Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The International Handbook on Innovation

The International Handbook on Innovation
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2002   Elsevier Science Ltd adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  The International Handbook on Innovation
Oleh:   Larisa V. Shavinina (Editor)
Penerbit:   Elsevier Science Ltd
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman:  1152  hal.


Larisa V Shavinina,

Universite du Quebec en Outaouais, Canada

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini merupakan buku yang paling komprehensif dan catatan otoritatif yang tersedia tentang apa inovasi, bagaimana diukur, bagaimana dikembangkan, bagaimana hal itu berhasil, dan bagaimana hal itu mempengaruhi individu, perusahaan, masyarakat, dan dunia secara keseluruhan.
Memimpin spesialis dari seluruh dunia, yang bertanggung jawab untuk banyak penelitian saat ini dalam lapangan, menganalisis sifat multidisiplin dan beragam inovasi, jenis dan tingkat, kriteria, perkembangannya, manajemen, kekhususan dalam berbagai domain dan konteks, serta  tuntutan masyarakat di atasnya. Mereka menganggap inovasi dari sudut pandang psikologi, ilmu manajemen, bisnis, teknologi, sosiologi, filsafat, ekonomi, sejarah, pendidikan, seni, dan kebijakan publik. Dengan kontribusi dari lebih dari 90 penulis dibedakan meliputi 17 negara, pembaca akan memperoleh wawasan ahli dalam penelitian terbaru dan masa depan perkembangan di bidang inovasi. Buku Pegangan ini akan menyajikan banyak aspek inovasi termasuk sifatnya, perkembangannya, pengukurannya, manajemen, dan yang konteks sosial, budaya, dan sejarah. Luasnya pekerjaan ini akan memungkinkan pembaca untuk memperoleh gambaran yang komprehensif dan panorama alam inovasi dalam satu buku pegangan. Pembaca akan mengembangkan rasa akurat tentang apa taji berpotensi kreatif dan orang yang inovatif dan perusahaan terhadap prestasi mereka yang luar biasa dan pertunjukan luar biasa. Buku panduan ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber referensi bagi mereka yang ingin informasi tentang topik tertentu, atau dari depan ke belakang baik sebagai acuan atau sebagai buku teks dalam kursus berurusan dengan inovasi. Setiap orang yang tertarik untuk mengetahui berbagai isu mengenai inovasi akan ingin membaca buku ini.

Daftar Isi:

Contents x
About the Authors  xiii
Preface   xxvii
Understanding innovation: introduction to some important issues (L.V. Shavinina)    3
The Nature of Innovation. The neurophysiological basis of innovation (L.R. Vandervert).   15
On the nature of individual innovation (L.V. Shavinina, K.L. Seeratan).    31
Models of innovation (D. Marinova, J. Phillimore).    44
Evolutionary models of innovation and the Meno problem (T. Nickles).   54
The three-ring conception of giftedness: its implications for understanding the nature of innovation
      (J.S. Renzulli).   79
Innovation and strategic reflexivity: an evolutionary approach applied to services (J. Sundbo).   97
The nature and dynamics of discontinuous and disruptive innovations from a learning and knowledge
       management perspective (E.G. Carayannis et al.).   115
Profitable product innovation: the critical success factors (R.G. Cooper).    139
Types of innovation (R.J. Sternberg et al.).    158
Problem generation and innovation (R. Root-Bernstein).    170
The role of flexibility in innovation (A.S. Georgsdottir et al.)    180
The effect of mood on creativity in the innovative process (G. Kaufmann).   191
Case studies of innovation: ordinary thinking, extraordinary outcomes (R.W. Weisberg).    204
Innovation and evolution: managing tensions within and between the domains of theory and
      practice (J.R. Bailey, C.M. Ford).    248
E-creativity and e-innovation (Keng Siau).    258
Individual Differences in Innovative Ability.
The art of innovation: polymaths and university of the creative process (R. Root-Bernstein).   265
Development of Innovation Across the Life Span.
Young inventors (N. Colangelo et al.).    279
Exceptional creativity across the life span: the emergence and manifestation of creative genius
       (D.K. Simonton).    293
Innovations by the frail elderly (T. Heinzen, N. Vail).   309
Assessment of Innovation.
The measurement of innovativeness (R.E. Goldsmith, G.R. Foxall).    319
Development of Innovation.
Developing high potentials for innovation in young people through the schoolwide enrichment
       model  (S.M. Reis, J.S. Renzulli).  333
Towards a logic of innovation (G.F. Smith).    347
The development of innovative ideas through creativity training (M.M. Clapham).  366
Intuitive tools for innovative thinking (R. Root-Bernstein, M. Root-Bernstein).   377
Stimulating innovation (R.N. Kostoff).   388
Developing innovative ideas through high intellectual and creative educational multimedia
       technologies (L.V. Shavinina, E.A. Ponomarev).   401
Innovations in Different Domains.
Dimensions of scientific innovation (G. Holton).   419
Do radical discoveries require ontological shifts? (M.T.H. Chi, R.G.M. Hausmann).   429
Understanding scientific innovation: the case of Nobel Laureates (L.V. Shavinina).    445
Innovation in the Social Sciences: Herbert A. Simon and the birth of a research tradition
      (S. Dasgupta).  458
Poetic innovation (G. Swede).    472
Directions for innovation in music education: integrating conceptions of musical giftedness into
      general educational practice and enhancing innovation on the part of musically gifted students
      (L. Scripp, R.F. Subotnik).  485
Determinants of technological innovation: current research trends and future prospects
      (V. Souitaris).  513
Innovation in financial services infrastructure (P. Nightingale).  529
Innovation in integrated electronics and related technologies: experiences with industrial-sponsored
      large scale multidisciplinary programs and single investigator programs in a research university
      (R.J. Gutmann).   548
Basic Approaches to the Understanding of Innovation in Social Context.
The barriers approach to innovation (A. Hadjimanolis). 556
Knowledge management processes and work group innovation (J.L. Farr et al.).    574
Creativity and innovation = competitiveness? When, how, and why (E.G. Carayannis, E.
     Gonzales). 587
Innovation tensions: chaos, structure, and managed chaos (R. Nag et al.).    607
Involvement in innovation: the role of identity (N. King).   617
Manager's recognition of employees' creative ideas: a social-cognitive model (Jing Zhou,
      R.W. Woodman).   631
Venture Capital's role in innovation: issues, research and stakeholder interests (J. Callahan,
      S. Muegge).  641
Innovations in Social Institutions.
Encouraging innovation in small firms through externally generated knowledge (E. Major, M.
      Cordey-Hayes).   664
Linking knowledge, networking and innovation processes: a conceptual model (J. Swan et al.).  680
Managing innovation in multitechnology firms (A. Prencipe).    695
Innovation processes in transnational corporations (O. Gassmann, M. von Zedtwitz).   702
An analysis of research and innovative activities of universities in the United States (Yukio
       Miyata).  715
Incubating and networking technology commercialization centers among emerging, developing,
      and mature technopoleis worldwide (D. Gibson, P. Conceic?o).  739
Science Parks: a triumph of hype over experience? (J. Phillimore, R. Joseph).   750
Innovation Management.
Challenges in innovation management (J. Bessant).   758
Managing technological innovation in business organizations (R. Katz).    775
Towards a constructivist approach of technological innovation management (V. Boly et al.).    790
Promotors and champions in innovations: development of a research paradigm (J. Hauschildt).   804
Innovation and Leadership.
Innovation and leadership (J.P. Deschamps).    812
Innovation and Marketing. Innovation and market research (P. Trott).   832
Marketing and the development of innovative new products (R.W. Veryzer).    845
Innovation Around the World: Examples of Country Efforts, Policies, Practices and Issues. Innovation process in Hungary (A. Inzelt).   856
Innovation under constraints: the case of Singapore (Hung-Kei Tang, Khim-Teck Yeo).   873
Continuous innovation in Japan: the power of tacit knowledge (Ikujiro Nonaka et al.).    882
Innovation in Korea (Sunyang Chung).    890
Regional innovations and the economic competitiveness in India (K. Mehra).   904
Innovation process in Switzerland (B. Wilhelm).    915
Systems of innovation and competence building across diversity: learning from the Portuguese path
       in the European context (P. Conceic?o). M. Heitor).   945
The Taiwan innovation system (Chiung-Wen Hsu, Hsing-Hsiung Chen).    976
Innovation in the upstream oil and gas sector: a strategic sector of Canada's economy
      (A.J. Persaud e al.).   1000
The national German innovation system: its development in different governmental and territorial
       structures (H. Grupp et al.).    1018
Frankenstein futures? German and British biotechnology compared (R. Harding).    1044
Innovations of the Future.
Future innovations in Science and Technology (J.F. Coates).   1070
The future of innovation research (T. Rickards).   1094
Research on Innovation at the Beginning of the 21st Century: What Do We Know About It?
      (Larry R. Vandervert)   1101
Conclusion (L.R. Vandervert).
Author Index   1113
Subject Index    1149


The International Handbook on Innovation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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