Monday, January 26, 2015

Anthropology Appreciating Human Diversity Fourteenth Edition

Anthropology Appreciating Human Diversity Fourteenth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1995  oleh Oxford University Press, New York.

Judul:  Anthropology Appreciating Human Diversity Fourteenth Edition
Oleh:  Conrad Phillip Kottak
Penerbit:   McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 721  hal.

Conrad Phillip Kottak (A.B. Columbia Perguruan tinggi, 1963; Ph.D. Kolumbia University, 1966) adalah Julian H. Steward Collegiate Profesor Antropologi di Universitas Michigan, di mana dia mengajar
sejak 1968. Ia menjabat sebagai kepala Departemen antropologi dari 1996 sampai 2006. Pada tahun 1991 ia  diberi kehormatan untuk mengajar oleh universitas dan negara bagian Michigan.
Pada tahun 1992 ia menerima penghargaan keunggulan dalam pengajaran dari Sekolah Tinggi Sastra, Sains, dan Seni dariUniversity of Michigan. Pada tahun 1999 Anthropological Amerika Association (AAA) diberikan Profesor Kottak AAA / Mayfi Award untuk Keunggulan dalam Pengajaran sarjana Antropologi. Pada tahun 2005 ia terpilih untuk American Academy of Arts dan Ilmu, dan pada tahun 2008 menjadi anggota National Academy of Sciences.
Profesor Kottak telah melakukan kerja lapangan etnografi di Brazil (sejak tahun 1962), Madagaskar (sejak tahun 1966), dan Amerika Serikat. Kepentingan umum Nya dalam proses dimana budaya lokal digabungkan-dan menolak penggabungan-ke dalam sistem yang lebih besar.  Minatnya untuk menggabungkan karyanya pada ekologi dan negara formasi di Afrika dan Madagaskar difokuskn pada penelitiannya yang lebih baru tentang globalisasi, budaya nasional dan internasional, dan media massa.
Edisi keempat studi kasus yang populer Kottak itu Assault on Paradise: The Globalization of a Little Community di Brazil, melanjutkan pekerjaan lapangan di Arembepe, Bahia, Brasil, diterbitkan pada tahun 2006 oleh McGraw-Hill. Dalam sebuah proyek penelitian selama tahun 1980, Kottak  menggabung etnografi dan survey penelitian beajar di  "Television Perilaku Efek di Brasil." Penelitian yang merupakan dasar dari Kottak buku  Prime-Time Society: An Anthropological Analysis of Television and Culture (edisi revisi diterbitkan oleh Left Coast Press pada tahun 2010) -anak studi banding tentang sifat dan dampak televisi di Brasil dan Amerika Serikat. Buku-buku lain Kottak termasuk The Past in the Present: History, Ecology and Cultural Variation in Highland Madagascar (1980), Researching American Culture: A Guide for Student Anthropologists (edited 1982) (both University of Michigan Press), and Madagascar: Society and History (edited 1986) (Carolina Academic Press). The most recent editions (14th) of his texts Anthropology: Appreciating Human Diversity (this book) dan  Cultural Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural Diversity were published by McGraw-Hill in 2010. He also is the author of Mirror for Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009) and Window on Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Anthropology (4th ed., McGraw- Hill, 2010). With Kathryn A. Kozaitis, he wrote On Being Different: Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream (3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008).
Artikel Conrad Kottak ini telah muncul dalam jurnal akademik, termasuk American Anthropologist,
Journal of Anthropological Research, American Ethnologist, Ethnology, Human Organization, and Luso-
Brazilian Review. Ia juga menulis untuk  jurnal populer, termasuk Transaction/SOCIETY, Natural History,
Psychology Today, dan  General Anthropology.
Dalam proyek penelitian baru-baru ini, Kottak dan rekan-rekannya telah meneliti munculnya ekologi
kesadaran di Brazil, konteks sosial deforestasi dan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati di Madagaskar, dan partisipasi dalam perencanaan pembangunan ekonomi di timur laut Brasil. Profesor Kottak telah aktif di University of Michigan Center for Etnografi yang Kehidupan Sehari-hari, didukung oleh Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation. Dalam kapasitas, untuk proyek penelitian berjudul  “Media, Family, and Work in a Middle-Class Midwestern Town,” Kottak dan rekannya Lara Descartes telah menyelidiki bagaimana keluarga kelas menengah menggambar pada berbagai media dalam perencanaan, pengelolaan,
dan mengevaluasi pilihan dan solusi mereka dengan tuntutan kerja yang bersaing . Dia dapat dihubungi
melalui e-mail di alamat internet berikut:

