Monday, January 26, 2015

Sherlock’s Diseases of The Liver and Biliary System 12th Edition

Sherlock’s Diseases of The Liver and Biliary System 12th  Edition
Buku diterbitkan Tahun  2011  oleh Blackwell Publishing Ltd adalah buku Edisi  Duabelas

Judul:   Sherlock’s Diseases of The Liver and Biliary System 12th  Edition
Pengarang: James S. Dooley, et al  (Editor)
Penerbit:  Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman:  788  hal.


Centre for Hepatology
University College London Medical School and
Royal Free Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre
Royal Free Hospital
Division of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Health System
Ann Arbor
Royal Free Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre
Royal Free Hospital;
University College London
Division of Gastroenterology
University Health Network
University of Toronto

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Edisi 12 th berisi lebih dari 2.240 referensi baru dan lebih dari 130  topik baru. Setiap bab dimulai
dengan poin pembelajaran. Karya seni sebelumnya telah diformat ulang, di samping tokoh-tokoh baru dan tabel.   Buku ini ditujukan untuk pembaca yang luas di seluruh siswa, peserta pelatihan, umum dan dokter spesialis. Buku ini terdiri atas 37 Bab.

Daftar Isi:

List of Contributors, xi
Preface to the Twelfth Edition, xv
Preface to the First Edition, xvi

