Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Company Law Fourteenth Edition

Company Law  Fourteenth Edition
Buku ini  diterbitkan tahun 2009 oleh  Longman, Pearson Education Limited adalah buku edisi Empat belas.

Judul:   Company Law  Fourteenth Edition
 Oleh:  Charles Wild, et al
Penerbit:  Longman, Pearson Education Limited
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 609  hal.

Charles Wild  PhD, MBA, LLM, PCHE, LPC, CPE, BSc (Econ)
Head of the School of Law at the University of Hertfordshire
Head of the Centre for International Law, University of Hertfordshire

Stuart Weinstein  JD, MBA, BA
Associate Head (Professional), School of Law, University of Hertfordshire
Solicitor, Supreme Court of England and Wales
Attorney-at-Law, New York, California, District of Columbia

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Edisi ini mencakup analisis kontrak hokum yang diperpanjang dan konstitusi sebuah perusahaan , yang keduanya penting bagi pemahaman tentang hukum perusahaan dan yang  menjadi subyek perubahan berdasarkan Undang-Undang 2006.  Buku ini juga mengeksplorasi secara lebih rinci bidang perlindungan minoritas, sisi lain dari hukum perusahaan yang di daerah  pusat yang dapat menyebabkan kebingungan jika diisolasi dan dipisahkan dari tema yang lebih luas seperti kekuasaan mayoritas, identitas hukum yang terpisah dari perusahaan dan gagasan penggugat. Selain itu, bab-bab tentang rekening perusahaan, audit tersebut  Proses dan hukum kepailitan telah dikerjakan ulang sehingga dapat memberikan pembaca dengan wawasan  lebih rinci ke dalam proses yang terlibat.
Buku ini terdiri atas 27 Bab: 1) Sifat perusahaan, 2) Promosi dan penggabungan, 3) Konstitusi perusahaan - nota asosiasi, 4) Konstitusi perusahaan - anggaran dasar, 5) Konstitusi perusahaan - mengubah artikel, 6)  Perusahaan dan kontrak, 7) Perusahaan Ibukota, 8)  Pemeliharaan  Modal – umum, 9) Pemeliharaan Capital - distribusi perusahaan, 10) Perusahaan flotations, 11 Saham – umumnya,  12) Saham - Transfer dan transmisi, 13) Saham - pembayaran untuk dan menangani insider,  14)  Keanggotaan - kapasitas, pendaftaran, direktur dan substansial kepemilikan kembali, tahunan,
15) Tindakan derivatif hukum, 16) Perlindungan minoritas, 17) Direksi dan manajemen – umumnya,
18) Pengaturan keuangan dengan adil, dan berurusan dengan direksi, 19) Tugas direksi,
20)  Liburan kantor, diskualifikasi dan tanggung jawab pribadi, 21) Rapat dan resolusi, 22) Surat Utang dan biaya, 23) Account dan pemeriksaan, 24) Merger, rekonstruksi dan pengambilalihan, 25) Insolvensi Perusahaan – Penyelanatan Perusahaan, 26) Isolasi Perusahaan - prosedur selain penyelamatan, dan
27) Isolasi Perusahaan - berliku-up dalam konteks

Daftar Isi:
Guided tour xiv
Preface to the fourteenth edition xvii
Law report abbreviations xviii
Table of cases xix
Table of statutes xxxi
1     The nature of a company 1

