Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research

Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research (Buku Panduan Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan Pelatihan Penelitian)

Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 2008 oleh Springer Science+Business Media B.V

Judul:  Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research (Buku Panduan Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan Pelatihan Penelitian)
Oleh:  Felix Rauner, etal
Penerbit: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 1090 hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku panduan ini merupakan bagian dari sebuah perpustakaan, buku pegangan tentang pendidikan kejuruan dan pelatihan untuk mengaktifkan Komunitas TVET internasional untuk memenuhi tugas-tugas mereka dan mengatur pekerjaan mereka lebih dan lebih secara profesional.
Seiring dengan terbitnya buku ini, Rupert Maclean dan David Wilson telah mempublikasikan Buku Pegangan Pendidikan secara Internasional untuk Mengubah Dunia Kerja (MacLean / WILSON / CHINIEN 2008).
Buku panduan ini terdiri dari enam jilid dan menonjol karena mengemukakan gambaran secara luas tentang TVET sebagai pertimbangan semua aspek dan kekhasan daerah atau sektor terkait.
Penelitian TVET dapat menjembatani kesenjangan antara praktek TVET, kebijakan  TVET dan penelitian pendidikan. Ini berarti bahwa inovasi dalam pendidikan kejuruan dan pelatihan semakin dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya penelitian TVET. Buku pegangan ini  terdiri atas 142 bab adalah karya kolektif dari 128 penulis.

Daftar Isi:

Preface  9
Vocational Education and Training Research – an Introduction
Felix Rauner and Rupert Maclean  13

Section 1.0: Genesis of TVET Research
Uwe Lauterbach   23
1.1     Genesis of VET Research: Case Study of Australia
          Philip Loveder and Hugh Guthrie  32
1.2     Research on China’s Technical and  Vocational Education
           Jiang Dayuan, Yu Zhijing and Yao Shuwei  37
1.3     French Research on Vocational Training: A Mirror of the Position and Structure of the Training       
          Philippe Méhaut  43
1.4     On the Genesis of TVET Research in Germany Felix Rauner  48
1.5     History of Vocational Education & Training Research in the United States
          Cecilia Maldonado and Sterling Saddler   57
1.6     Overview of Research Concerning Vocational Education and Vocational Training in Modern 
          Japan Susumu Sasaki   62
1.7     UNESCO’s Research on TVET and Skills Development
          Keith Holmes and Rupert Maclean   68
1.8     Research on TVET and Skills Development by Selected Intergovernmental Organisations 
          and  Bilateral Agencies
          Keith Holmes and Rupert Maclean  75
1.9     Steps towards International Comparative Research in TVET
          Uwe Lauterbach  82
Section 2.0: VET Research in Relation to VET Policy, Planning and Practice
          Anneke Westerhuis   93
2.1     VET Research and Social Dialogue
          Jonathan Winterton  104
2.2     Work – Education – Training: An Interdisciplinary Research Approach
          Manfred Eckert  114
2.3     Occupations and Occupational Areas
           A. Willi Petersen   121
2.4     Vocational Education Research as an Innovation Process
          Ute Laur-Ernst and Georg Hanf   129
2.5     Research on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Context of  European
          Pekka Kämäräinen and Martin Fischer  135
2.6     Research and VET Reform Policy in Transition Countries
          Peter Grootings and Sören Nielsen  143
2.7     Development Aid and VET Research
          Godehard Köhne and Reinhard Stockmann    149

Section 3: Areas of VET Research
3.1     The Development of Occupations
          Georg Spöttl and Morgan Lewis   159
3.1.1  Occupational Research
          Werner Dostal  162
3.1.2   Sector Analyses
           Georg Spöttl   169
3.1.3   Historical Occupational Research
           Falk Howe   175
3.1.4   Prognostic and Prospective Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research
           Philipp Grollmann  181
3.1.5.  Qualifi cation Research
           Otfried Mickler  187
3.2     Research in the Vocational Disciplines
          Jörg-Peter Pahl and Felix Rauner  193
3.2.1   Business and Administration
          Antje Barabasch  199
3.2.2   EEE/ICT in Selected European Countries
           Klaus Jenewein, Alison Shilela and Len O’Connor  206
3.2.3   Construction
           Johannes Meyser and Ernst Uhe   214
3.2.4   Agriculture
           Martin Mulder  221
3.2.5   Health/Care
           Ingrid Darmann, Regina Keuchel and Florence Myrick  227
3.2.6   Education/Social Pedagogy
           Maria-Eleonora Karsten  233
3.2.7   Nutrition
           Barbara Fegebank   238

