Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience

Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience : a beginner’s guide
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2013  oleh  Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. UK adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience : a beginner’s guide
Oleh:   Bernard Baars, Nicole Gage
Penerbit: Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. UK
Tahun: 2013
Jumlah Halaman: 475 hal.


Bernard Baars, Nicole Gage

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Pembahasan buku ini mencakup 1) Pikiran dan otak, 2) Sebuah kerangka yang berguna, 3) Sel saraf,
4) Otak, 5) Pencitraan Otak, 6) Seni melihat, 7) Suara, pidato, dan persepsi musik, 8) Otak sadar,
9) Belajar dan memori, 10) Berpikir, 11) Bahasa, 12) Keputusan, tujuan, dan tindakan, 13) kognisi sosial, dan  14) Pertumbuhan.

Daftar Isi:
Preface vii
1. Mind and brain
    1.0 An invitation 3
    2.0 Basic concepts 5
    3.0 Hot debates 15
    4.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 23
2. A useful framework
    1.0 Brain regions and their functions 26
    2.0 Cognitive functions 27
    3.0 Using the functional diagram 47
    4.0 Small and large mental capacities 52
    5.0 Summary 55
    6.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 56
3. The nerve cell
    1.0 Introduction 60
    2.0 Basic features 61
    3.0 How neurons combine 70
    4.0 Neural computing 78
    5.0 The brain code: maps รพ waves 80
    6.0 Learning and adaptation 84
    7.0 Summary 86
    8.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 86
4. The brain
    1.0 Introduction 90
    2.0 The cortex 93
    3.0 Below the cortex 100
    4.0 Summary 106
    5.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 106
5. Brain imaging
    1.0 Introduction 110
    2.0 Electrical and magnetic fields 117
    3.0 Functional neuroimaging: a bold new world 126
    4.0 Correlation and causation 134
    5.0 Summary 139
    6.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 140
6. The art of seeing
    1.0 Introduction 142
    2.0 Functional organization of the visual system 146
    3.0 Theories of visual consciousness: where does it happen? 160
    4.0 Brain areas necessary for visual awareness: lesion studies 160
    5.0 Now you see it, now you don’t! 165
    6.0 Summary 171
    7.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 172
7. Sound, speech, and music perception
    1.0 Introduction 177
    2.0 The central auditory system 184
    3.0 Functional mapping of auditory processing 189
    4.0 Speech perception 196
    5.0 Music perception 202
    6.0 Learning and plasticity 205
    7.0 Auditory awareness and imagery 206
    8.0 Summary 208
    9.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 208
8. The brain is conscious
    1.0 Introduction 212
    2.0 Waking: purposeful thoughts and actions 214
    3.0 Attention 229
    4.0 Executive control 239
    5.0 Dreaming 241
    6.0 Deep sleep: ups and downs 245
    7.0 Exceptional states of mind 246
    8.0 Summary 250
    9.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 251
9. Learning and memory
    1.0 Introduction 254
    2.0 Episodic learning 258
    3.0 Making memories last 265
    4.0 When memories are lost 272
    5.0 A debate: is consciousness needed for episodic learning? 278
    6.0 Does semantic memory come from episodic traces? 282
    7.0 Control of memory 284
    8.0 Summary 286
    9.0 Drawing exercises 287
10. Thinking
    1.0 Introduction 290
    2.0 Explicit thinking 296
    3.0 Mental effort 305
    4.0 Concepts 308
    5.0 Implicit thinking 311
    6.0 Summary 312
    7.0 Study questions 312
11. Language
    1.0 Introduction 315
    2.0 The nature of language 316
    3.0 Speaking 320
    4.0 Words and meanings 321
    5.0 Syntax and sequencing 322
    6.0 Speech and melody 323
    7.0 Meaning 325
    8.0 Thoughts before language 325
    9.0 Summary 326
    10.0 Study questions and drawing Exercises 327
12. Decisions, goals, and actions
    1.0 Introduction 330
    2.0 Structure of the frontal lobes 334
    3.0 A closer look at frontal lobe functions 338
    4.0 Neuroimaging the executive brain 342
    5.0 Damage to the executive brain 350
    6.0 A current view of organizing principles of the frontal lobes 354
    7.0 Toward a unified theory of frontal lobe function 354
    8.0 Study questions and drawing exercises 355
13. Social cognition
    1.0 Overview 358
    2.0 An organizing framework for social cognition 360
    3.0 Social cognition in the brain 363
    4.0 Emotion and the social brain 374
    5.0 Chapter review 381
    6.0 Study questions 382
14. Growing up
    1.0 Introduction 384
    2.0 Prenatal development: from blastocyst to baby 387
    3.0 The developing brain: a lifetime of change 394
    4.0 Developing mind and brain 399
    5.0 Early brain damage and developmental plasticity 413
    6.0 Summary 416
    7.0 Study questions 416

Glossary 419
References 435
Index 453


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