Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery

Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007  Oleh  Springer-Verlag London Limited, adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes Step-by-Step Activities
for Discovery
Oleh:  Michael K. Gainer
Penerbit:   Springer-Verlag London Limited
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman:  156  hal.


Michael K. Gainer


Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 17 Bab.  Bab Satu tentang Bola Langit,  Bab Dua Pengukuran Waktu, Bab Tiga
Teleskop daerah Katulistiwa, Bab Empat Pertimbangan Telescope, Bab Lima Astronomi Fotografi,
Bab Enam  Matahari, Bab Tujuh Bulan, Bab Delapan  Planet , Bab Sembilan Komet dan Asteroid,
Bab Sepuluh Visual Binary Stars, Bab Sebelas  A Binary Bintang Sejati Orbit Proyektor, Bab Dua Belas Pengamatan Visual Variabel Stars, Bab Tiga belas Fotografi Variabel Stars, Bab Empat Belas Bintang Cluster dan Nebulae, Bab Lima Belas A Warna-Besaran Diagram untuk The Pleiades, Bab Enam belas Desain dari Tujuan Prism Spectrograph, dan Bab Seventeen Motion Tepat Barnard Star.

Daftar Isi:

Preface  ix
Computer Hardware and Software   .xv
Chapter One The Celestial Sphere    1
Chapter Two The Measurement of Time  5

    Solar Time   5
    Sidereal Time    7
    Dating Observations   8
Chapter Three The Equatorial Telescope Mount  9
    Mount Stability   9
    The Polar Axis Drive  13
    Setting Circles   13
    Aligning an Equatorial Mount  m15
    Using Setting Circles    17
    A Tabletop GEM 19
    Go-to Mounts  20
Chapter Four Telescope Considerations  21
    Limitations Imposed by Aperture   21
    Limitations Imposed by the Environment   23
    Limitations Unique to Refractors  23
    Short Focus Achromatic Refractors   24
    Limitations Unique to Maksutov Telescopes  25
    Newtonian Reflectors   25
    Eyepieces   26
    Focusing   26
    The Finder    27
    Recommended Accessories    27
    Which Small Telescope Should You Buy?   27
Chapter Five Astronomical Photography  29
    Digital Photography  29
    Choice of Camera   31
    Mounting the Camera  31
    The Afocal Field of View  31
    Telephoto Conversion Lenses  32
    Processing the Print  33
    Film Photography  34
    Printing the Image   35
Chapter Six The Sun   37
    Visual Observations of the Sun  39
    Classification of Sunspots  39
    Sunspot Number  40
    Visual Observations   41
    Digital Photography of the Sun  42
    Processing the Photographs  42
    The Stonyhurst Disk  43
    Measuring the Sun’s Rotation 48
    Film Photography of the Sun   49
Chapter Seven The Moon  51
    Visual Observations   51
    Digital Camera Photographs of the Moon  52
    Analyzing the Photographs   52
    Selenography  53
    Measurements on the Computer Monitor  56
    Measuring Lunar Libration   57
    Film Photography of the Moon  59
    Lunar Occultations  59
Chapter Eight The Planets  61
    Sketching the Planets  61
    Filters  62
    Digital Photography of the Planets   62
    Plotting the Orbital Position of a Planet   64
    Ecliptic Coordinates   64
    The Phases of Venus   71
    Mars  71
    The Retrograde Motion of Mars  73
    Taking the Photographs  73
    Plotting the Results  74
    Visual Observations of Jupiter  74
    Digital Camera Observations of Jupiter  75
    Jupiter’s Moons  76
    Roemer’s Method for Measuring the Speed of Light   77
    Observations for Roemer’s Method  77
    Saturn  78
Chapter Nine Comets and Asteroids  79
    Comets  79
    Visual Observations  80
    Digital Photography  82
    Serendipitous Comet Discoveries   82
    Film Photography  82
    Asteroids   83
    Digital Photography  83
    Tracking an Asteroid   83
    Film Photography   89
Chapter Ten Visual Binary Stars    91
    Digital Photography of Binary Stars  92
    Printing the Images  96
    Measuring the Separation of the Components  96
    Measuring Position Angle  98
    Film Photography  101
Chapter Eleven A Binary Star True Orbit Projector   103
Chapter Twelve Visual Observations of Variable Stars  109

    The Telescope  110
    Preparation for Observation  110
    Making the Observation  113
Chapter Thirteen Photography of Variable Stars  117
    Processing the Image  118
    The Method of Measurement  118
    Making the Measurements  120
    Analyzing the Data  120
    Film Photography  122
Chapter Fourteen Star Clusters and Nebulae  123
    Digital Photography of Star Clusters  125
Chapter Fifteen A Color–Magnitude Diagram for The Pleiades  129
    Acquiring the Data 131
    The Analysis  132
Chapter Sixteen The Design of an Objective Prism Spectrograph  133
    Getting the Spectrum  135
Chapter Seventeen The Proper Motion of Barnard’s Star  139
    Taking the Photographs 139
References and Additional Reading  143
    Star Atlases   143
    Telescopes and Accessories  143
    Astrophotography  143
    The Sun   144
    The Moon   144
    Binary Stars   144
    Variable Stars   144
    Star Clusters and Nebulae  144
Index  145

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Real Astronomy with Small Telescopes Step-by-Step Activities for Discovery Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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