Thursday, May 14, 2015

Teaching Primary Science Promoting Enjoyment and Developing Understanding

Teaching Primary Science Promoting Enjoyment and Developing Understanding
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2010  Oleh  Pearson Education Limited, adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Teaching Primary Science Promoting Enjoyment and
Developing Understanding
Oleh:  Peter Loxley, et al
Penerbit:   Pearson Education Limited
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman: 393 hal.


Peter Loxley, Lyn Dawes, Linda Nicholls dan Babs Dore
semua dosen senior di University of Northampton.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian: Teori dan Praktek (Bab 1-7) dan Pengetahuan dan Ide Subjek untuk Praktek (Bab 8-19) untuk mengembangkan pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep ilmiah dan kunci pengajaran.

Bagian 1: Teori dan praktek meliputi  1) senang menemukan hal-hal  2) Pengorganisasian bagaimana anak-anak belajar Sains, 3) model Pemahaman Ilmiah dan mental, 4) Bicara untuk belajar Sains, 5) Permintaan Ilmiah dan penuh semangat ingin tahu, 6) Perencanaan dan menilai anak-anak dalam belajar Sains, 7) Asal-usul pengetahuan ilmiah.
Bagian 2: Subjek  pengetahuan dan ide-ide untuk latihan  mencakup 8) Bumi dan di luar Angkasa,
9) Energi dan kesejahteraan planet, 10) Interdependensi, 11) Keanekaragaman, 12) Adaptasi dan evolusi, 13) Kesehatan dan kesejahteraan, 14) Sifat partikel Zat, 15. Perubahan Zat, 16) Listrik dan magnet, 17)  Tenaga dan gerak, 18) Cahaya, 19)  Suara.

Daftar Isi:

List of photos, illustrations and tables xiii
Guided tour xviii
Preface xxii
Acknowledgements xxiii
Publisher’s acknowledgements xxiv
Part 1: Theory and practice 1
    Chapter 1 The pleasure of finding things out 3

        Children’s attitudes to science 4
        Insights into effective science teaching 6
        The pleasure of finding things out 8
        Storytelling and teaching 9
        Summary 11
        Further reading 12
    Chapter 2 Organising how children learn science 13
        A three-stage framework for learning science 14
        Outline of the three-stage framework 15
        An example of the three-stage framework 17
        How the framework supports a storytelling approach 21
        Summary 24
    Chapter 3 Scientific understanding and mental models 25
        Mental models and understanding 26
        Talk underpins mental modelling 28
        Learning to talk about the world in new ways 32
        Behind every concept is a fascinating story 34
        Summary 34
        Further reading 35
    Chapter 4 Talk for learning in science 36
        The importance of talk for learning of science 37
        Exploratory talk and its ground rules 38
        Dialogic teaching and children’s ideas 39
        Talking points: a strategy to promote effective talk 42
        Summary 44
        Further reading 44
    Chapter 5 Scientific enquiry and the passionately curious 45
        Science and discovery: what can we expect of children? 46
        The outcomes of scientific enquiry 48
        Scientific enquiry and its link to narrative 49
        Scientific skills and attitudes 50
        Types of scientific enquiry 52
        Choosing contexts for scientific enquiry 57
        Summary 60
        Further reading 61
    Chapter 6 Planning and assessing children’s science learning 62
        The nature of formative assessment 63
        The nature of summative assessment 68
        Planning children’s science learning 69
        Planning the exploratory stage: choosing strategies to elicit children’s ideas 71
        Planning the re-describing stage: choosing strategies to help children make sense of the
            scientific view 73
        Planning the application stage: choosing strategies to promote the usefulness of the scientific
            view 75
        Some class management issues 77
        Summary 77
        Further reading and useful resources 78
        Websites 78
    Chapter 7 The origins of scientific knowledge 79
        The nature of scientific knowledge 80
        Early scientific theories 85
        Christianity’s influence on the development of science 88
        Galileo’s influence on the development of science 91
        The new age of science 94
        Summary 95
        Further reading 96

Part 2: Subject knowledge and ideas for practice 97
    Overview 97
    Chapter 8 The Earth and beyond 99
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 100

            Historical context 100
            A close-up view of the stars 100
            How the universe was created 103
            The structure of the solar system 104
            Experiences related to the Earth, Moon and Sun 109
            Summary 114
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 115
            Topic: Moon craters – Age group: Lower primary 115
            Topic: Phases of the Moon – Age group: Upper primary 118
            Information and teaching resources 123
            Websites 123
    Chapter 9 Energy and the well-being of the planet 124
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 125

