Thursday, May 14, 2015

Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills

Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills
Buku Ini   adalah buku diterbitkan tahun 2005 oleh Routledge Falmer. New York adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:   Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills
Oleh:    John Mutcher
Penerbit:  RoutledgeFalmer. New York
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman:  173  hal.


John Butcher adalah Staf Tutor Pendidikan dan Dosen Senior di Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan di Pendidikan Guru di Universitas Terbuka.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk mendukung pelatihan dan berpengalaman guru mereka mengembangkan 16-19 keterampilan mengajar. Setelah mengajar di sekolah bentuk keenam komprehensif dan FE perguruan tinggi, dan saat ini mendukung pelatihan awal dan berkelanjutan professional pengembangan guru, adalah dengan praktek yang efektif di dalam kelas. Buku ini membuka taman rahasia 16-19 mengajar, menunjukkan strategi yang efektif, sementara mengakui keterbatasan saat pelatihan yang relevan.
Buku ini disusun untuk guru peserta pelatihan yang cepat untuk menarik lebih lengkap tentang 16-19 bukti dan meningkatkan kompetensi dan kepercayaan diri mereka dalam mengajar fase itu. Hal ini juga bertujuan untuk dukungan NQTs dan guru berpengalaman dalam pencarian mereka untuk mengembangkan efektif 16-19 keterampilan mengajar.

Daftar isi:

Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii
List of abbreviations xv
1     Introduction 1
       Why this book? 1
       The secondary gap: what of the Standards and the literature? 6
       The Further Education gap 8
       The dominance of A levels 12
       Professional development needs in 16–19 education 13
       How to use this book 14
       Concluding remarks 17
2     16–19 education contextualised 19
       Why is context important? How did we get here? 19
       Case study: is there a standard 16–19 learner? 21
       How has 16–19 education been perceived? 22
       A brief history of 16–19 education: A levels (un)reformed 23
       Vocational alternatives 29
       Baccalaureates as the alternative? 31
       Curriculum 2000 32
       Is 16–19 settled? 36
3     Effectiveness defined 39
       What is outstanding 16–19 teaching? 40
       What did Hay McBer say about effectiveness? 42
       What does Ofsted say about effectiveness? 45
       What support do 16–19 teachers need to be effective? 53
       Effective teaching of GCSE repeats 16–19 55
       Conclusions 56
4     Avoiding preconceptions 16–19: planning for differentiation 59
       Why is it important to know learner needs? 60
       Differentiation 16–19 60
       Planning 16–19 effectively 64
       Bridging the Year 11/Year 12 gap 67
       ‘Shattered illusions’: what expectations do trainee teachers have of 16–19 teaching? 70
       What can mentors do to challenge preconceptions? 72
       What can mentors do to support 16–19 differentiation? 74
       Conclusion: evaluate your planning for effective differentiation 76
5     Subject expertise in 16–19 teaching 79
       Subject knowledge as a baseline for effective teaching 80
       What is subject expertise? 82
       Trainee teachers’ 16–19 subject knowledge 85
       Why is subject knowledge a problem in Year 12? 87
       When is subject knowledge a problem? 89
       ITT mentors and subject knowledge 90
       Subject-knowledge cultures: the pressure to adapt 92
       Conclusion 93
       Subject Associations 93
6     Assessment 16–199 5
       Assessment imperatives 96
       Varieties of 16–19 assessment 98
       Effective feedback 100
       16–19 marking scales 103
       Conclusion 105
7     Active learning in the 16–19 classroom 107
       What do 16–19 learners need? 108
       Group working 16–19 110
       Gender imbalance in the 16–19 classroom 112
       Behaviour in the 16–19 classroom 113
       ICT and the 16–19 teacher 115
8     The importance of the tutor role in 16–19 teaching 121
       Is the 16–19 tutor’s role fully established? 122
       Preparation for Higher Education: the 16–19 tutor’s role 123
       The tutor role in supporting 16–19 careers education 124
       Students working part-time: the 16–19 tutor’s role 126
       16–19 SEN students: the tutor’s role 127
       Conclusion 130
9     Learning with colleagues: developing a career in 16–19 teaching 131
       The importance of collaboration amongst 16–19 teachers 132
       Mentoring and effective 16–19 teaching 134
       16–19 teams 135
       Case study: how can a career be forged in 16–19 teaching? 137
       Starting 16–19 teaching now 138
10   Conclusion 141

References 145
Index 151


Developing Effective 16-19 Teaching Skills Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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