       General features 2
       Classification of corporations – the company as a corporation 3
       Classification of registered companies 7
       Lifting the corporate veil 22
       Companies and partnerships compared 31
       The ordinary and limited partnership 31
       Limited liability partnerships – the Act 33
       Limited liability partnerships – the regulations 34
       LLP or private limited company? – a checklist 37
       Reform – an ordinary partnership with legal personality 38
       Advantages and disadvantages of incorporation 39
       Companies and human rights 40
       Essay questions 41
       Test your knowledge 42
2     Promotion and incorporation 44
       The promoter 45
       Incorporation 54
       Electronic incorporation 57
       Effect of incorporation 57
       Ready-made companies 58
       Publicity in connection with incorporation 58
       Post-incorporation procedures for re-registration 59
       Essay questions 63
       Test your knowledge 64
3     The constitution of the company – the memorandum of association 66
       Company names 67
       The objects clause 71
       Capital 75
       The registered office 76
       Essay questions 77
       Test your knowledge 79
4     The constitution of the company – the articles of association 80
       The legal effect of the articles 82
       The articles and insider/outsider rights 85
       The effect of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 89
       Shareholders’ agreements 90
       Essay questions 92
       Test your knowledge 93
5     The constitution of the company – altering the articles 94
       Breaches of contract arising out of alteration of the articles 100
       Alteration of the articles by the court 102
       Essay questions 103
6     The company and its contracts 104
       Public companies and the s 761 certificate 105
       Directors and others as agents 106
       Essay questions 115
       Test your knowledge 116
7     The capital of a company 118
       Ordinary shares 121
       Preference shares 121
       Variation and abrogation of class rights 125
       Alteration of share capital 127
       Redeemable shares 128
       Essay questions 131
       Test your knowledge 131
8     Capital maintenance – generally 133
       Reduction of capital 134
       Acquisition of own shares – generally 139
       Purchase of own shares 141
       Financial assistance for the purchase of shares 149
       Essay questions 156
       Test your knowledge 157
9     Capital maintenance – company distributions 159
       Profits available for distribution – generally 160
       What is a distribution? 160
       Profits available – public and private companies 161
       Realised profits and accounting standards 162
       Related statutory rules 163
       Special cases 165
       Relevant accounts 165
       Audit considerations 165
       Declaration and payment of dividends 166
       Consequences of unlawful distribution 169
       Capitalising profits 170
       Reserves 171
       Essay questions 171
       Aid to learning on distributions 172
10   Company flotations 175
       The official system for listing securities on an investment exchange 176
       Offers of unlisted securities 181
       The remedy of rescission 181
       Procedures for issuing shares 182
       Underwriting 182
       Brokerage 184
       Reform 184
       Essay questions 185
       Test your knowledge 186
11   Shares – generally 188
       Subscribers’ contract 189
       Allotment 190
       Return of an allotment 192
       Share certificates 193
       Share warrants (or bearer shares) 195
       Calls 196
       Mortgages of shares 197
       Lien 199
       Forfeiture of shares 200
       Surrender of shares 201
       Essay questions 202
       Test your knowledge 203
12   Shares – transfer and transmission 205
       Transfer of unlisted shares 206
       Transfer of listed shares 208
       Companies whose articles restrict transfer 211
       Transmission of shares 216
       Trustees 217
       Essay questions 217
       Test your knowledge 218
13   Shares – payment for and insider dealing 220
       The consideration – generally 221
       Prohibition on allotment of shares at a discount 225
       Shares issued at a premium 226
       Insider dealing 229
       Market abuse 231
       Model Code for Securities Transactions by directors of listed companies 233
       Essay questions 234
       Test your knowledge 235
14   Membership – capacity, registration, director and substantial holdings, annual return 237
       Capacity 238
       The register of members 239
       Director and substantial shareholdings 243
       The annual return 245
       Essay questions 247
       Test your knowledge 248
15   The statutory derivative action 250
       The s 33 contract revisited 252
       Shareholders’ agreements 252
       The rule in Foss v Harbottle 253
       The statutory derivative action 262
       Essay questions 266
       Suggested further reading 267
16   The protection of minorities 268
       Statutory protection against unfair prejudice 269
       Minority petition for a just and equitable winding-up 281
       Essay questions 283
       Test your knowledge 284
