Thursday, November 20, 2014

Glencoe Science Life Science

Glencoe Science Life Science
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh McGraw-Hill.

Judul:  Glencoe Science Life Science
Oleh:  Lucy Daniel, EdD, et al
Penerbit:  Glencoe, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Tahun: -
Jumlah Halaman:  933  hal.


Alton Biggs
Retired Biology Teacher  Allen High School
Allen, TX
Lucy Daniel, EdD
Teacher/Consultant Rutherford County Schools
Rutherfordton, NC
Edward Ortleb
Science Consultant
St. Louis, MO
Peter Rillero, PhD
Associate Professor of Science Education
Arizona State University West
Phoenix, AZ
Dinah Zike
Educational Consultant
Dinah-Might Activities, Inc.
San Antonio, TX

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 5 Unit Utama. Setiap unit terdiri atas bab-bab dan setiap bab kemudian membahas secara rinci melalui topic-topik dan dilengkapi dengan kegiatan Lab. Unit 1 Struktur kehidupan dan Fungsi meliputi pembahasan Bab 1 menjelajahi dan Klasifikasi Kehidupan, Bab 2 Sel, Bab 3 Proses Sel,
Bab 4 Reproduksi Sel, Bab 5 Heredita, dan Bab 6 Adaptasi dengan Waktu. Unit 2 Dari Bakteri untuk Tanaman, mencakup pembahasan Bab 7 Bakteri, Bab 8 Protista dan Fungi, Bab 9 Tanaman, Bab 10 Tanaman Reproduksi, dan Bab 11  Proses Tanaman. Unit 3 Keanekaragaman Hewan. Unit ini mencakup pembahasan Bab 12 Pengantar Hewan, Bab 13 Moluska, Worms, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Bab 14 Ikan, Amfibi, dan Reptil, Bab 15 Burung dan Mamalia, dan Bab 16 Animal Behavior. Unit 4 Sistem Tubuh Manusia meliputi  Bab 17 Struktur dan Gerakan, Bab 18 Nutrisi dan Pencernaan, Bab 19 Sirkulasi, Bab 20 Respirasi dan Ekskresi, Bab 21 Pengendalian dan Koordinasi, Bab 22 Peraturan dan Reproduksi, dan
Bab 23 Imunitas dan Penyakit. Unit 5 Ekologi mencakup Bab 24 Interaksi Kehidupan, Bab 25 Lingkungan
tak hidup, Bab 26 Ekosistem, dan Bab 27 Konservasi Sumber Daya.

Daftar Isi Buku:

UNIT 1  Life’s Structure and Function—2
Chapter 1  Exploring and Classifying Life —4

    Section 1 What is science?  6
    Section 2 Living Things  14
    Section 3 Where does life come from?   19
    Section 4 How are living things classified?  22
        Lab Classifying Seeds   27
        Lab: Design Your Own  Using Scientific Methods  28
Chapter 2  Cells—36
    Section 1 Cell Structure  38
        Lab Comparing Cells  46
    Section 2 Viewing Cells  47
    Section 3 Viruses  52
        Lab: Design Your Own Comparing Light Microscopes  56
Chapter 3 Cell Processes—64
    Section 1 Chemistry of Life   66
    Section 2 Moving Cellular Materials  74
        Lab Observing Osmosis  80
    Section 3 Energy of Life  81
        Lab Photosynthesis and Respiration  .86
Chapter 4 Cell Reproduction—94
    Section 1 Cell Division and Mitosis   96
        Lab Mitosis in Plant Cells   103
    Section 2 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis  104
    Section 3 DNA   110
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Mutations   116
Chapter 5 Heredity—124
    Section 1 Genetics  126
        Lab Predicting Results   133
    Section 2 Genetics Since Mendel    134
    Section 3 Advances in Genetics    141
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Tests for Color Blindness   144
Chapter 6 Adaptations over Time—152
    Section 1 Ideas About Evolution  154
        Lab Hidden Frogs   162
    Section 2 Clues About Evolution   163
    Section 3 The Evolution of Primates   170
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Recognizing Variation in a Population  174

UNIT 2  From Bacteria to Plants—182
Chapter 7 Bacteria—184

    Section 1 What are bacteria?  186
        Lab Observing Cyanobacteria   192
    Section 2 Bacteria in Your Life .193
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Composting   200
Chapter 8 Protists and Fungi—208
    Section 1 Protists   210
        Lab Comparing Algae and Protozoans   221
    Section 2 Fungi   222
        Lab:Model and Invent
        Creating a Fungus Field Guide  230
Chapter 9 Plants—238
    Section 1 An Overview of Plants  240
    Section 2 Seedless Plants  246
    Section 3 Seed Plants  252
        Lab Identifying Conifers   261
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Plants as Medicine  .262
Chapter 10 Plant Reproduction—270
    Section 1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction   272
    Section 2 Seedless Reproduction   276
        Lab Comparing Seedless Plants   280
    Section 3 Seed Reproduction  281
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Germination Rate of Seeds   292
Chapter 11 Plant Processes—300
    Section 1 Photosynthesis and Respiration    302
        Lab Stomata in Leaves   310
    Section 2 Plant Responses  311
        Lab Tropism in Plants  318