            Historical context 125
            Understanding energy 125
            Types of energy 127
            Energy sources 129
            Summary 137
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 139
            Topic: Wind energy – Age group: Lower primary 139
            Topic: Global warming – Age group: Upper primary 143
            Information and teaching resources 147
            Websites 148
    Chapter 10 Interdependence 149
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 150

            Historical context 150
            Growth in green plants 151
            Feeding relationships 154
            Decomposers – nature’s recyclers 157
            Summary 159
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 161
            Topic: Food chains – Age group: Lower primary 161
            Topic: Decomposers – Age group: Upper primary 165
            Information and teaching resources 169
            Websites 169
    Chapter 11 Diversity 170
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 171

            Historical context 171
            The characteristics shared by all living things 171
            Life cycles 174
            Why there is variation in the same species 176
            Classification helps make sense of a complex world 178
            Summary 179
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 180
            Topic: Living and non-living – Age group: Lower primary 180
            Topic: Diversity amongst vertebrates – Age group: Upper primary 183
            Information and teaching resources 187
            Websites 187
    Chapter 12 Adaptation and evolution 188
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 189

            Darwin’s theory of natural selection 189
            Survival of the fittest and adaptation 194
            Adaptation in flowering plants 196
            Adaptation in animals 197
            Effects of changing habitats 199
            Summary 201
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 202
            Topic: Teeth and beaks – Age group: Lower primary 202
            Topic: Body colours and patterns – Age group: Upper primary 206
            Information and teaching resources 210
            Websites 210
    Chapter 13 Health and well-being 211
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 212

            Historical context 212
            Animal growth 213
            Animal nutrition – the digestive system 214
            The cardiovascular system 218
            Keeping healthy 220
            Summary 222
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 223
            Topic: Healthy eating – Age group: Lower primary 223
            Topic: Benefits of exercise – Age group: Upper primary 226
            Information and teaching resources 230
            Websites 230
    Chapter 14 The particle nature of materials 231
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 232

            Historical context 232
            Properties of materials 233
            The particle model of matter 234
            Reversible and physical changes 238
            Summary 240
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 241
            Topic: Ice and water – Age group: Lower primary 241
            Topic: Melting icebergs – Age group: Upper primary 245
            Information and teaching resources 249
            Websites 249
    Chapter 15 Changing materials 250   
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 251

            Historical context 251
            Elements, compounds and mixtures 252
            The periodic table 254
            The formation of materials 255
            Spectacular chemical reactions 258
            Summary 260
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 261
            Topic: Making new materials – Age group: Lower primary 261
            Topic: Burning and pollution – Age group: Upper primary 264
            Information and teaching resources 268
    Chapter 16 Electricity and magnetism 269
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 270

            Historical context 270
            Static electricity 270
            Electrical circuits 272
            The mysteries of voltage explained 276
            Electrical resistance 277
            Links between magnetism and electricity 278
            Summary 280
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 281
            Topic: Electric circuits – Age group: Lower primary 281
            Topic: Series and parallel circuits – Age group: Upper primary 285
            Information and teaching resources 288
            Websites 288
    Chapter 17 Forces and motion 289
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 290

            Historical context 290
            Relationship between force and motion 290
            Gravity and weight 292
            Air resistance 294
            Floating and sinking 296
            Friction 297
            Summary 298
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 300
            Topic: Friction – Age group: Lower primary 300
            Topic: Air resistance – Age group: Upper primary 303
            Information and teaching resources 308
    Chapter 18 Light 309
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 310

            Historical context 310
            The nature of light 311
            How living things sense light 315
            The language of light 320
            Summary 321
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 322
            Topic: Shadows – Age group: Lower primary 322
            Topic: How bees see the world – Age group: Upper primary 326
            Information and teaching resources 329
            Websites 329
    Chapter 19 Sound 330
        Part 1: Subject knowledge 331

            Historical context 331
            The nature of sound 332
            Acoustics 336
            Hearing sounds 337
            Summary 339
        Part 2: Ideas for practice 341
            Topic: Detecting sound – Age group: Lower primary 341
            Topic: How vibrations create sound – Age group: Upper primary 345
            Information and teaching resources 349
            Websites 349
References 350
Glossary 354
Index 360


Teaching Primary Science Promoting Enjoyment and Developing Understanding Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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