       Suggested further reading 285
17   Directors and management – generally 286
       Definition 287
       Appointment of directors 289
       Directors’ share qualification 299
       Division of power – directors and members 300
       The chairman and executive directors 304
       Directors as agents 306
       Publicity in connection with directors 306
       The secretary 307
       The company accountant 310
       Essay questions 310
       Test your knowledge 310
18   Financial arrangements with, and fair dealing by, directors 312
       Remuneration 313
       Expenses 318
       Pensions 318
       Compensation for loss of office 319
       Fair dealing by directors 319
       Essay questions 328
       Test your knowledge 328
19   The duties of directors 330
       The CA 2006 codifies the general duties of directors 331
       Duties of directors to the company 331
       Ministerial ‘eight-point guidance’ 332
       Specific duties set forth in the CA 2006 333
       Fiduciary duties 333
       Duties of skill and care 338
       Duties to employees 341
       Duties of directors to shareholders 343
       Duties to creditors 345
       Duties of directors to other outsiders 346
       Effects of a breach of duty 347
       Directors and political donations 348
       The FSA Listing Rules – a combined code 349
       Essay questions 349
       Test your knowledge 351
20   Vacation of office, disqualification and personal liability 353
       Expiration of the period of office 354
       Removal – under statute 355
       Removal under the articles 356
       Statutory removal – restrictions 357
       Resignation 358
       Winding-up 358
       Appointment of an administrator/administrative receiver 359
       Disqualification – generally 360
       Disqualification by the court and personal liability 361
       Disqualification only 361
       Disqualification and personal liability 366
       Personal liability only 372
       Human rights and directors 374
       Essay questions 376
       Test your knowledge 378
21   Meetings and resolutions 380
       General meetings of the company 381
       Notice of meetings 385
       Procedure at meetings – legal aspects 390
       The chairman 392
       Voting 393
       Proxies 395
       Adjournment of the meeting 397
       Minutes 398
       Class meetings 399
       Company meetings and the disabled 399
       Board meetings 400
       Resolutions – generally 402
       Ordinary resolutions requiring special notice 405
       Amendments 405
       Written resolutions for private companies (s 288, CA 2006, et seq.) 407
       Elective resolutions of private companies 408
       Meetings of single-member companies 409
       Electronic communications – CA 2006 409
       Essay questions 412
       Test your knowledge 413
22   Debentures and charges 415
       Power to borrow 416
       Debentures – generally 416
       Types of debentures 417
       Acquisition of debentures 420
       The trust deed 421
       Company charges 423
       Crystallisation of floating charges 425
       Postponement of floating charges 426
       Validity of charges 431
       Registration of charges 431
       Company’s register 434
       Avoidance of floating charges 435
       Preference 437
       Remedies of secured debenture holders 437
       Essay questions 438
       Test your knowledge 439
23   Accounts and audit 441
       Small and medium-sized companies 442
       Accounting records 444
       Annual accounts 445
       Group accounts 448
       The directors’ report 449
       Publication of accounts and reports 451
       Filing of accounts and reports 452
       Auditors 454
       Duties of auditors 457
       Rights of auditors 457
       Information and the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004 457
       Duty of care of the auditor 458
       Auditors’ liability 461
       Essay questions 465
       Test your knowledge 466
24   Amalgamations, reconstructions and takeovers 468
       Generally 469
       Amalgamations and reconstructions 470
       Amalgamation (or reconstruction) under the Insolvency Act 1986, s 110 471
       Amalgamation (or reconstruction) under the CA 2006, s 895 472
       Takeovers 476
       Essay questions 485
       Test your knowledge 487
25   Corporate insolvency – company rescue 489
       Voluntary arrangements 490
       Administration 498
       Essay questions 510
       Test your knowledge 511
26   Corporate insolvency – procedures other than rescue 513
       Receiverships 514
       Winding-up 514
       Compulsory winding-up 515
       Voluntary winding-up 515
       Members’ voluntary winding-up 516
       Creditors’ voluntary winding-up 518
       Alternatives to winding-up 520
27   Corporate insolvency – winding-up in context 524
       Winding-up by the court 525
       Voluntary winding-up 531
       The duties of a liquidator 533
       Compulsory winding-up by a company in voluntary liquidation 543
       Essay questions 544
       Test your knowledge 546
Answers to test your knowledge questions 548
Index 550


Company Law Fourteenth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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