3.3     VET Systems Research
          Thomas Deißinger  244
3.3.1   Comparative Research on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
           – Methodological Considerations
           Philipp Grollmann   253
3.3.2   Comparative VET Research – Methodological Considerations, Results and Current Questions
           Hubert Ertl and Dietmar Frommberger  259
3.3.3   Historical VET Research. Case Studies     Research on Vocational Education History in China
                Qiding Yu and Zhen He  266     Vocational Educational Theory s Historical Research on Vocational Education and Training
                Günter Pätzold and Manfred Wahle  269     Historical Study on the Western School Model of TVET in Japan
                Tatsuo Horiuchi  275    Historical Research in Vocational Education: A Case Study of the United States
               Cecilia Maldonado and Sterling Saddler  279

3.3.4        National and International Reporting on VET. Case Studies     National Reporting on VET – Case Study of Australia
                Philip Loveder  284     Report on Vocational Education in China
                Lin Sun  288    Germany
                Heinrich Althoff and Elisabeth M. Krekel  292    VET Reporting: Case Study of the USA
                Lisa Hudson and Karen Levesque   296     National and International Reporting on VET. Case Study of the European Union Friederike
                Behringer   300     National and International Reporting on VET – Case Study of OECD, ILO and the World Bank
                Simone Kirpal   305
3.3.5     Development and Evaluation of VET Courses
             Thomas Deißinger and Jürgen Zabeck 310
3.3.6     VET Research on Pre-Vocational Education. Case Studies     Vocational Guidance and Work Orientation
                Heinz Dedering  317     Prevocational Education: Case Study of UK
                Karen Evans   324     Pre-Vocational Education in the Netherlands
                Jeroen Onstenk  327     The Development and Study of Pre-Vocational Education in Japan
                Moriki Terada  331

3.3.7     Further Education and Training Research
             Rolf Arnold and Henning Pätzold  335
3.3.8     Vocational College Research. Case Studies     Study of Higher Vocational Education Research in China
                Weiping Shi and Guoqing Xu  342     Research on Vocational Colleges and Schools
                Günter Pätzold  346    Vocational College Research: Case Studies of the USA
                Stephanie Riegg Cellini   354

3.4     VET Planning and Development
          Jeroen Onstenk  359
3.4.1     Qualifi cation and Curriculum Research
             Felix Rauner   364
3.4.2     Competence and Expertise Research
             Peter Röben   371
3.4.3     Cooperation between Learning Venues and Training Partnerships
             Günter Walden  379
3.4.4     Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research for the Professionalisation of Vocational
             Philipp Grollmann and Waldemar Bauer  385
3.4.5     Vocational Education and Training and Organisational Development in Companies
             Gisela Dybowski and Agnes Dietzen   392

3.5     Costs, Benefi ts, and Financing VET
          Robert I. Lerman  398
3.5.1     Costs and Benefi ts of In-Company Vocational Education and Training
             Günter Walden 403
3.5.2     National Systems of Financing TVET
             Dieter Timmermann    412
3.5.3     National Arrangements for Financing Training in Companies
             Andrew Smith  420
3.5.4     The Wider Benefi ts of Learning
             Leon Feinstein, Simone Kirpal and Inés Arévalo Sánchez   424
3.5.5     The Contribution of TVET to Innovative Practices
             Klaus Ruth  433

3.6     Occupational Work and Competence Development
          Martin Fischer and Nicholas Boreham   439
3.6.1     Learning in Work Processes – Competence Development
             Peter Dehnbostel   444
3.6.2     Work Design and Work Organization
Karlheinz Sonntag and Ralf Stegmaier   453
3.6.3     Organisational Learning
             Michael Dick   458
3.6.4     Work Process Knowledge
             Martin Fischer and Nick Boreham   466
3.6.5     Learning with Tutorial Working Systems
             Matthias Becker   475
3.6.6     Occupational Socialization
             Walter R. Heinz   481
3.6.7     The Development of Moral Judgement
             Wolfgang Lempert   489
3.6.8     Vocational Identity
             Sabine Raeder  496
3.6.9     Professionalisation
             Harald A. Mieg   502

3.7     Shaping Teaching and Learning in TVET
          Lorna Unwin   508
3.7.1     Curriculum Research and Development
             Ulrike Buchmann and Richard Huisinga 511
3.7.2     Cross-Curricular Competencies
             Katharina Maag Merki  517
3.7.3     Shaping and Evaluating Vocational Training Offers
             Peter Gerds   523
3.7.4     Shaping Learning Environments
             Peter Dehnbostel   531
3.7.5     Task-Oriented Learning
             Falk Howe   536
3.7.6     Self-Directed Learning – ConceptualClarifi cations, Theoretical Perspectives and
             Martin Lang and Günter Pätzold   543
3.7.7     Learning and Teaching Research
             Gerald A. Straka   552
3.7.8     Research on Disadvantaged Groups
             Arnulf Bojanowski, Peter Eckardt and Günter Ratschinski   558
3.7.9     Media Research and Development
             Antje Pabst and Gerhard Zimmer   565