1     Anatomy and Function, 1
       Jay H. Lefkowitch
       Development of the liver and bile ducts, 1
       Anatomy of the liver, 1
       Functional liver anatomy: sectors and segments, 3
       Anatomical abnormalities of the liver, 4
       Anatomy of the biliary tract, 5
       Surface marking, 6
       Methods of examination, 6
       Microanatomy of the liver, 7
       Hepatic ultrastructure (electron microscopy) and organelle functions, 11
       Functional heterogeneity of the liver, 15
       Dynamics of the hepatic microenvironment in physiology and disease, 16
       Hepatocyte death and regeneration, 17
       References, 18
2     Assessment of Liver Function, 20
       Sandeep Mukherjee & John L. Gollan
       Selection of biochemical tests, 20
       Bile pigments, 21
       Serum enzyme tests, 22
       Quantitative assessment of hepatic function, 25
       Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, 25
       Bile acids, 27
       Amino acid metabolism, 30
       Plasma proteins, 30
       Carbohydrate metabolism, 33
       Effects of ageing on the liver, 33
       References, 34
3     Biopsy of the Liver, 36
       David Patch & Amar Paul Dhillon
       Selection and preparation of the patient, 36
       Techniques, 37
       Risks and complications, 40
       Sampling variability, 41
       Naked-eye appearances, 43
       Preparation of the specimen, 43
       Interpretation, 43
       Indications, 43
       Special methods, 45
       References, 46
4     Haematological Disorders of the Liver, 48
       Pramod K. Mistry & Dhanpat Jain
       The liver and blood coagulation, 50
       Haemolytic jaundice, 53
       The liver in haemolytic anaemias, 54
       The liver in myelo- and lymphoproliferative disease, 57
       Leukaemia, 57
       Bone marrow transplantation, 57
       Lymphoma, 58
       Lipid storage diseases, 62
       References, 66
5     Acute Liver Failure, 70
       Shannan R. Tujios & William M. Lee
       Defi nition, 70
       Epidemiology and aetiologies, 71
       Clinical features, 74
       Initial investigations, 75
       Complications and management of acute liver failure, 77
       Specifi c therapies, 84
       Prognosis, 86
       Liver transplantation, 86
       Liver support systems, 88
       Conclusion, 88
       References, 89
6     Hepatic Fibrogenesis, 94
       Meena B. Bansal & Scott L. Friedman
       Introduction, 94
       Natural history of hepatic fi brosis, 94
       Cellular and molecular features of hepatic fi brosis, 95
       Clinical aspects of hepatic fi brosis, 100
       Emerging antifi brotic targets and strategies, 101
       References, 101
7     Hepatic Cirrhosis, 103
       P. Aiden McCormick
       Definition, 103
       Causes of cirrhosis, 103
       Anatomical diagnosis, 104
       Reversible cirrhosis, 106
       Clinical cirrhosis: compensated versus decompensated, 106
       Vasodilatation and hyperdynamic circulation, 108
       Prognosis (Child–Pugh score, MELD, UKELD), 110
       Clinical and pathological associations, 111
       Management, 117
       References, 118
8     Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients with Cirrhosis, 121
       Marsha Y. Morgan
       Classifi cation, 121
       Diagnosis, 124
       Differential diagnosis, 130
       Hepatic encephalopathy and liver transplantation, 131
       Management of hepatic encephalopathy, 139
       Prevention, 146
       References, 146
9    The Hepatic Artery, Portal Venous System and Portal Hypertension: the Hepatic Veins and 
       Liver in  Circulatory Failure, 152
       Andrew K. Burroughs
       The hepatic artery, 152
       The portal venous system, 156
       Haemodynamics of portal hypertension, 160
       Clinical features of portal hypertension, 162
       Diagnosis of varices, 163
       Imaging the portal venous system, 166
       Classifi cation of portal hypertension, 17
       Presinusoidal intrahepatic and sinusoidal portal hypertension, 176
       Bleeding oesophageal varices, 179
       Management of acute variceal bleeding, 181
       The hepatic veins, 189
       Budd–Chiari (hepatic venous obstruction) syndrome, 191
       Circulatory failure, 197
       References, 202
10   Ascites, 210
       Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao
       Mechanisms of ascites formation, 210
       Clinical features, 213
       Differential diagnosis, 215
       Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, 216
       Treatment of cirrhotic ascites, 218
       Hyponatraemia, 222
       Refractory ascites, 223
       Hepatorenal syndrome, 224
       Prognosis, 228
       References, 228
11   Jaundice and Cholestasis, 234
       Elwyn Elias
       Introduction, 234
       Physiology and pathophysiology, 235
       Syndrome of cholestasis, 240
       Investigation of the jaundiced patient, 245
       Differential diagnosis, 247
       Treatment, 249
       Familial non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinaemias, 250
       References, 254
12   Gallstones and Benign Biliary Diseases, 257
       James S. Dooley
       Imaging, 258
       Composition of gallstones, 261
       Factors in cholesterol stone formation, 264
       Pigment gallstones, 26
       Acute calculous cholecystitis, 267
       Empyema of the gallbladder, 26
       Acalculous cholecystitis, 270
       Cholecystectomy, 271
       Postcholecystectomy bile duct damage, 273
