Thursday, October 1, 2015

Financial Management Theory and Practice Twelf Edition

Financial Management Theory and Practice Twelf Edition 
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  oleh  Thomson Learning Inc, USA adalah buku edisi  Dua belas.

Judul:  Financial Management Theory and Practice Twelf Edition 
Oleh:   Eugene F. Brigham, et al
Penerbit: Thomson Learning Inc, USA
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 1041  hal.

Eugene F. Brigham
dan Michael C. Ehrhardt.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini dimulai dengan konsep dasar, termasuk latar belakang pada ekonomi dan lingkungan keuangan, nilai waktu dari uang, Laporan Keuangan (dengan dan Penekanan pada Arus Kas), penilaian obligasi, analisis risiko, dan penilaian saham. Dengan latar belakang ini,  buku ini membahas bagaimana teknik dan aturan keputusan tertentu dapat digunakan untuk membantu memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan.

Daftar Isi:

Praface   v
Part 1  Fundamental Concepts of Financial Management    1

    Chapter 1 An  Overview  of Financial Management and the Financial Environment   2
    Chapter 2  Time Value of Money     37
    Chapter 3  Financial Statements, Cash Flow,  and Taxes      83
    Chapter 4  Analysof Financial  Statements    122

Part 2  Securities and  Their Valuation   155
    Chapter 5 Bonds, Bond valuation,  and Interest Rates     156
    Chapter 6  Risk, Retur, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model  200
    Chapter 7  Portfolio Theory and Other Asset  Pricing Models    241
    Chapter 8  Stock, Stock Valuation and Stock Market Equilibrium  280
    Chapter 9 Financial Options and Applications in Corporate Finance  313

Part 3  Project and Their  Valuation 339
    Chapter 10  The Cost of Capital   340
    Chapter 11  The Basics of Capital Budgeting: Evaluating Cash Flows  377
    Chapter 12  Cash Flow Estimation and Eisk Analysis  415
    Chapter 13  Real Options  457

Part 4  Corporate  Valuation and Govermance   485
    Cahpter 14  Financial Planning and Forecasting Financial  Statement  486
    Chapter 15  Corporate valuation, Value-Based Managemen, and Coeporate Govermence  517

Part 5  Strategig Financing  Decisions  563
    Chapter 16  Capital Structure Decisions: The Basics   564
    Chapter 17  Capital Structure Decisions: Extensions 606
    Chapter 18  Distributions to shareholders: Dividends   and Repurchases 639

Part 6  Tactical Financing Decisions   673
    Chapter 19  Initial Public Offerings, Investment Banking, and Financial  Restructuring  674
    Chapter 20  Lease Financing   714
    Chapter 21  Hybrid Financing: Preferrence Stock, Warrants,   and Convertibles   742

Part 7  Special Topics    773
    Chapter 22  Working Capital Management   774
    Chapter 23 Derivatives and Risk Management   818
    Chapter 24 Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Liquidation   851
    Chapter 25 Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Holding Companies   881
    Chapter 26 Multinational Financial Management  929

    Appendix A  Solutions to Self-Test  Problems  969
    Appendix B  Answers to Lind-of-Chapter Problems  1002
    Appebdix C  Selected Equation and Data  1011
    Appendix D  Values of the Areas Under the Standards Normal DistributioFuntion  1026
Glossary   1027
Name Index  1046
Subject Index  1050

Web Chapter
    Chapter 27  Providing and Obtaining Credit
    Chapter 28  Advanceds Issues In Cash Management and Inventory Control 
    Chapter 29  Pension Plan Management
    Chapter 30 Dinancial Management in not-for-Profit Businesses

Email: zanetapm@

Financial Management Theory and Practice Twelf Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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