 15  The Muslim Empires, 1450–1800    454
    1     The Ottoman Empire    457
    2     The Rule of the Safavids    468
    3     The Grandeur of the Moguls   473
CHAPTER 16  The East Asian World, 1400–1800    482
    1     China at Its Height   485
    2     Chinese Society and Culture   491
    3     Tokugawa Japan and Korea    496
    World Languages  504–507
CHAPTER 17   Revolution and Enlightenment,  1550–1800     508
    1     The Scientific Revolution   511
    2    The Enlightenment   518
    3     The Impact of the Enlightenment   526
    4     Colonial Empires and the American Revolution  536
CHAPTER 18  The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789–1815    544
    1     The French Revolution Begins   547
    2     Radical Revolution and Reaction   555
    3     The Age of Napoleon   563

Unit 4 An Era of European   Imperialism, 1800–1914    574
CHAPTER 19   Industrialization and Nationalism,  1800–1870     578

    1     The Industrial Revolution    581
    2     Reaction and Revolution    589
    3     National Unification and the National State   596
    4     Culture: Romanticism and Realism    605
CHAPTER 20  Mass Society and Democracy, 1870–1914     612
    1     The Growth of Industrial Prosperity    615
    2     The Emergence of Mass Society    621
    3     The National State and Democracy    629
    4     Toward the Modern Consciousness    636
CHAPTER 21  The Height of Imperialism, 1800–1914     644
    1     Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia   647
    2     Empire Building in Africa    654
    3     British Rule in India  . 666
    4     Nation Building in Latin America  . 671
CHAPTER 22 East Asia Under Challenge, 1800–1914    680
    1    The Decline of the Qing Dynasty   683
    2     Revolution in China   691
    3     Rise of Modern Japan    697

Unit 5 The Twentieth-Century Crisis, 1914–1945 710
CHAPTER 23  War and Revolution, 1914–1919    714

    1     The Road to World War I   717
    2     The War    721
    3     The Russian Revolution   732
    4     End of the War  . 739
CHAPTER 24 The West Between the Wars, 1919–1939    748
    1     The Futile Search for Stability   751
    2     The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes    758
    3     Hitler and Nazi Germany  . 766
    4     Cultural and Intellectual Trends   772
CHAPTER 25 Nationalism Around the World, 1919–1939    778
    1 Nationalism in the Middle East   781
    2 Nationalism in Africa and Asia   786
    3 Revolutionary Chaos in China    793
    4     Nationalism in Latin America    799
CHAPTER 26  World War II, 1939–1945    806
    1     Paths to War   809
    2     The Course of World War II   814
    3     The New Order and the Holocaust   824
    4     The Home Front and the Aftermath of  the War   830

Unit 6 Toward a Global Civilization, 1945–Present    842
CHAPTER 27 Cold War and Postwar Changes, 1945–1970   846

    1     Development of the Cold War     849
    2     The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    855
    3     Western Europe and North America    860
CHAPTER 28  The Contemporary Western World, 1970–Present  872
    1     Decline of the Soviet Union   875
    2     Eastern Europe    879
    3     Europe and North America   884
    4     Western Society and Culture   889
CHAPTER 29  Latin America, 1945–Present      898
    1     General Trends in Latin America    901
    2     Mexico, Cuba, and Central America     906
    3     The Nations of South America    911
CHAPTER 30  Africa and the Middle East,  1945–Present   918
    1     Independence in Africa     921
    2     Conflict in the Middle East    929
CHAPTER 31  Asia and the Pacific, 1945–Present     938
    1     Communist China    941
    2     Independent States in South and Southeast  Asia   952
    3     Japan and the Pacific   957
CHAPTER 32  Challenges and Hopes for  the Future   966
    1     The Challenges of Our World    969
    2     Global Visions   974
Mini Almanac  983
Primary Sources Library   988
Honoring America    1002
Glossary    1003
Spanish Glossary   1013
Index   1024
Acknowledgements and Photo Credits   1056


Glencoe World History Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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