Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property

The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2010  Oleh  Cambridge University Press, UK, adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property
Oleh:  Jonathan Curci
Penerbit:  Cambridge University Press, UK
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman: 361  hal.

Jonathan Curci
is the Legal Counsel of Quantam Business Group, Ltd, Israel and Academic Counsel of Touro International University, Rome.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan hubungan antara perjanjian kekayaan intelektual internasional, perjanjian PBB lingkungan internasional (pertama dan terutama konvensi Keanekaragaman Hayati), adat yang relevan norma dan hukum yang lembut membentuk jaringan kompleks kewajiban yang kadang-kadang bertentangan satu sama lain. Set pertama perjanjian menciptakan hak pribadi sedangkan yang kedua menegaskan hak-hak kedaulatan Negara atas sumber daya genetik dan pengetahuan terkait dan menciptakan rezim internasional eksploitasi yang sama.
Buku ini mengusulkan solusi untuk konflik antara perjanjian melalui konsep "saling mendukung," termasuk konstruksi dari nasional-akses dan rezim berbagi manfaat, ketentuan wajib kontrak dalam kontrak internasional yang relevan, perlindungan defensif ketika-genetik-sumber daya terkait tradisional pengetahuan adil dipatenkan melalui analisis konsep "ordre public dan moralitas," "Sertifikat asal" dalam aplikasi paten dan "kebaruan-menghancurkan prior art "dan perlindungan positif melalui intelektual yang ada dan sui generis hak milik dan rezim penyalahgunaan.

Daftar Isi:

List of abbreviations page vii
Acknowledgments xi

Part I The main problems 1
    1     Introduction to legal issues related to genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the 

           international intellectual property system 3
        1.1     Defining the problems 4
        1.2     Some methodological aspects 17

Part II The protection of genetic resources in intellectual property law 27
    2  The TRIPS Agreement and the patent protection of genetic resources 29

        2.1     The general principles of the TRIPS Agreement 29
        2.2     The patentability of biotechnology 36
        2.3     Economic considerations on biotech-patents and their interaction with traditional           
                  knowledge 42
        2.4     Conclusion 48
    3  The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and treaties protecting genetic resources 
        and Traditional knowledge 50
        3.1     The impact of the TRIPS Agreement on CBD obligations 51
        3.2     The impact of UPOV on the freedom of exchange of seeds 62
        3.3     Some international intellectual property aspects of the FAO ITPGRFA 62
        3.4     Conclusion of Part II 85

Part III The protection of traditional knowledge in the international patent system 87
    4  Towards clearer legal definitions 91
        4.1     An intellectual property approach to the concept of traditional knowledge 91
        4.2     A few relevant analytical distinctions on biodiversity and related traditional knowledge 95
    5  The construction of an access- and benefit-sharing regime and intellectual property issues:
        criteria and options 103

        5.1     The CBD mandated access- and benefit-sharing regime 104
        5.2     An access- and benefit-sharing regime and the contractual solution 105
    6  The defensive protection of traditional knowledge in international patent law 131
        6.1     The certificate on the disclosure of origin/source 132
        6.2     Traditional knowledge as prior art 208
        6.3     Ordre public and morality as exception to patentability 233
    7  Positive protection of traditional knowledge 275
        7.1     Positive protection of plant genetic resources and related traditional knowledge in
                  provider  countries 275
        7.2     Protecting traditional knowledge through the implementation of Article 27.3(b) of
                  TRIPS 277
        7.3     The creation of new intellectual property rights for plant genetic resources related to
                  traditional knowledge 285
        7.4     The protection of traditional knowledge through unfair competition 304
        7.5     Trade secrets 311
        7.6     Applying patent law to traditional knowledge innovation 313
        7.7     Overview on the utility of geographical indications and trademarks 315
    8  Final observations 326

Index 334


The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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