       Postcholecystectomy syndromes, 275
       Non-surgical treatment of gallstones in the gallbladder, 276
       Other gallbladder pathology, 277
       Biliary fi stulae, 279
       Gallstone ileus, 280
       Bile peritonitis, 280
       Association between cholecystectomy and colorectal cancer, 281
       Common duct stones, 281
       Management of duct stones, 282
       Haemobilia, 285
       Bile duct–bowel anastomotic stricture, 285
       Chronic pancreatitis, 286
       Primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune pancreatitis, 287
       Bile duct pathology following liver transplantation, 287
       References, 287
13   Malignant Biliary Diseases, 294
       Rahul S. Koti & Brian R. Davidson
       Carcinoma of the gallbladder, 294
       Carcinoma of the bile duct (cholangiocarcinoma), 296
       Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, 302
       Other biliary malignancies, 302
       Metastases at the hilum, 302
       Periampullary carcinoma, 302
       Conclusions, 308
       References, 308
14   Cysts and Congenital Biliary Abnormalities, 312
       Giorgina Mieli-Vergani & Nedim Hadžic´
       Fibropolycystic diseases, 312
       Adult polycystic disease, 314
       Congenital hepatic fi brosis, 316
       Caroli’s disease, 318
       Microhamartoma (von Meyenberg complexes), 319
       Choledochal cysts, 320
       Congenital anomalies of the biliary tract, 322
       References, 326
15   Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, 329
       Margaret F. Bassendine
       Clinical features, 329
       Diagnosis, 332
       Aetiology, 335
       Epidemiology and genetics, 336
       Treatment, 337
       Prognosis, 338
       References, 338
16   Sclerosing Cholangitis, 342
       Simon Rushbrook & Roger W. Chapman
       Introduction, 342
       Primary sclerosing cholangitis, 342
       Secondary sclerosing cholangitis, 348
       References, 350
17   Enterically Transmitted Viral Hepatitis: Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E, 353
       Peter Karayiannis & Howard C. Thomas
       General features of enterically transmitted viral hepatitis, 353
       Hepatitis A virus, 358
       Hepatitis E virus, 362
       References, 364
18   Hepatitis B, 367
       Anna S. F. Lok
       Introduction, 367
       Immune response and mechanisms of hepatic injury, 369
       Epidemiology, 370
       Prevention, 371
       Diagnosis, 374
       Clinical manifestations, 376
       Natural history, 377
       Treatment, 380
       References, 389
19   Hepatitis D, 393
       Patrizia Farci
       History, 393
       Epidemiology, 395
       Pathogenesis, 396
       Modes of infection and clinical course, 396
       Diagnosis, 399
       Treatment, 400
       Prevention, 403
       References, 403
20   Hepatitis C, 406
       Geoffrey Dusheiko
       Introduction, 406
       Virology, 408
       Pathology and pathogenesis, 409
       Diagnostic tests for hepatitis C, 410
       Acute hepatitis C, 411
       Chronic hepatitis C, 412
       References, 424
21   Hepatitis due to Non-A–E Viruses, 427
       Antonio Craxì & Rosa Di Stefano
       General features of non-A–E hepatitides, 427
       Hepatotropic viruses, 429
       Systemic viral infections that often cause transient liver involvement, 431
       References, 435
22   HIV and the Liver, 438
       Marion G. Peters & Vincent Soriano
       Viral hepatitis and human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) infection, 438
       Cirrhosis and liver transplantation, 444
       HIV-associated opportunistic infections and the liver, 444
       HIV-associated neoplasms of the liver, 446
       Antiretroviral-related liver injury in HIV, 446
       References, 448
23   Autoimmune Hepatitis and Overlap Syndromes, 452
       Gideon M. Hirschfi eld & E. Jenny Heathcote
       Introduction, 452
       Disease overview, 452
       Biological determinants of disease, 454
       Disease presentation, 455
       Laboratory features, 457
       Imaging, 459
       Liver biopsy and histological features, 459
       Differential diagnosis, 461
       Diagnostic dilemmas, 463
       Making a diagnosis in practice, 463
       Management strategies, 464
       Pregnancy and autoimmune hepatitis, 468
       Contraception choices for patients with autoimmune hepatitis, 469
       The elderly and autoimmune hepatitis, 469
       Childhood-onset autoimmune hepatitis, 469
       Autoimmune hepatitis and liver transplantation, 471
       Overlap syndromes, 471
       Conclusion, 475
       References, 475
24   Drug-Induced Liver Injury, 478
       Leonard B. Seeff & Robert J. Fontana
       Introduction, 478
       Worldwide epidemiology, 479
       Expressions of hepatotoxicity, 481
       Classification of hepatotoxicity, 482
       Predictors of susceptibility and outcome in druginduced liver injury, 483
       Mechanisms of injury, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, 484
       Diagnostic approaches and causality assessment of drug-induced liver injury, 487
       Clinical and biochemical presentations of drug-induced liver disease, 488
       Assessment of suspected drug-induced liver disease, 489
       Assessing causality for drug-induced liver disease, 489
       Medical management, 491
       Liver injury from specifi c drugs, 491
       References, 499
25   Alcohol and the Liver, 507
       Stephen Stewart & Chris Day