UNIT 3 Animal Diversity—326
Chapter 12 Introduction to Animals—328

    Section 1 Is it an animal?  330
    Section 2 Sponges and Cnidarians  336
        Lab Observing a Cnidarian  343
    Section 3 Flatworms and Roundworms  344
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Comparing Free-Living and Parasitic Flatworms   350
Chapter 13 Mollusks,Worms, Arthropods,  Echinoderms—358
    Section 1 Mollusks   360
    Section 2 Segmented Worms   365
    Section 3 Arthropods   370
        Lab Observing a Crayfish   379
    Section 4 Echinoderms   380
        Lab What do worms eat?   384
Chapter 14 Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles—392
    Section 1 Chordates and Vertebrates   394
        Lab Endotherms and Ectotherms   398
    Section 2 Fish   399
    Section 3 Amphibians   407
    Section 4 Reptiles   412
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Water Temperature and the Respiration Rate of Fish  418
Chapter 15 Birds and Mammals—426
    Section 1 Birds   428
    Section 2 Mammals   436
        Lab Mammal Footprints   445
        Lab: Use the Internet Bird Counts   446
Chapter 16 Animal Behavior—454
    Section 1 Types of Behavior   456
    Section 2 Behavioral Interactions   462
        Lab Observing Earthworm Behavior   471
        Lab:Model and Invent Animal Habitats   472

UNIT 4 Human Body Systems—480
Chapter 17 Structure and Movement—482

    Section 1 The Skeletal System   484
    Section 2 The Muscular System   490
    Section 3 The Skin   496
        Lab Measuring Skin Surface   501
        Lab Similar Skeletons  .502
Chapter 18 Nutrients and Digestion—510
    Section 1 Nutrition  .512
        Lab Identifying Vitamin C Content   522
    Section 2 The Digestive System  .523
        Lab Particle Size and Absorption   530
Chapter 19 Circulation—538
    Section 1 The Circulatory System  540
        Lab The Heart as a Pump   549
    Section 2 Blood   550
    Section 3 The Lymphatic System   556
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Blood Type Reactions   558
Chapter 20 Respiration and Excretion—566
    Section 1 The Respiratory System     568
    Section 2 The Excretory System   577
        Lab Kidney Structure  583
        Lab:Model and Invent
        Simulating the Abdominal Thrust Maneuver   584
Chapter 21 Control and Coordination—592
    Section 1 The Nervous System   594
        Lab Improving Reaction Time   603
    Section 2 The Senses   604
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Skin Sensitivity   612
Chapter 22 Regulation and Reproduction—620
    Section 1 The Endocrine System  622
    Section 2 The Reproductive System  627
        Lab Interpreting Diagrams   632
    Section 3 Human Life Stages   633
        Lab Changing Body Proportions   642
Chapter 23 Immunity and Disease—650
    Section 1 The Immune System   652
    Section 2 Infectious Diseases   657
        Lab Microorganisms and Disease   665
    Section 3 Noninfectious Diseases  666
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Defensive Saliva   672

UNIT 5  Ecology—680
Chapter 24 Interactions of Life—682

    Section 1 Living Earth  684
    Section 2 Populations   688
    Section 3 Interactions Within Communities   696
        Lab Feeding Habits of Planaria  701
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Population Growth in Fruit Flies   702
Chapter 25 The Nonliving Environment—710
    Section 1 Abiotic Factors   712
        Lab Humus Farm  719
    Section 2 Cycles in Nature  720
    Section 3 Energy Flow .726
        Lab Where does the mass of a plant come from?   730
Chapter 26 Ecosystems—738
    Section 1 How Ecosystems Change  740
    Section 2 Biomes   744
        Lab Studying a Land Ecosystem  752
    Section 3 Aquatic Ecosystems  753
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Exploring Wetlands  760
Chapter 27 Conserving Resources—768
    Section 1 Resources   770
    Section 2 Pollution   778
        Lab The Greenhouse Effect  787
    Section 3 The Three Rs of Conservation  788
        Lab:Model and Invent
        Solar Cooking   792
Student Resources—800
Science Skill Handbook—802

    Scientific Methods   802
    Safety Symbols  .811
    Safety in the Science Laboratory   812
Extra Try at Home Labs—814
Technology Skill Handbook—828

    Computer Skills .828
    Presentation Skills   831
Math Skill Handbook—832
    Math Review   832
    Science Applications  842
Reference Handbooks—847
    Care and Use of a Microscope   847
    Diversity of Life: Classification of Living Organisms  848
    Periodic Table of the Elemnets  852
English/Spanish Glossary—854


Glencoe Science Life Science Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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