Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Essentials of Food Science Third Edition

Essentials of Food Science Third Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  oleh  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. New York  merupakan buku edisi  ketiga.

Judul:  Essentials of Food Science Thitd Edition
Oleh: Vickie A. Vaclaviks , et al
Penerbit:  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. New York
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman:  565  hal.



The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
At Dallas, Texas

Elizabeth W. Christian
Texas Woman’s University
Denton, Texas

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 8 Bagian Utama dan didukung oleh 20 Bab. BAGIAN I  Pengantar Komponen Makanan, meliputi  BAB 1 Evaluasi Kualitas  Makanan, dan  BAB 2 Air.  BAGIAN II Karbohidrat  meliputi pembahasan  BAB 3 Karbohidrat dalam Makanan: Sebuah Pengantar, BAB 4 Pati dalam  Makanan,  BAB 5 pektin dan Gusi, BAB 6 Biji-bijian: Sereal, Tepung, beras, dan Pasta, dan BAB 7 Sayuran dan Buah. BAGIAN III Protein mencakup pembahasan BAB 8  Protein dalam Makanan: Sebuah Pengantar, BAB 9 Daging, unggas, ikan, dan kacang kering, BAB 10 Telur dan Produk Telur, dan BAB 11 Susu dan Produk Susu.   BAGIAN IV Lemak meliputi pembahasan  BAB 12  Lemak dan  Produk Minyak  dan BAB 13 Makanan Emulsi dan busa.  BAGIAN V Sugars / Gula  pembahasan  berfokus pada  BAB 14 Gula, Pemanis, dan Confections.  BAGIAN VI Produk  Baked   berfokus pada pembahasan  BAB 15 Produk Baked: Batters dan Dough.  BAGIAN VII Aspek Produksi Pangan yang mencakup pembahasan  BAB 16 Keamanan Pangan, BAB 17 Pelestarian dan Pengolahan Makanan,  BAB 18 Makanan Aditif dan BAB 19 Kemasan Produk Makanan. BAGIAN VIII Peraturan Pemerintah Pasokan Pangan  berfokus pada pembahasan  BAB 20 Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pasokan Pangan dan Pelabelan.

Daftar Isi:

Preface xv
World Wide Web (WWW) Sites xvii

PART I Introduction to Food Components 1
    CHAPTER 1 Evaluation of Food Quality 3

        Introduction 3
        Aspects of Food Quality 4
        Taste Sensitivity 5
        Sensory Evaluation 6
        Objective Evaluation 12
        Comparison of Subjective and Objective Evaluation 17
        Conclusion 18
        Glossary 18
        References 19
    CHAPTER 2 Water 21
        Introduction 21
        Chemistry of Water 22
        Specific Heat and Latent Heat of Water 23
        Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point 24
        Water as a Dispersing Medium 25
        Free, Bound, and Entrapped Water 27
        Water Activity (Aw) 28
        Role of Water in Food Preservation and Shelf Life of Food 28
        Water Hardness and Treatments 29
        Beverage Consumption 29
        Conclusion 29
        Glossary 30
        References 31
        Bibliography 31