Lingkup Pembahasan:
BAB 1 membahas praktek budaya ramah di kalangan siswa SMA di Amerika,  Kerja dan pengaruh filosofi Soetoro pada anaknya, Barack Obama, BAB 2 diantaranya mengemukakan peran individualisme dalam budaya Amerika, BAB 3 diskusi Revisi sesuai dengan budaya pemasaran, BAB 4 mengemukakan pembahasan manusia sebagai makhluk social.  BAB 5 mengemukakan pengaruh relatif budaya dan genetika pada fisiologi manusia dan  penyebaran virus  sifilis sebagai akibat dari Columbus New- eksplorasi dunia, BAB 6 diskusi pemahaman keragaman yang melampaui ras dan etnis serta penanda genetik dan fenotipe. BAB 7 membahas kekuatan manusia dan kelemahan  panca indra sebagai bukti evolusi biologi, ciri-ciri kera dan manusia yang bertentangan dengan monyet dan primata lainnya serta kehancuran lingkungan dan primate yang terancam punah.
BAB 8 mengemukakan tentang pentingnya bipedalisme ke manusia, fosil Sahelanthropus, penemuan Ardipithecus ("Ardi"), serta Tools Oldowan.  BAB 9 membahas dinding tulang H. erectus tengkorak dapat memberitahu tentang perilaku mereka, alat penyusunan  Acheulian,  penemuan fosil  terbaru di gua Spanyol serta bagaimana H. Floresiensis berjalan. BAB 10 berfokus pada manusia modern, munculnya modernitas perilaku, kemajuan teknologi, glasial mundur, seni gua, pengendapan Australia
dan Amerika, dan orang-orang dari Pacific. BAB 11 diskusi domestikasi yang menyebar dan pertanian di seluruh dunia. BAB 12 stratifikasi  dan negara. BAB 13 membahas antropolog budaya dalam komunitas global, Clyde Kluckhohn ini pandangan tentang peran pelayanan publik antropologi dan antropolog belajar terorisme. BAB 14 mengemukakan hubungan antara bahasa dan budaya serta permintaan untuk konten Web dalam bahasa lokal. BAB 15 membahas etnis sebagai pergeseran, identitas budaya ditentukan, kebingungan antara ras dan etnis dalam wacana populer, termasuk diskusi tentang
Sotomayor dengar pendapat kerahasiaan knis dan kontroversi serta tentang genotipe dan fenotipe di Brasil.  BAB 16 mengemukakan konflik budaya antara pekerjaan dan keluarga di Amerika serta dampak deforestasi dan perubahan iklim di budaya asli.  BAB 17 mengemukakan berbagai tingkatan kontrol politik (lokal / suku vs negara / nasional) yang paling kontemporer masyarakat hidup di bawah.
BAB 18 diskusi kesetaraan gender / ketidaksetaraan di Amerika saat ini, peran gender dan pembagian kerja, wanita komputer kereta di kota-kota besar India dan alternative gender. BAB 19 mengemukakan definisi  keluarga kontemporer di negara Bagian Amerika. BAB 20  mengemukakan Informasi terbaru tentang hokum pernikahan- gay di Amerika Serikat serta mahar. BAB 21 membahas tentang pemain bisbol dan pemikiran magis, perayaan Ulang tahun ke-100 Claude L EVI-Strauss, dan penilaian karya hidupnya. BAB 22 mengemukakan dari pecah tersebut media massa AS dan budaya AS, departementalisasi seni dalam budaya Barat, serta kelas di Amerika dan media massa Brasil.
BAB 23 diskusi globalisasi budaya dan perdagangan, dan BAB 24 bumi sebagai Unit global, bukan kompilasi unit nasional.