3.8     Shaping Work and Technology
          Peter Brödner and Paul Oehlke  573
3.8.1     Work and Technology Research
             Felix Rauner and Paul Oehlke  581
3.8.2     Participative Technology Development
             Franz Stuber   589
3.8.3     Participative Organisational Development
             Franz J. Heeg     593
3.8.4     Participatory Prototyping
             Jürgen Friedrich    598
3.8.5     Human-Computer Interaction
             Karl-Heinz Rödiger   605
Section 4: Case Studies of TVET Research
                  Philipp Grollmann and Geoff Hayward   613
4.1     Pilot Test MME: Innovation Project at the Turning Point (BBF)
          Ute Laur-Ernst    617
4.2     Using the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition to Describe and Interpret Skill Acquisition
          and Clinical Judgement in Nursing Practice and Education
          Patricia Benner   624
4.3     The Automotive Mechatronics Technician: Steps in Research and Development towards a
          European Occupation
          Wilfried Kruse    632
4.4     Production and Qualifi cation
          Fred Manske    636
4.5    Training and High Performance Work Systems: A Case Study in Synergy
         Andy Smith   641
4.6    Youth, Work and Identity. Life Perspectives and Interests of Young People – a Research
          Andreas Witzel   647
4.7     Implementing Dual Vocational Education in China: A Case of Transnational Innovation
          Transfer through a German-Chinese Research and Development Project
          Zhao Zhiqun and Xu Han   656
4.8     The Assessment: Knowledge, Skills and Competitiveness
          Ewart Keep and Ken Mayhew   660
4.9     Learning to Cook: Analysing Apprentice’s Knowledge and Skill Construction in the Workplace
          Susan James   674
4.10   Transferability, Flexibility, Mobility as Targets of Vocational Education and Training – The
          COST Action A11
          Frank Achtenhagen and Susanne Weber   683

Section 5: Research Methods
5.1     Methodological Aspects
          Georg Hans Neuweg and Peter Putz  699
5.1.1   Subject-Related Research Approach: Vocational Work and Education Processes
           Felix Rauner   703
5.1.2   Situated Learning in Communities of Practice as a Research Topic
           Christoph Clases and Theo Wehner   708
5.1.3   Distance and Proximity in VET Research
           Lars Heinemann   713
5.1.4   Shaping-Oriented Research and Interdisciplinarity
           Gerald A. Heidegger   718
5.1.5   The Tacit and Implicit as a Subject of VET Research
           Georg Hans Neuweg  725
5.1.6   On the Implementation of Basic Methods in Vocational Training Research: (Observation,
           Experimentation, Interviewing, Content Analysis)
           Rainer Bremer   731

5.2    Research Methods: Interview and Observation Methods
         Winfried Hacker  738
5.2.1     Technical Interview
             Manuela Niethammer   740
5.2.2     Action-Oriented Specialised Interviews
             Matthias Becker  747
5.2.3     Task Analysis in Vocational Science
             Peter Röben  751
5.2.4     Expert Skilled Worker Workshops
             Georg Spöttl  756
5.2.5     Knowledge Diagnosis
             Winfried Hacker  761
5.2.6     Assessing Vocational Competences
             Bernd Haasler and John Erpenbeck  766
5.2.7     Situation Film
             Felix Rauner 774
5.2.8     Studies of Work
             Jörg R. Bergmann   780
5.3     Experimentation and Development
          Peter Röben   786
5.3.1     Laboratory Experiments and Quasi Experiments
             Gerald A. Straka, Katja Meyer-Siever and Johannes Rosendahl   790
5.3.2.    Qualitative Experiments
             Franz Stuber   795
5.3.3     Experimental Research Designs (ERD) in Vocational Education
             Peter F. E. Sloane   800
5.3.4     Participative Development
             Bruno Clematide   807
5.3.5     Interdisciplinary Development
             Felix Rauner   813
5.4     Evaluation, Quality Development and Assurance
          Jürgen van Buer and Eugenie A. Samier   819
5.4.1     Evaluation Research
             Gerald Heidegger   825
5.4.2     Participative Quality Assurance
             Philipp Gonon   833
5.4.3     Output Orientation as Aspect of Quality Assurance
             Sabine Kurz   839
5.4.4     Educational Controlling
             Jürgen van Buer   847
5.4.5     Benchmarking in Vocational Education and Training
             Susan Seeber   851
5.4.6     Programme Evaluation
             Ludger Deitmer   858
5.4.7     Knowledge Management
             Michael Dick and Theo Wehner  862

References  873
Index of Names  1053
Index of Subjects  1081
The Auth ors 1095

Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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