       Introduction, 507
       Alcohol metabolism, 507
       Pathogenesis, 508
       Susceptibility, 510
       Histological features, 511
       Clinical features, 513
       Clinical syndromes, 516
       Prognosis, 517
       Treatment, 517
       References, 519
26   Iron Overload States, 521
       Paul Adams
       Normal iron metabolism, 521
       Iron overload and liver damage, 523
       Genetic haemochromatosis, 523
       Other iron storage diseases, 530
       References, 531
27   Wilson’s Disease, 534
       Eve A. Roberts
       Molecular genetics: pathogenesis, 534
       Pathology, 536
       Clinical picture, 537
       Genetic strategies, 539
       Diagnostic diffi culties, 540
       Treatment, 540
       Prognosis, 542
       Indian childhood cirrhosis, 543
       References, 543
28   Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Nutrition, 546
       Stephen H. Caldwell & Curtis K. Argo
       Introduction, 546
       Clinical features, 548
       Laboratory testing, 549
       Mitochondriopathies and lipodystrophy, 549
       Epidemiology of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 549
       Pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 550
       The natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and non-NASH
            fatty liver), 556
       Therapy of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 558
       Other forms of non-alcoholic fatty liver, 560
       References, 561
29   The Liver in the Neonate, in Infancy and Childhood, 568
       Deirdre A. Kelly
       Investigation of liver disease in children, 568
       Neonatal jaundice, 569
       Neonatal liver disease (conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia), 571
       Neonatal hepatitis syndrome, 574
       Inherited disease in the neonate, 576
       Genetic cholestatic syndromes, 578
       Structural abnormalities: biliary atresia and choledochal cyst, 580
       Acute liver failure in infancy, 583
       Liver disease in older children, 585
       Metabolic disease in older children, 587
       Cirrhosis and portal hypertension, 594
       Liver transplantation, 594
       Tumours of the liver, 595
       References, 596
30   The Liver in Pregnancy, 602
       Andrew K. Burroughs & E. Jenny Heathcote
       Normal pregnancy, 602
       Liver disease in pregnancy, 602
       Diseases specifi c to pregnancy, 602
       Diseases of late pregnancy, 603
       Pregnancy in those with acute or chronic liver disease, 608
       Hepatotoxic drugs and the pregnant woman, 609
       Pre-existing liver disease, 610
       Pregnancy in liver transplant recipients, 611
       References, 611
31   The Liver in Systemic Disease, 615
       Humphrey J. F. Hodgson
       Collagen-vascular and autoimmune disorders, 615
       Hepatic granulomas, 616
       The liver in diabetes mellitus, 622
       Liver and thyroid, 622
       Liver and adrenal, 623
       Liver and growth hormone, 623
       Amyloidosis, 623
       Porphyrias, 626
       Non-metastatic complications of malignancy, 628
       Bone-marrow/stem cell transplantation; graft-versushost disease, 629
       References, 629
32   The Liver in Infections, 632
       Christopher C. Kibbler
       Introduction, 632
       Hepatic amoebiasis, 635
       Tuberculosis of the liver, 637
       Hepatic actinomycosis, 638
       Syphilis of the liver, 639
       Perihepatitis, 640
       Relapsing fever, 643
       Fungal infections, 644
       Schistosomiasis (bilharzia), 645
       Malaria, 647
       Kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis), 648
       Hydatid disease, 648
       Ascariasis, 652
       Strongyloides stercoralis, 654
       Trichinosis, 654
       Toxocara canis (visceral larva migrans), 654
       Liver flukes, 654
       References, 656
33   Space-Occupying Lesions: the Diagnostic Approach, 660
       Neil H. Davies & Dominic Yu
       Ultrasound, 660
       Computed tomography, 661
       Magnetic resonance imaging, 663
       Radioisotope scanning, 666
       Positron emission tomography, 667
       MR spectroscopy, 668
       Conclusions and choice of imaging technique, 669
       References, 669
34   Benign Liver Tumours, 671
       Ian R. Wanless
       Diagnosis of focal liver lesions, 671
       Hepatocellular tumours, 671
       Biliary and cystic lesions, 676
       Mesenchymal tumours, 677
       References, 678
35   Primary Malignant Neoplasms of the Liver, 681
       Morris Sherman
       Hepatocellular carcinoma, 681
       Cholangiocarcinoma, 696
       Other malignant neoplasms of the liver, 698
       References, 698
36   Hepatic Transplantation, 704
       Andrew K. Burroughs & James O’Beirne
       Selection of patients, 704
       Candidates: outcome, 706
       Absolute and relative contraindications, 712
       General preparation of the patient, 713
       The recipient operation, 714
       Immunosuppression, 716
       Postoperative course, 717
       Post-transplantation complications, 718
       Conclusion, 726
       References, 726
37   Liver Transplantation in Patients with Hepatitis B, C or HIV Infection, 731
       Norah Terrault
       Introduction, 731
       Hepatitis B and liver transplantation, 731
       Hepatitis C and liver transplantation, 735
       HIV and liver transplantation, 740
       References, 741
Index, 747
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