Daftar Isi:

List of Boxes xx
About the Author xxii
Preface xxiii

1     What Is Anthropology? 2
       Human Diversity 4
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: “Give Me a Hug” 6
       General Anthropology 8
       The Subdisciplines of Anthropology 9
       Anthropology and Other Academic Fields 13
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Changing Places, Changing Identities 13
       Applied Anthropology 15
       The Scientifi c Method 15
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Anthropologist’s Son Elected President 16
       Summary 20
       Key Terms 21
       Test Yourself! 21
       Suggested Additional Readings 23
2     Culture 24
       What Is Culture? 27
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Remote and Poked, Anthropology’s Dream Tribe 30
       Culture’s Evolutionary Basis 32
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Bulgarian Hospitality 33
       Universality, Generality, and Particularity 35
       Culture and the Individual: Agency and Practice 37
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Culture Clash: Makah
       Seek Return to Whaling Past 40
       Mechanisms of Cultural Change 42
       Globalization 43
       Summary 44
       Key Terms 45
       Test Yourself! 45
       Suggested Additional Readings 47
3     Applying Anthropology 48
       The Role of the Applied Anthropologist 52
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Archaeologist in New Orleans Finds a Way to Help the
         Living 54
       Development Anthropology 54
       Equity 55
       Strategies for Innovation 56
       Overinnovation 56
       Underdifferentiation 57
       Indigenous Models 57
       Anthropology and Education 58
       Urban Anthropology 59
       Urban versus Rural 59
       Medical Anthropology 61
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Culturally Appropriate Marketing 64
       Anthropology and Business 64
       Careers and Anthropology 65
       Summary 66
       Key Terms 67
       Test Yourself! 67
       Suggested Additional Readings 69
4     Studying the Past 70
       Ethics 73
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: The Kennewick Conundrum 74
       Methods 76
       Survey and Excavation 79
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Urge to Cooperate Appears to be Innate and Basic to Human
           Society and Culture 80
       Kinds of Archaeology 83
       Dating the Past 84
       Summary 88
       Key Terms 88
       Test Yourself! 89
       Suggested Additional Readings 91
5     Evolution and Genetics 92
       Evolution 95
       Genetics 97
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Intelligent Design versus Evolutionary Theory 98
       Biochemical, or Molecular, Genetics 101
       Population Genetics and Mechanisms of Genetic Evolution 103
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Adoption in Ukraine and the United States (a Ukrainian
           Student’s View) 109
       The Modern Synthesis 109
       Summary 111
       Key Terms 111
       Test Yourself! 112
       Suggested Additional Readings 113
6     Human Variation and Adaptation 114
       Race: A Discredited Concept in Biology 116
       Races Are Not Biologically Distinct 117
       Embrace of Slavery’s Diaspora 118
       Genetic Markers Don’t Correlate with Phenotype 121
       Explaining Skin Color 121
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Thinking about Race 122
       Human Biological Adaptation 124
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Adapting to Thin Air 128
       Summary 131
       Key Terms 131
       Test Yourself! 132
       Suggested Additional Readings 133
7     The Primates 134
       Our Place among Primates 137
       Homologies and Analogies 138
       Primate Tendencies 139
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Wild Orangutans Learn Tool Use 140
       Prosimians 141
       Monkeys 142
       New World Monkeys 143
       Old World Monkeys 143
       Apes 144
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Endangered Primates 148
       Behavioral Ecology and Fitness 150
       Primate Evolution 150
       Chronology 150
       Early Primates 151
       Miocene Hominoids 154
       Summary 156
       Key Terms 157
       Test Yourself! 157
       Suggested Additional Readings 159
8     Early Hominins 160
       What Makes Us Human? 162
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Ethiopian Paleontologist Discovers “Lucy’s Baby” 164
       Teeth 164
       Chronology of Hominin Evolution 165
       Who Were the Earliest Hominins? 166
       The Varied Australopithecines 170
       The Australopithecines and Early Homo 177
       Oldowan Tools 179
       Summary 180
