Wednesday, July 29, 2015

100 Extension Activities in Art, Drama, Music, Math, and Science

100 Extension Activities in Art, Drama, Music, Math, and Science
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003  Oleh  American Library Association, USA, adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  100 Extension Activities in Art, Drama, Music, Math, and Science
Oleh:  Sue McCleaf Nespeca, et al
Penerbit:  American Library Association, USA
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman: 149  hal.

Sue McCleaf Nespeca
Joan B, Reeve

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini akan berguna bagi siapa pun yang tertarik dalam sastra anak-anak dan siapa saja yang merasa bahwa hal itu  penting bagi anak-anak untuk memiliki banyak pengalaman keaksaraan.
Fokus utama adalah untuk pustakawan publik; spesialis media sekolah; guru anak-anak di sekolah umum, TK, Head Start pusat, pengaturan hari perawatan atau perawatan di rumah, atau situasi homeschooling; dan orang tua. Hal ini juga nilai untuk guru dan siswa dalam pendidikan dan
program ilmu perpustakaan, siswa dalam program perkembangan anak, dan perpustakaan akademik yang dukungn pendidikan dan program ilmu perpustakaan. Berikut adalah beberapa saran cara untuk
menggunakan buku ini dalam dua spesifik pengaturan-publik perpustakaan dan sekolah.
1)    Merencanakan program pendidikan untuk anak usia dini dengan berbagi buku danekstensi.
2)    Merencanakan program untuk mahasiswa jurusan anak usia dini atau Sekolah Dasar.
3)    Menyajikan program untuk homeschoolers.
4)    Hadir sebuah program untuk orang tua (misalnya, ditawarkan ide untuk proyek-proyek seni
       terbukadan buku).
5)    Menyajikan program untuk guru sekolah menggunakan buku bergambar seluruh kurikulum.
6)    Menyajikan program untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana dalam ilmu perpustakaan.

Daftar Isi:


Figures vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xi

Chapter One  Why Use Picture Books with Children? 1
    Benefits of Sharing Picture Books with Children 1
    Picture Book Definition 2
    Quality in Picture Books 2
    How to Share Picture Books with Children 2
    Picture Book Art 3
    Visual Elements 3
    Format 4
    Different Types of Media 4
    Resource Books on Children’s Picture Books and Art 5
    Resource Books for Art Techniques
    Used in Picture Books 6
Chapter Two Extending Picture Books through Art 7
    Embracing the Process of Creating Art 7
    Developing an Environment That Nurtures Creativity 8
    Important Dos and Don’ts 8
    Materials and Tools 9
    Art Techniques and Color 9
    Considerations for Our Art Extensions 10
    Art Extensions 11
    Bibliography of Picture Books Used in Art Extensions 25
    Bibliography of Musical Recording Used in Art Extension 25
    Art Resource Books 25

Chapter Three Extending Picture Books through Drama 27
    Stages of Play 27
    Benefits of Using Drama with Children 28
    Considerations When Using Drama with Children 28
    Selecting Stories for Drama 28
    Drama Experiences to Use with Young Children 29
    Creative Dramatics 29
    Storytelling with Props and Participation 29
    Telling Stories through Movement 29
    Choral Speaking 29
    Reader’s Theater 29
    Puppets or Masks 30
    Charades 30
    Magic 30
    Drama Extensions 31
    Bibliography of Picture Books Used in Drama Extensions 47
    Bibliography of Musical Recordings and Videos Used in Drama Extensions 48
    Drama Resource Books 48

Chapter Four Extending Picture Books through Music 50
    Benefits of Using Music with Children 50
    Role of Adults in Children’s Musical Experiences 51
    Considerations When Choosing Music for Children to Sing 51
    Best Ways to Teach Songs 51
    Using Musical Instruments with Children 52
    Professional Approaches to Teaching Music to Young Children 52
    Common Musical Terms That Can Be Taught to Children 53
    Musical Experiences Used in Our Extensions 53
    Recommended Musical Catalogs 54
    Music Extensions 54
    Bibliography of Picture Books Used in Music Extensions 71
    Bibliography of Musical Recordings and Videos Used in Music Extensions 72
    Music Resource Books 72

Chapter Five Extending Picture Books through Math 74
    Mathematical Skills 74
    Math Tips 75
    Explanations of Math Concepts 76
    Language Development Terms
    Associated with Math 77
    Math Extensions 78
    Bibliography of Picture Books Used
    in Math Extensions 96
    Bibliography of Musical Recordings Used in Math Extensions 97
    Math Resource Books 97

Chapter Six Extending Picture Books through Science 98
    The Scientific Method 98
    Science Skills for Young Children to Learn 99
    Hints for Success When Performing
    Experiments 101
    Safety First! 101
    Science Extensions 101
    Bibliography of Picture Books Used in Science Extensions 119
    Bibliography of Musical Recordings Used in Science Extensions 120
    Science Resource Books 120

Author/Illustrator Index 123
Title Index 130


100 Extension Activities in Art, Drama, Music, Math, and Science Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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