PART II Carbohydrates 33
    CHAPTER 3 Carbohydrates in Food: An Introduction 35

        Introduction 35
        Monosaccharides 35
        Disaccharides 39
        Some Properties of Sugars 41
        Oligosaccharides 43
        Polysaccharides 44
        Conclusion 46
        Glossary 46
        Bibliography 47
    CHAPTER 4 Starches in Food 49
        Introduction 49
        Starch Sources 49
        Starch Structure and Composition 50
        Gelatinization Process 52
        Factors Requiring Control in Gelatinization 54
        Gelation or Setting of Gelatinized Starch Pastes During
        Cooling 58
        Retrogradation 59
        Syneresis 60
        Separating Agents and Lump Formation 60
        Modified Starches 61
        Waxy Starches 62
        Starch Uses in Food Systems 63
        Cooking With Starch 64
        Nutritive Value of Starch 65
        Conclusion 65
        Glossary 66
        References 67
        Bibliography 67
    CHAPTER 5 Pectins and Gums 69
        Introduction 69
        Pectic Substances 69
        Gums 75
        Conclusion 79
        Glossary 79
        References 80
        Bibliography 80
    CHAPTER 6 Grains: Cereal, Flour, Rice, and Pasta 81
        Introduction 81
        Structure of Cereal Grains 81
        Composition Of Cereal Grains 83
        Cereals 85
        Common Cereal Grains and Their Uses 86
        Other Grains 95
        Noncereal “Flours” 97
        Cooking Cereals 98
        Breakfast Cereals 98
        Pasta 98
        Nutritive Value of Grains 100
        Conclusion 102
        Glossary 102
        References 103
        Bibliography 103
        Glossary for Cereals, Flour, and Flour Mixtures 104
    CHAPTER 7 Vegetables and Fruits 107
        Introduction 107
        Structure and Composition of Cell Tissue 107
        Chemical Composition of Plant Material 109
        Turgor Pressure 111
        Pigments and Effects of Additional Substances 112
        Flavor Compounds 118
        Vegetable Classifications 120
        Harvesting and Postharvest Changes 121
        Ripening 122
        Enzymatic Oxidative Browning 123
        Cooking Effect 124
        Fruits: Unique Preparation and Cooking Principles 126
        Grading 128
        Organically Grown Fruits and Vegetables 128
        Biotechnology (See also Appendices) 129
        Irradiation 130
        Vegetarian Food Choices 130
        Labeling of Vegetables and Fruits 131
        Nutritive Value of Vegetables and Fruits 132
        Safety of Vegetables and Fruits 136
        Conclusion 137
        Glossary 138
        References 139
        Bibliography 140

PART III Proteins 143
    CHAPTER 8 Proteins in Food: An Introduction 145

        Introduction 145
        Amino Acids 146
        Protein Structure and Conformation 148
        Reactions and Properties of Proteins 151
        Enzymes 155
        Functional Roles of Proteins in Foods 156
        Conjugated Proteins 157
        Conclusion 157
        Glossary 157
        Bibliography 159
    CHAPTER 9 Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Dried Beans 161
        Introduction 161
        Characteristics of Meat 162
        Muscle Contraction in Live Animals 167
        Postmortem Changes in the Muscle 169
        Meat Pigments and Color Changes 171
        Meat-Handling Process 173
        Grading of Meat 175
        Hormones and Antibiotics 176
        Cuts of Meat 176
        Cooking Meat 179
        Alterations to Meat 182
        Poultry 187
        Fish 188
        Dried Beans and Peas (Legumes) 190
        Meat Alternatives 193
        Nutritive Value of Meat, Poultry, and Fish 194
        Safety 198
        Conclusion 200
        Glossary 201
        References 202
        Bibliography 203
        Associations 204
    CHAPTER 10 Eggs and Egg Products 205
        Introduction 205
        Physical Structure and Composition of Eggs 205
        Egg Function 210
        Inspections and Grading for Egg Quality 210
        Egg Size 215
        Processing/Preservation of Eggs 216
        Storing Eggs 218
        Denaturation and Coagulation 219
        Effect of Added Ingredients on Coagulation 220
        Cooking Changes 221
        Egg White Foams and Meringues 224
        Egg Products And Egg Substitutes 228
        Nutritive Value of Eggs 229
        Safety of Eggs 230
        Conclusion 233
        Glossary 233
        References 234
        Bibliography 235
    CHAPTER 11 Milk and Milk Products 237
        Introduction 237
        Definition 238
        Composition of Milk 238
        Sanitation and Grading of Milk 242
        Flavor of Milk 242
        Milk Processing 243
        Types of Milk 246
        Other Milk Products 250
        Whey 258
        Cooking Applications 259
        Milk Substitutes and Imitation Milk Products 260
        Safety/Quality of Milk 261
        Nutritive Value of Milk and Milk Products 262
        Lactose Intolerance 265
        Marketing Milk 265
        Conclusion 266
        Glossary 266
        References 268
        Bibliography 268

PART IV Fats 271
    CHAPTER 12 Fat and Oil Products 273

        Introduction 273
        Structure and Composition of Fats 274
        Structure of Fatty Acids 276
        Nomenclature of Fatty Acids 278
        Properties of Fats and Oils 280
        Composition of Dietary Fats and Oils 283
        Production and Processing Methods 285
        Modification of Fats 286
        Deterioration of Fats 288
        Shortening and Shortening Power of Various Fats and Oils 292
        Emulsification (see also Chapter 13) 294
        Frying 296
        Low-Fat and No-Fat Foods 296
        Fat Replacements 297
        Nutritive Value of Fats and Oils 304
        Conclusion 306
        Glossary 306
        References 308
        Bibliography 309
    CHAPTER 13 Food Emulsions and Foams 311
        Introduction 311
        Emulsions 311
        Foams 321
        Conclusion 325
        Glossary 326
        Bibliography 327