       Key Terms 181
       Test Yourself! 181
       Suggested Additional Readings 183
9     Archaic Homo 184
       Early Homo 187
       Out of Africa I: H. erectus 189
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Headstrong Hominins 190
       Archaic H. Sapiens 194
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Fossils in Spain Are Treasure-Trove for Scientists 196
       The Neandertals 198
       Homo Floresiensis 201
       Summary 202
       Key Terms 203
       Test Yourself! 203
       Suggested Additional Readings 205
10   The Origin and Spread of Modern Humans 206
       Modern Humans 208
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Improved Science Puts Modern Humans in EuropeEarlier 212
       The Advent of Behavioral Modernity 212
       Advances in Technology 215
       Glacial Retreat 216
       Cave Art 217
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: South African Cave Provides Earliest Evidence for Modern
            Behavior 218
       The Settling of Australia 219
       Settling the Americas 221
       The Peopling of the Pacifi c 223
       Summary 226
       Key Terms 227
       Test Yourself! 227
       Suggested Additional Readings 229
11   The First Farmers 230
       The Mesolithic 233
       The Neolithic 234
       The First Farmers and Herders in the Middle East 235
       Other Old World Food Producers 238
       The First American Farmers 241
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: The Early Origin of New World Domestication 244
       Explaining the Neolithic 246
       Costs and Benefi ts 248
       Summary 250
       Key Terms 251
       Test Yourself! 251
       Suggested Additional Readings 253
12   The First Cities and States 254
       The Origin of the State 256
       Attributes of States 259
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Pseudo- Archaeology 260
       State Formation in the Middle East 260
       Other Early States 268
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: The Hanging Roadways of Ancient Peru 270
       State Formation in Mesoamerica 272
       Warfare and State Formation: The Zapotec Case 273
       States in the Valley of Mexico 274
       Why States Collapse 276
       The Maya Decline 276
       Summary 277
       Key Terms 278
       Test Yourself! 278
       Suggested Additional Readings 279
13   Method and Theory in Cultural Anthropology 280
       Ethnography: Anthropology’s Distinctive Strategy 283
       Ethnographic Techniques 283
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Even Anthropologists Get Culture Shock 284
       Survey Research 290
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Should Anthropologists Study Terrorism? 292
       Theory in Anthropology over Time 294
       Anthropology Today 304
       Summary 306
       Key Terms 307
       Test Yourself! 307
       Suggested Additional Readings 309
14   Language and Communication 310
       What is Language? 312
       Nonhuman Primate Communication 313
       Nonverbal Communication 315
       The Structure of Language 317
       Language, Thought, and Culture 318
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: It’s All in the Nickname 321
       Sociolinguistics 321
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Googling Locally 322
       Historical Linguistics 328
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Using Modern Technology to Preserve Linguistic and
           Cultural Diversity 330
       Summary 331
       Key Terms 331
       Test Yourself! 332
       Suggested Additional Readings 333
15   Ethnicity and Race 334
       Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity 337
       Race and Ethnicity 338
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: What’s Wrong with Race? 340
       The Social Construction of Race 341
       Ethnic Groups, Nations, and Nationalities 347
       Ethnic Tolerance and Accommodation 347
       Roots of Ethnic Confl ict 350
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: The Basques 352
       Chips in the Mosaic 354
       Aftermaths of Oppression 355
       Summary 356
       Key Terms 357
       Test Yourself! 357
       Suggested Additional Readings 359
16   Making a Living 360
       Adaptive Strategies 362
       Foraging 363
       Cultivation 367
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Children, Parents, and Family Economics 372
       Pastoralism 372
       Modes of Production 374
       Economizing and Maximization 377
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Scarcity and the Betsileo 378
       Distribution, Exchange 380
       Potlatching 382
       Summary 385
       Key Terms 385
       Test Yourself! 386
       Suggested Additional Readings 387

