Thursday, May 21, 2015

Practical Tips for Teaching Assistants

Practical Tips for Teaching Assistants
Buku Ini  diterbitkan tahun 2006  oleh  Routledge Taylor & Francis e-Library, USA, adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Practical Tips for Teaching Assistants
Oleh:  Susan Bentham and Roger Hutchins
Penerbit:  Routledge Taylor & Francis e-Library, USA
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman: 144  hal.


Susan Bentham saat ini  menjabat sebagi Kepala Psikologi di Bognor Regis Dewasa Pusat Pendidikan di mana dia mengajar berbagai kursus yang berhubungan dengan psikologi. Dia memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun mengajar dan pelatihan TA. Dia adalah penulis dua buku untuk Routledge Falmer dan  saat ini  sedang  menulis  buku ketiga berjudul  A Teaching Assistant’s Guide to Managing Behaviour in the Classroom.
Roger Hutchins adalah Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) di dua sekolah dasar.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini  bertujuan untuk memberikan hands-on referensi praktis untuk assistants. Ada sesuatu yang bernilai dalam buku untuk guru pemula yang baru saja memasuki profesi serta bagi  yang telah bertahun-tahun dengan pengalaman. Ada banyak tips dalam buku ini dan di banyak kali di dalamnya merupakan referensi silang atau petunjuk untuk melihat bagian terkait.  Buku ini juga mengemukakan sumber tambahan berisi kontak yang mungkin berguna. Glossary akan membantu untuk mengatasi pengertian istilah-istilah khusus, yang dalam huruf tebal pertama kali muncul dalam teks. Selanjutnya, istilah akan mencakup definisi tambahan, meskipun mungkin sering ditemukan kekurangan, kebutuhan khusus. Buku ini mengemukakan tips praktis dan berguna, namun pada kurva belajar dan tips ini tidak mutlak menjadi lengkap.

Daftar Isi:

Introduction ix
Acknowledgements x
1     Getting started   1
       Finding your way around 1
       Line managers and school hierarchies 2
       Who’s who in school and where they can be found 3
       Your role as a TA 4
       Liaison between TAs 6
       Planning time for the TA and the class teacher 7
       Clarifying your role 8
       Playground duties 9
       Coffee cups and kitchen duties 9
       Contracts 10
       Appraisals 11
       Grievance policy 11
       Mentoring and training programmes 12
       Continuing professional development 12
       Checklist 13
2     Supporting the school 14
       Health and safety 14
       Child protection 15
       Looked After Children 16
       Inclusion 16
       Special educational needs 17
       Individual Education Plans 18
       Statements of educational need 19
       Annual reviews 20
       Record keeping 21
       Assessment and marking 22
       Contact with other professionals 22
       Contact with parents 22
       Being professional – the issue of confidentiality 23
       Checklist 23
3     Strategies for enhancing learning 24
       Developing a relationship with pupils 24
       Questioning techniques 27
       Self-esteem 29
       Learning styles 31
       How to use individual learning styles to support pupils 34
       Teaching styles 36
       How to manage your time in order to support pupils 37
       How to motivate pupils 37
       How to encourage independent learning 38
       Supporting pupils to complete homework assignments 39
       Checklist 40
4     Strategies for supporting literacy 41
       The National Literacy Strategy 41
       ‘Wave One’ TA support within the literacy hour 42
       ‘Wave Two’ TA support – catch-up programmes 44
       ‘Wave Three’ TA support – intervention programmes 44
       Supporting pupils who have English as an additional  language 46
       The use of writing frames to assist pupils in writing 47
       Tips for improving reading 47
       Tips for improving writing 53
       How to help pupils overcome spelling difficulties 55
       Tips for improving handwriting 57
       How to help individuals who are left-handed 58
       Some words of caution 59
       Checklist 59
5     Strategies for supporting numeracy 60
       National Numeracy Strategy 60
       Catch-up programmes 60
       Difficulties presented by maths 61
       Supporting pupils with special needs in maths 61
       Tips for supporting numeracy 62
       Checklist 65
6     Tips for dealing with unacceptable behaviour 66
       The school’s behaviour policy 66
       The school’s policy on physical restraint 66
       Disclosures 68
       Behaviour support plans 69
       Dealing with pupils who are:
       Isolated and withdrawn 69
       Attention seeking 70
       Repeatedly calling out 71
       Over-cautious and unsure 71
       Always copying from others 72
       Defensive 73
       Immature 73
       Insecure 74
       The class clown 75
       Continuously questioning everything 76
       Limited in their attention span 77
       Taking a long time to respond 77
       Telling lies repeatedly 78
       Pupils who are being bullied 78
       Helping to change the behaviour of bullies 79
       Restoring and rebuilding relationships with pupils 79
       Checklist 80
7     Tips for TAs for supporting pupils with special needs 81
       ADHD 81
       Allergies 84
       Asthma 85
       Autistic spectrum disorder 85
       Depression 88
       Developmental coordination disorders/ dyspraxia 89
       Diabetes 91
       Down’s syndrome 92
       Dyscalculia 94
       Dyslexia 96
       Epilepsy 99
       Fears and phobias 99
       Hearing impairments 100
       Muscular dystrophy 101
       Post-traumatic stress disorder 103
       Self-mutilation and self-harm 103
       Sexually inappropriate behaviour 104
       Speech difficulties 104
       Visual impairments 106
       Checklist 107
8     On being a teaching assistant 108
       Certainly not the money 108
       How to buy a sense of humour 109
       Why unions are important 109
       ‘There’s got to be something easier’ 110
       How to be realistic about yourself, about others and about the school 110
       Stress management 112
       Looking after your needs as a TA 113
Checklist 114
Appendix 115
Glossary 118
Additional resources 124
Bibliography 125
Index 129


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