PART V Sugars 329
    CHAPTER 14 Sugars, Sweeteners, and Confections 331

        Introduction 331
        Sources Of Sugar 331
        Roles of sugar in food systems 331
        Types of Sugars and Sugar Syrups 333
        Properties of Sucrose 335
        Sugar Substitutes 338
        Confections 341
        Nutritive Value of Sugars and Sweeteners 345
        Conclusion 346
        Glossary 346
        References 347
        Bibliography 347

PART VI Baked Products 349
    CHAPTER 15 Baked Products: Batters and Dough 351

        Introduction 351
        Classes of Batters and Dough 352
        Gluten 352
        Function of Various Ingredients in Batters and Dough 355
        The Leavening Process of Baked Products 361
        Ingredients in Specific Baked Products 366
        Mixing Methods for Various Batters and Doughs 370
        Baking Batters and Doughs 373
        Storage of Baked Products 375
        Nutritive Value of Baked Products 375
        Safety Issues in Batters and Doughs 375
        Conclusion 376
        Glossary 376
        References 377
        Bibliography 378

PART VII Aspects of Food Production 379
    CHAPTER 16 Food Safety 381

        Introduction 381
        Foodborne Illness 382
        Biological (Microbiological) Hazards
        to The Food Supply 383
        Chemical Hazards to The Food Supply 392
        Physical Hazards to The Food Supply 393
        Food Protection Systems 395
        The Haccp System of Food Protection 397
        Surveillance for Foodborne-Disease Outbreaks 409
        Other Causes of Spoilage and Contamination 411
        Labeling as A Means of Assuring Food Safety 411
        Responsibility for Food Safety 413
        Recalls 415
        Bioterrorism Threat to Food Safety 415
        Conclusion 421
        Glossary 421
        References 422
        Bibliography 424
        Associations and Organizations 424
    CHAPTER 17 Food Preservation and Processing 425
        Introduction 425
        Heat Preservation 425
        Refrigeration Preservation 433
        Freezing 434
        Dehydration 438
        Concentration 439
        Added Preservatives 440
        Other Preservation Techniques 440
        Radiation 440
        Direct Contact Products 443
        Nutritive Value of Preserved Foods 443
        Safety of Preserved Foods 443
        Conclusion 444
        Glossary 444
        References 445
        Bibliography 445
    CHAPTER 18 Food Additives 447
        Introduction 447
        Definition of Food Additives 448
        Function of Food Additives 448
        Legislation and Testing for Additives 449
        Major Additives Used in Processing 451
        Nutrient Supplements in Food 464
        Conclusion 467
        Glossary 468
        References 468
        Bibliography 469
    CHAPTER 19 Packaging of Food Products 471
        Introduction 471
        Types of Packaging Containers 471
        Packaging Functions 472
        Packaging Materials 472
        Controlling Packaging Atmosphere 480
        Freezer Packaging Protection 491
        Tamper-Evident Banding and Sleeve Labeling 492
        Manufacturing Concerns in Packaging 493
        Packaging of the Future 495
        Radio Frequency Identification Tags 497
        Packaging as a Communication and Marketing Tool 497
        Conclusion 498
        Glossary 498
        References 499
        Bibliography 500

PART VIII Government Regulation of the Food Supply 501
    CHAPTER 20 Government Regulation of the Food Supply and Labeling 503

        Introduction 503
        The Food and Drug Administration 504
        The United States Department of Agriculture 508
        Food Security and An Emergency Plan 510
        State and Local Health Departments 512
        Additional Agencies Regulating The Food Supply 512
        General Labeling 512
        Nutrition Labeling 514
        Health Claims (more in Appendices) 518
        Allergens 519
        Labeling for Food Service 519
        Conclusion 521
        Glossary 521
        References 522
        Bibliography 523
    Introduction 525
    Appendix A – Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 526
    Appendix B – Functional Foods 528
    Appendix C – Nutraceuticals 532
    Appendix D – Phytochemicals 533
    Appendix E – Medical Foods 534
    Appendix F – USDA Food Pyramid 535
    Appendix G – Food Label Heath Claims 537
    Appendix H – Research Chefs Association Certification as a Culinary Scientist and More 539
    Appendix I – Human Nutrigenomics 540

Glossary 541
References 541


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