17   Political Systems 388
       What is “The Political”? 390
       Types and Trends 391
       Bands and Tribes 392
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Yanomami Update: Venezuela Takes Charge, Problems Arise 396
       Chiefdoms 402
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Comparing Political Parties in Guatemala and the United
            States 404
       States 405
       Social Control 408
       Summary 412
       Key Terms 413
       Test Yourself! 413
       Suggested Additional Readings 415
18   Gender 416
       Sex and Gender 418
       Recurrent Gender Patterns 420
       Gender among Foragers 412
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: A Women’s Train for India 424
       Gender among  Horticulturalists 426
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Motherhood as the Key Component of  Female Identity in
            Serbia 429
       Gender among Agriculturalists 431
       Patriarchy and Violence 432
       Gender and Industrialism 432
       Sexual Orientation 435
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Hidden Women, Public Men–Public Women,
             Hidden Men 436
       Summary 439
       Key Terms 440
       Test Yourself! 440
       Suggested Additional Readings 442
19   Families, Kinship, and Descent 444
       Families 446
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Social Security, Kinship Style 450
       Descent 454
       Kinship Calculation 456
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: When Are Two Dads Better than One?—When the Women 
               Are in Charge 458
       Kinship Terminology 459
       Summary 463
       Key Terms 463
       Test Yourself! 463
       Suggested Additional Readings 465

20   Marriage 466
       What Is Marriage? 468
       Incest and Exogamy 469
       Explaining the Taboo 471
       Endogamy 473
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Families, Kinship, and Descent (a Turkmen Student
             Writes) 475
       Marital Rights and Same-Sex
       Marriage 475
       Marriage as Group  Alliance 477
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Love and Marriage 478
       Divorce 482
       Plural Marriages 483
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Five Wives and 55 Children 484
       Summary 486
       Key Terms 487
       Test Yourself! 487
       Suggested Additional Readings 489
21   Religion 490
       What Is Religion? 492
       Origins, Functions, and Expressions of Religion 493
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: A Parisian  Celebration and a Key Tourist Destination 498
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Driven by Religion or by Popular Culture 500
       Religion and Cultural Ecology 500
       Sacred Cattle in India 500
       Social Control 501
       Kinds of Religion 503
       Religion in States 504
       World Religions 505
       Religion and Change 506
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Islam Expanding Globally, Adapting Locally 508
       Secular Rituals 512
       Summary 512
       Key Terms 513
       Test Yourself! 513
       Suggested Additional Readings 515
22   Arts, Media, and Sports 516
       What Is Art? 518
       Art, Society, and Culture 523
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Visual Arts in Hong Kong and the United States 526
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: I’ll Get You, My Pretty, and Your Little R2 530
       Media and Culture 533
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: What Ever Happened to Class? 536
       Sports and Culture 538
       Summary 542
       Key Terms 543
       Test Yourself! 543
       Suggested Additional Readings 545
23   The World System and Colonialism 546
       The World System 549
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: Bones Reveal Some Truth in “Noble Savage” Myth 550
       Industrialization 552
       Socioeconomic Effects of Industrialization 554
       THROUGH THE EYES OF OTHERS: Education and Colonialism 556
       Colonialism 556
       Development 560
       The Second World 561
       The World System Today 563
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Is Mining Sustainable? 564
       Summary 567
       Key Terms 568
       Test Yourself! 568
       Suggested Additional Readings 570
24   Global Issues Today 572
       Global Climate Change 575
       APPRECIATING DIVERSITY: The Plight of Climate Refugees 576
       Environmental Anthropology 579
       Interethnic Contact 584
       Making and Remaking Culture 587
       APPRECIATING ANTHROPOLOGY: Giving up the American Dream 590
       Indigenous Peoples 592
       The Continuance of Diversity 594
       Summary 594
       Key Terms 594
       Test Yourself! 595
       Suggested Additional Readings 597


Anthropology Appreciating Human Diversity Fourteenth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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