Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketing in International Services

The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketing in International Services A Target Group-Specific Analysis in the Context of Banking Services
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden  adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketingin International Services A Target Group-Specific Analysis in the Context of Banking Services
Oleh:   Jan H. Schumann
Penerbit:  Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 291 hal.


Georg F. Weber

University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 7 Bab yang mebcakup 1) Pendahuluan , 2)  Relationship  Jasa Marketing Internasional: Negara Seni, 3)  Analisis  Budaya dalam Penelitian Cross-Cultural, 4)  Penelitian Model dan Hipotesis, 5) Analisis  Empiris , 6)  Pembahasan Temuan Empiris , dan 7)  Refleksi Umum dan  Arah untuk Penelitian Masa Depan.

Daftar Isi:

List of Figures xix
List of Tables xx
List of Abbreviations xxiv
Summary xxix
1  Introduction 1
    1.1     Internationalization of Services  1
    1.2     Research Scope  4
    1.3     Proceedings of the Study  8
2  Relationship Marketing in International Services: State of the Art 11
    2.1     Service Characteristics and their Challenges for Service Marketing   11
    2.2     Basic Premises and Core Concepts of Relationship Marketing   18
    2.3     Challenges of International Service Marketing   25
    2.4     The Evolution of International Service Marketing Research  27
    2.5     Relationship Marketing Literature in Cross-Cultural Service Research   33
    2.6     Need for Further Research on Relationship Marketing   43
3  Culture Analysis in Cross-Cultural Research   47
    3.1     Definition and Conceptualization of Culture   47
    3.2     Assessment of Culture   51
        3.2.1 Ethnological Description  51
        3.2.2 Use of Proxies - Regional Affiliation  52
        3.2.3 Direct Value Inference  53
        3.2.4 Indirect Values Inference - Benchmarks  54
        3.2.5 The Role of Cultural Values  56
    3.3     The Use of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions in Cross-Cultural Research   58
        3.3.1 Reasons for the Wide Acceptance of Hofstede’s Work   58
        3.3.2 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions  63
   Power Distance  63
   Uncertainty Avoidance  64
   Individualism/Collectivism  66
   Masculinity/Femininity   67
        3.3.3 Validation of Hofstede’s Work  68
    3.3.4 Critical Assessment of Hofstede’s Framework and Implications for its Application in
             Marketing Research  70
4  Research Models and Hypotheses  75
    4.1     Cross-Cultural Differences in the Development of Trust  75
        4.1.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences in Trust Building   75
        4.1.2 A General Model of Trust Building  77
        4.1.3 Cultural Values and Trust   80
   The Direct Effect of Individualism/Collectivism on Trust in the Service Provider   80
   The Moderating Role of Cultural Values on the Development of Trust   82
       Individualism/Collectivism as a Moderator of the Ability-Trust Link   83
       Masculinity/Femininity as a Moderator of the Benevolence-Trust Link   85
       Power Distance as a Moderator of the Integrity- Trust Link   86
       Uncertainty Avoidance as a Moderator of the Predictability-Trust Link  87
    4.2     Cross-Cultural Differences in Customers’ Willingness to Co-Produce  88
        4.2.1 The Relevance of Cross-Cultural Differences in Customers’Willingness to Co-Produce   88
        4.2.2 Co-Production and Value Co-Creation in Professional Services   90
        4.2.3 Cultural Values and Customer Willingness to Co-Produce   93
   Power Distance   96
   Uncertainty Avoidance   97
   Individualism/Collectivism  98
   Masculinity/Femininity  98
    4.3 Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word of Mouth  100
        4.3.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word of Mouth   100
        4.3.2 The Effect of Word of Mouth on Customer Evaluations in Service Relationships   102
   Service Quality Perceptions  102
   Customer Satisfaction   103
   Trust   104
        4.3.3 Cultural Values and Word of Mouth  106
   Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word of Mouth on Customer
                    Evaluations  106
   Uncertainty Avoidance as a Moderator on the Effect of Word of Mouth on Customer
                    Evaluations   107
5  Empirical Analysis 111
    5.1     Research Context   111
    5.2     Research Design   113
        5.2.1 Emic vs. Etic Research Approaches   115
        5.2.2 Concept Equivalence   116
        5.2.3 Questionnaire   118
        5.2.4 Secondary Data   119
        5.2.5 Methodological Approach to Culture Assessment  120
        5.2.6 Sample and Data Collection   121
    5.3 Validation of the Measurement Model  127
        5.3.1 Operationalization and Psychometric Properties of the Scales   128
        5.3.2 Cronbach’s Alpha by Country  143
        5.3.3 Measurement Model   143
        5.3.4 Common Method Variance   145
        5.3.5 Measurement Invariance   149
    5.4     Hypothesis Testing   154
        5.4.1 Analysis Procedure   154
        5.4.2 Multilevel Analysis   160
        5.4.3 Hypothesis Tests of the Trust Model  161
   Analysis of the Validity of the General Model of Trust Building in  Different
                    Countries   161
   Multilevel Analysis of the Trust-Builing Model   163
        5.4.4 Hypothesis Tests of the Co-Production Models  173
   Test for Country Differences   173
   Multilevel Analysis of the Co-Production Models   173
        5.4.5 Hypothesis Tests of the Word-of-Mouth Models   178
        5.4.6 Comparison of the Primary Cultural Values with the Hofstede Country Scores   179
6  Discussion of the Empirical Findings 185
    6.1     Cross-Cultural Differences in Trust   185
        6.1.1 Theoretical and Managerial Implications   185
        6.1.2 Limitations and Directions for Further Research   188
    6.2     Cross-Cultural Differences in Customers’ Willingness to Co-Produce  189
        6.2.1 Theoretical and Managerial Implications  189
        6.2.2 Limitations and Directions for Further Research  194
    6.3     Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effect of Word of Mouth  194
        6.3.1 Theoretical and Managerial Implications   194
        6.3.2 Limitations and Directions for Further Research  197
    6.4     Culture Assessment in Cross-Cultural Marketing Research  198
7  General Reflections and Directions for Future Research  201
    7.1 Summary of Major Findings   201
    7.2 Potential for Future Research   205

References 209
A Questionnaire 251
B Additional Tables for Trust-Building Models 255
C Additional Tables forWord-of-Mouth Models 259


The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketing in International Services Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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