Friday, August 29, 2014

Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century

Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century  (Psikologi Terapan untuk Kehidupan Modern: Penyesuaian di Abad 21)

Buku Ini pertama kali diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2009 oleh Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, buku ini merupakan buku edisi 10 yang terbit tahun 2012.

Judul: Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century  (Psikologi Terapan untuk Kehidupan Modern: Penyesuaian di Abad 21)
Oleh: Weiten, etal
Penerbit: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning
Tahun: 2012
Jumlah Halaman: -  hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini mengemukakan nilai mengembangkan konsep diri yang akurat yang ditekankan secara berulang-ulang. Sedikit menipu diri sendiri mungkin sesekali adaptif (lihat Bab 4), tetapi kebanyakan teori psikologi kesehatan mendukung pentingnya membentuk realistis gambaran kualitas pribadi seseorang dan kemampuan. Buku ini berisi tentang Personal Explorations Workbook yang terdiri atas  dua jenis latihan yang  dimaksudkan untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan ini. Dua jenis latihan itu adalah (1) serangkaian Self-Assessment, atau self-skor psikologis timbangan, dimaksudkan untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi tentang sikap dan kepribadian, dan (2) serangkaian Self-Refleksi dimaksudkan untuk membantu Anda secara sistematis menganalisis berbagai aspek kehidupan Anda dalam kaitannya dengan penyesuaian masalah.
Bagaimana Anda menggunakan latihan eksplorasi pribadi ini akan tergantung, sebagian besar, pada instruktur Anda. Beberapa instruktur secara resmi akan menetapkan beberapa latihan ini dan kemudian
mengumpulkan mereka untuk pemeriksaan individu atau diskusi kelas. Itulah mengapa halaman buku kerja ini berlubang-to membuat nyaman bagi instruktur yang Anda ditetapkan sebagai PR.

Daftar Isi:

CHAPTER 1 Adjusting to Modern Life
    Exercise 1.1 Self-Assessment: Narcissistic Personality Inventory W-5
    Exercise 1.2 Self-Reflection: What Are Your Study Habits Like? W-7
CHAPTER 2 Theories of Personality
    Exercise 2.1 Self-Assessment: Sensation-Seeking Scale W-9
    Exercise 2.2 Self-Reflection: Who Are You? W-11
CHAPTER 3 Stress and Its Effects
    Exercise 3.1 Self-Assessment: The Life Experiences Survey (LES) W-13
    Exercise 3.2 Self-Reflection: Stress—How Do You Control It? W-16
CHAPTER 4 Coping Processes
    Exercise 4.1 Self-Assessment: Barnes-Vulcano Rationality Test W-17
    Exercise 4.2 Self-Reflection: Analyzing Coping Strategies W-19
CHAPTER 5 Psychology and Physical Health
    Exercise 5.1 Self-Assessment: Chronic Self-Destructiveness Scale W-21
    Exercise 5.2 Self-Reflection: How Do Your Health Habits Rate? W-23
CHAPTER 6 The Self
    Exercise 6.1 Self-Assessment: Self-Monitoring Scale W-25
    Exercise 6.2 Self-Reflection: How Does Your Self Concept Compare to Your
        Self-Ideal? W-26
CHAPTER 7 Social Thinking and Social Influence
    Exercise 7.1 Self-Assessment: Argumentativeness Scale W-27
    Exercise 7.2 Self-Reflection: Can You Identify Your Prejudicial Stereotypes? W-28
CHAPTER 8 Interpersonal Communication
    Exercise 8.1 Self-Assessment: Opener Scale W-29
    Exercise 8.2 Self-Reflection: How Do You Feel About Self-Disclosure? W-30
CHAPTER 9 Friendship and Love
    Exercise 9.1 Self-Assessment: Social Avoidance and Distress Scale W-31
    Exercise 9.2 Self-Reflection: How Do You Relate to Friends? W-32
CHAPTER 10 Marriage and Intimate Relationships
    Exercise 10.1 Self-Assessment: Self-Report Jealousy Scale W-33
    Exercise 10.2 Self-Reflection: Thinking Through Your Attitudes About Marriage and  Cohabitation W-34
CHAPTER 11 Gender and Behavior
    Exercise 11.1 Self-Assessment: Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) W-35
    Exercise 11.2 Self-Reflection: How Do You Feel About Gender Roles? W-37
CHAPTER 12 Development and Expression of Sexuality
    Exercise 12.1 Self-Assessment: Sexuality Scale W-39
    Exercise 12.2 Self-Reflection: How Did You Acquire Your Attitudes About Sex? W-40
CHAPTER 13 Careers and Work
    Exercise 13.1 Self-Assessment: Assertive Job-Hunting Survey W-41
    Exercise 13.2 Self-Reflection: What Do You Know About the Career That Interests You? W-42
CHAPTER 14 Psychological Disorders
    Exercise 14.1 Self-Assessment: Manifest Anxiety Scale W-43
    Exercise 14.2 Self-Reflection: What Are Your Attitudes on Mental Illness? W-44
CHAPTER 15 Psychotherapy
    Exercise 15.1 Self-Assessment: Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help W-45
    Exercise 15.2 Self-Reflection: What Are Your Feelings About Therapy? W-46
CHAPTER 16 Positive Psychology
    Exercise 16.1 Self-Assessment: What Is Your Happiness Profile? W-47
    Exercise 16.2 Self-Reflection: Thinking About How You Construe Happiness W-48   

Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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