Birds: Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Volume 4
Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun 2011 oleh Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Judul: Birds: Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates Volume 4
Oleh: David O. Norris., et al (Editor)
Penerbit: Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 276 hal.
David O. Norris
Department of Integrative Physiology
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Kristin H. Lopez
Department of Integrative Physiology
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Lingkup Pembahasan:
Burung adalah binatang yang unik di antara vertebrata bahwa mereka sangat beradaptasi untuk penerbangan dalam hal anatomi, fisiologi, dan tingkah laku mereka. Selanjutnya, mereka mungkin spesies vertebrata yang paling terlihat bagi manusia untuk menjadi kuat diurnal, sering berwarna cerah, dan sangat mudah untuk mengamati di habitat alami mereka. Akibatnya, burung menjadi target favorit bagi ahli biologi tertarik mempelajari hubungan antara hormon, faktor lingkungan alam, dan reproduksi pada vertebrata liar. Buku ini mengemukakan bahwa Burung tersebar di berbagai habitat global, semua burung dicirikan oleh fisiologis endothermy, pemupukan intern, dan Ovipar obligat. Betina menghasilkan relatif sejumlah kecil telur yolky besar, dan perkembangan embrio umumnya memerlukan suhu tinggi.
Dengan demikian, pengasuhan yang cukup adalah terlibat dalam reproduksi sukses sebagian besar spesies burung. Volume ini mengemukakan berfokus pada hormon dan reproduksi burung baik pada spesies burung di populasi liar dan burung penangkaran, di mana fisiologi reproduksi dan Perilaku dapat dipelajari dengan relatif mudah. Buku ini mulai dengan bab tentang peraturan reproduksi neuroendokrin dan diikuti dengan bab tentang testis dan fungsi ovarium. Di samping itu buku ini juga mengemukakan diskusi tentang peran induk dalam menentukan komposisi hormonal dan gizi telur dan signifikansinya untuk keberhasilan reproduksi. Bab tentang hormon yang terlibat dalam stres, pacaran dan perilaku kawin, perilaku orangtua, serta migrasi dan siklus reproduksi merupakan penekanan dari Studi reproduksi burung selama beberapa decade terakhir. Bab terakhir mengemukakan pentingnya gangguan endokrin pada populasi burung oleh bahan kimia antropogenik.
Daftar Isi:
Preface viii
Contributors xvii
CHAPTER 1 Neuroendocrine Control of Reproduction in Birds 1
Takayoshi Ubuka and George E. Bentley
1. Introduction 1
2. The Hypothalamus-Pituitary Systen (HPD) 2
3. Mechanisms and Pathways Regulating Gonadotropin (GTH) Secretion 3
4. Mechanisms and Pathways Regulating Ovulation and Oviposition 7
5. Mechanisms and Pathways Regulating Prolactin (PRL) Secretion 8
6. Mechanisms and Pathways Regulating Seasonal Reproduction 9
7. Future Research Directions 15
Abbreviations 16
References 16
CHAPTER 2 Avian Testicular Structure, Function, and Regulation 27
Pierre Deviche, Laura L. Hurley and H. Bobby Fokidis
1. Central Mechanisms Regulating Testicular Development 27
2. Endocrine Influence on Development of the Avian Male Phenotype 28
3. Avian Testicular Anatomy 28
4. Endocrine and Exocrine Function Avian Testes 29
5. Endocrine and Paracrine Control of Avian Testicular Function 31
6. Exogenous Regulation of Testicular Function 40
7. Ecology of Testiculat Function 45
8. Testicular Dysfunction 49
9. Anthropogenic Effects on Testicular Function 50
10. Conclusions and Future Directions 52
Abbreviations 54
Reference 54
CHAPTER 3 Organization and Functional Dynamics of the Avian Ovary 71
A.L. Johnson
1. The Avian Ovary 71
2. Developmental Dybamics and Oraganization of the Avian Ovary 72
3. Reproductive Seasonality 78
4. Follicular Development 80
5. Summary 86
Abbreviations 86
Reference 87
CHAPTER 4 Maternal Hormones in Avian Eggs 91
Nikolaus von Engelhardt* and Ton G.G. Groothuisy
1. Introduction: Importance of the Topic abd Outline 91
2. Hormones and Levels 92
3. Mechanisms of Accumulation 94
4. Effects on Offspring 96
5. Mechanism of Action 105
6. Fungtional and Evolutionary Aspects 108
7. Conclusion, Gaps, and Perpective 119
Abbreviations 119
Reference 120
CHAPTER 5 Stress and Reproduction in Birds 129
Creagh W. Breuner
1. Introduction 129
2. Regulation of Glucocorticoid (GC) Secretion 134
3. In Termidiate Performance Measures 138
4. Direct Fitness Metrics 142
5. Summary 145
Abbreviations 145
Reference 145
CHAPTER 6 Hormonal Regulation of Avian Courtship and Mating Behaviors 153
Lauren V. Riters and Sarah J. Alger
1. Ibtroduction 153
2. Steroid Hormones Synchronize Courtship and Mating Behaviors with Reproductive Physiology and Environmental Factors 153
3. Steroid Hormones Act Within Distibct Brain Regions to Influence Courtship and Mating 158
4. Steroid Hormone Synthetic Enzymes and Metabolites in the Brain 161
5. Neuroendocrine Regulation of Male Sexual Behavior 164
6. . Neuroendocrine Regulation of Female Sexual Behavior 168
7. Closing Remarks 171
Abbreviations 171
Reference 172
CHAPTER 7 Hormones and Regulation of Parental Behavior in Birds 181
Carol M. Vleck and David Vleck
1. Introduction 181
2. Nest Building 182
3. Incubation 183
4. Care of Young 189
5. Testosterone (T) and Male Parental Behavior 192
6. Effects of Environmental Stress on Parental Behavior-Roles of Corticosterone (CORT) and
Prolactin (PRL) 193
7. Special Cases of Parental Behavior 194
8. Future Research 195
Abbreviations 196
Reference 196
CHAPTER 8 Hormones in Migration and Reproductive Cycles of Birds 205
Marilyn Ramenofsky
1. Introduction 205
2. Life History and Ecology of The Subspecies of The White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia
Leucophrys) 205
3. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Control of Hormones in The Reproductive Cyscles of Male and Female
Birds 206
4. Annual Cycles of Migratory and Sedentary White-Crowned Sparrows 206
5. Applying Finite Mchine Theory to Migration and Breeding Cycles 207
6. Timing Nigration and Breeding 208
7. The Vernal Migratory 213
8. The Breeding Life-History Stage 223
9. The Autumn Migratory Stage 226
10. Conclusions 228
11. Future Directions 228
Acknowledgements 228
Abbreviations 229
Reference 229
CHAPTER 9 Endocrine Disruption of Reproduction in Birds 239
Mary Ann Ottinger*, Karen Dean, Moira McKernan and Michael J. Quinn, Jr.
1. Introduction 239
2. Impacts of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDs) 240
3. Modes of Exposure in Birds 241
4. Challenges in Assessing Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical (EDC) Effects in Birds 243
5. Discerning The Effects of Different Classes of Endocrinedisrupting Chemical (EDCs) 243
6. Lifecycle and Species Differences in The Timing of Vulnerability to Endocrine-Discrupting
Chemicals (EDCs) 243
7. Major Effects of Endocrinedisrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Avian Species 247
8. Other Considerations Effects of Endocrine-Discrupting Chemicals (EDCs) on Immune Function
and Stress Responses 253
9. Conclusions 254
Acknowledgements 254
Abbreviations 254
Reference 255
Subject Index 263
Color Plates 268
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