Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Discovering Psychology Fifth Edition

Discovering Psychology Fifth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2011  Oleh   Worth Publishers adalah buku edisi   Lima.

Judul:  Discovering Psychology Fifth Edition
Oleh:  Don H. Hockenbury, et al
Penerbit:   Worth Publishers
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman:  843  hal.


Don H. Hockenbury adalah Associate Professor Psikologi di Tulsa Community College. Don menerima B.S. nya dalam bidang  psikologi dan sarjana sastra dalam psikologi klinis dari University of Tulsa. Sebelum ia mulai karir mengajarnya, dia bekerja di rumah sakit jiwa dan dalam praktek swasta.
Dengan lebih dari 25 tahun pengalaman mengajar psikologi, Don adalah penerima Tulsa Community College Award untuk Pengajaran Excellence. Meskipun ia menikmati tantangan unik pengajaran online,
pengaturan ruang kelas masih forum favoritnya untuk mengajar siswa tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan relevansi pribadi psikologi. Sebelum co-authoring Psychology and Discovering Psychology, Don adalah penulis resensi dan suplemen beberapa buku teks psikologi. Kepentingan penelitian favorit Don termasuk biopsikologi, tidur dan bermimpi, memori, gangguan psikologis, dan sejarah psikologi. Don juga menjadi anggota beberapa organisasi profesi, termasuk Asosiasi Psychological Science (APS), American Psychological Association (APA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
Sandra E. Hockenbury adalah seorang penulis sains yang mengkhususkan diri dalam psikologi.
Sandy menerima  gelar B.A. dari Shimer College dan sarjana sastra nya dari Universitas Chicago, di mana dia juga Associate Penelitian di  Institut Sosial dan Perilaku Patologi. Sebelum co-authoring Psychology and Discovering Psychology, Sandy bekerja beberapa tahun sebagai editor penerbitan psikologi baik akademik dan buku teks perguruan tinggi. Sandy juga mengajar sebagai anggota fakultas tambahan di
Tulsa Community College.  Bidang Sandy yang menarik termasuk psikologi positif, kognisi hewan
dan perilaku, psikologi budaya, interaksi pikiran-tubuh, dan persimpangan filsafat Buddha, neuroscience, dan psikologi. Dia anggota Association of Psychological Science (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Bagian Utama yang meliputi pembahasan 14 Bab. BAGIAN 1  MEMPERKENALKAN PSIKOLOGI  meliputi pembahasan Bab 1 Pendahuluan dan Metode Penelitian. BAGIAN 2 PROSES PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL, mencakup pembahasan Bab 2 Neuroscience dan Perilaku, Bab 3 Sensasi dan Persepsi, dan Bab 4 Kesadaran dan Variasi. BAGIAN 3 DASAR PROSES PSIKOLOGIS, meliputi pembahasan Bab 5 Belajar, Bab 6 Memory, Bab 7 Berpikir, Bahasa, dan Kecerdasan, dan Bab 8 Motivasi dan Emosi. BAGIAN 4 PENGEMBANGAN DIRI, mencakup pembahasan Bab 9 Masa Perkembangan Hidup dan Bab 10 Kepribadian. BAGIAN 5  MANUSIA DALAM KONTEKS SOSIAL, membahas  Bab 11  Psychology Sosial.  BAGIAN 6 MASALAH PSIKOLOGIS, GANGGUAN, DAN PENGOBATAN mencakup  Bab 12 Stres, Kesehatan, dan Coping, Bab 13 Gangguan Psikologis, dan Bab 14 Terapi.

Daftar Isi:    

To the Instructor xix
To the Student: Learning from Psychology xliii

CHAPTER 1  Introduction and Research Methods

    1     PROLOGUE: Miracle Magnets?
    2     Introduction: The Origins of Psychology
    9     Contemporary Psychology
    16     The Scientific Method
    21     Descriptive Research Methods
    27     The Experimental Method
    33     Ethics and Psychological Research
    37     Closing Thoughts: Introduction and Research Methods
    39     Chapter Review

