Saturday, August 8, 2015

Biodiversity in Enclosed Seas and Artificial Marine Habitats

Biodiversity in Enclosed Seas and Artificial Marine Habitats
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007 Springer, Netherlands adalah buku  Edisi Pertama.

Judul: Biodiversity in Enclosed Seas and Artificial Marine Habitats
Oleh: G. Relini & J. Ryland   
Penerbit:  Springer, Netherlands
Tahun:  2007
Jumlah Halaman:  265  hal.

Arizona State University University of California, Berkeley

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini adalah kumpulan makalah Simposium yang diselenggarakan di bawah dua tema utama, sebagian mencerminkan kepentingan penelitian di Genoa Universitas: 1. Keanekaragaman Hayati di tertutup dan semi-tertutup laut; dan 2. habitat buatan dan pemulihan
sistem terdegradasi.

Daftar Isi: 

G. Relini, J. Ryland  1–5
Keynote Presentations
Biodiversity issues for the forthcoming tropical Mediterranean Sea
C.N. Bianchi 7–21
Biodiversity in the Black Sea: effects of climate and anthropogenic factors
Y. Tokarev, G. Shulman 23–33

Other Presentations
Measuring change of Mediterranean coastal biodiversity: diachronic mapping of the
meadow of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson in the Gulf of Tigullio
(Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean)

M. Barsanti, I. Delbono, O. Ferretti, A. Peirano, C.N. Bianchi, C. Morri 35–41
Biodiversity evaluation of the macroalgal flora of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic
Sea) using taxonomic distinctness indices

C. Ceschia, A. Falace, R. Warwick 43–56
Biodiversity of settled material in a sediment trap in the Gulf of Trieste (northern
Adriatic Sea)

T. Cibic, O. Blasutto, S. Fonda Umani 57–75
Phylogeography of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) (Echinodermata:
Echinoidea): first insights from the South Tyrrhenian Sea

V. Iuri, F.P. Patti, G. Procaccini 77–84
Community structure of the macroinfauna inhabiting tidal flats characterized by the
presence of different species of burrowing bivalves in Southern

Chile E. Jaramillo, H. Contreras, C.  Duarte 85–96
Response of zoobenthic communities to changing eutrophication in the northern
Baltic Sea

J. Kotta, V. Lauringson, I. Kotta 97–108
Diversity of juvenile fish assemblages in the pelagic waters of Lebanon (eastern

M. Bariche, R. Sadek, M.S. Al-Zein, M. El-Fadel 109–115
Stability of spatial pattern of fish species diversity in the Strait of Sicily (central

G. Garofalo, F. Fiorentino, M. Gristina, S. Cusumano, G. Sinacori 117–124
Recurrent high-biomass blooms of Alexandrium taylorii (Dinophyceae), a HAB
species expanding in the Mediterranean

M.G. Giacobbe, A. Penna, E. Gangemi, M. Mas, E. Garce´ s, S. Fraga, I. Bravo,
F. Azzaro, N. Penna 125–133
Lack of epifaunal response to the application of salt for managing the noxious green
alga Caulerpa taxifolia in a coastal lake

K.M. O_Neill, M.J. Schreider, T.M. Glasby, A.R. Redden 135–142

Keynote Presentations
Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded marine ecosystems and fisheries
W. Seaman 143–155

Other Presentations
Fish assemblages on sunken vessels and natural reefs in southeast Florida, USA
P.T. Arena, L.K.B. Jordan, R.E. Spieler 157–171
Effect of depth and reef structure on early macrobenthic communities of the Algarve
artificial reefs (southern Portugal)

A. Moura, D. Boaventura, J. Cu´ rdia, S. Carvalho, L.C. da Fonseca, F.M. Leita˜ o,
M.N. Santos, C.C. Monteiro 173–180
Stakeholder perceptions regarding the environmental and socio-economic impacts of
the Algarve artificial reefs

J. Ramos, M.N. Santos, D. Whitmarsh, C.C. Monteiro 181–191
History, ecology and trends for artificial reefs of the Ligurian sea, Italy
G. Relini, M. Relini, G. Palandri, S. Merello, E. Beccornia 193–217
Settlement and early survival of red coral on artificial substrates in different
geographic areas: some clues for demography and restoration

L. Bramanti, S. Rossi, G. Tsounis, J.M. Gili, G. Santangelo 219–224
A fourteen-year overview of the fish assemblages and yield of the two oldest Algarve
artificial reefs (southern Portugal)

M.N. Santos, C.C. Monteiro 225–231
Long-term changes in a benthic assemblage associated with artificial reefs
L. Nicoletti, S. Marzialetti, D. Paganelli, G.D. Ardizzone 233–240
Development of a transplantation technique of Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta and
Cystoseira compressa

M.L. Susini, L. Mangialajo, T. Thibaut, A. Meinesz 241–244

Gametogenesis and maturity stages scale of Raja asterias Delaroche, 1809 (Chondrichthyes,
Raijdae) from the South Ligurian Sea

M. Barone, S. de Ranieri, O. Fabiani, A. Pirone, F. Serena 245–254
Feeding strategy of the sacoglossan opisthobranch Oxynoe olivacea on the tropical
green alga Caulerpa taxifolia

P. Gianguzza, F. Andaloro, S. Riggio 255–257
Species-specific probe, based on 18S rDNA sequence, could be used for identification
of the mucilage producer microalga Gonyaulax fragilis (Dinophyta)

F. Tinti, L. Boni, R. Pistocchi, M. Riccardi, F. Guerrini 259–263
Assemblages in a submarine canyon: influence of depth and time
A. Sabatini, M.C. Follesa, I. Locci, A.A. Pendugiu, P. Pesci, A. Cau 265–271
e 475–490vel store 491–49mall print & Index 495–512


Biodiversity in Enclosed Seas and Artificial Marine Habitats Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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