CHAPTER 2 Neuroscience and Behavior

    43     PROLOGUE: Asha’s Story
    44     Introduction: Neuroscience and Behavior
    45     The Neuron: The Basic Unit of Communication
    55     The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communication Throughout the Body
    61     A Guided Tour of the Brain
    72     Specialization in the Cerebral Hemispheres
    79     Closing Thoughts: Neuroscience and Behavior
    83     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 3 Sensation and Perception
    87     PROLOGUE: Learning to See
    88     Introduction: What Are Sensation and Perception?
    92     Vision: From Light to Sight
    101     Hearing: From Vibration to Sound
    105     The Chemical and Body Senses: Smell, Taste, Touch, and Position
    113     Perception
    124     Perceptual Illusions
    127     The Effects of Experience on Perceptual Interpretations
    128     Closing Thoughts: Sensation and Perception
    131     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 4 Consciousness and Its Variations
    135     PROLOGUE: Even in Good Men
    136    Introduction: Consciousness: Experiencing  the Private “I”
    138     Biological and Environmental “Clocks” That Regulate Consciousness
    140     Sleep
    147     Dreams and Mental Activity During Sleep
    153     Sleep Disorders
    159     Hypnosis
    163     Meditation
    165     Psychoactive Drugs
    177     Closing Thoughts: Consciousness and Its Variations
    179     Chapter Review

CHAPTER 5 Learning

    183     PROLOGUE: The Killer Attic
    184     Introduction: What Is Learning?
    185     Classical Conditioning: Associating Stimuli
    194     Contemporary Views of Classical Conditioning
    199     Operant Conditioning: Associating Behaviors and Consequences
    213     Contemporary Views of Operant Conditioning
    218     Observational Learning: Imitating the Actions of Others
    224     Closing Thoughts: Learning
    227     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 6 Memory
    231     PROLOGUE: The Drowning
    232     Introduction: What Is Memory?
    243     Retrieval: Getting Information from Long-Term Memory
    247     Forgetting: When Retrieval Fails
    253    Imperfect Memories: Errors, Distortions, and False Memories
    260     The Search for the Biological Basis of Memory
    269     Closing Thought: Memory
    271     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 7 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
    275     PROLOGUE: The Movie Moment
    277     Introduction: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
    281     Solving Problems and Making Decisions
    287     Language and Thought
    293     Measuring Intelligence
    298     The Nature of Intelligence
    311     Closing Thoughts: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
    313     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 8  Motivation and Emotion
    317     PROLOGUE: Soaring with Angels
    318     Introduction: Motivation and Emotion
    319     Motivation Concepts and Theories
    322     Biological Motivation: Hunger and Eating
    332     Human Sexuality
    340     Psychological Needs as Motivators
    344     Emotion
    355     Theories of Emotion: Explaining Emotion
    360     Closing Theories: Motivation and Emotion
    363     Chapter Review

CHAPTER 9  Lifespan Development

    367     PROLOGUE: Future Plans
    369     Introduction: Your Life Story
    370     Genetic Contributions to Your Life Story
    373     Prenatal Development
    375     Development During Infancy and Childhood
    393     Adolescence
    403     Adult Development
    407     Late Adulthood and Aging
    409     The Final Chapter: Dying and Death
    410     Closing Thoughts: Lifespan Development
    413     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 10  Personality
    417     PROLOGUE: The Secret Twin
    419     Introduction: What Is Personality?
    420     The Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality
    433     The Humanistic Perspective on Personality
    436     The Social Cognitive Perspective on Personality
    439     The Trait Perspective on Personality
    446     Assessing Personality: Psychological Tests
    451     Closing Thoughts: Personality
    453     Chapter Review

CHAPTER 11  Social Psychology

    457     PROLOGUE: The “Homeless” Man
    458    Introduction: What Is Social Psychology?
    458     Person Perception: Forming Impressions of Other People
    463     Attribution: Explaining Behavior
    466     The Social Psychology of Attitudes
    469     Understanding Prejudice
    474     Conformity: Following the Crowd
    476     Obedience: Just Following Orders
    485     Helping Behavior: Coming to the Aid of Strangers
    488     Closing Thoughts: Social Psychology
    491     Chapter Review

CHAPTER 12  Stress, Health, and Coping

    495     PROLOGUE: Katie’s Story
    497     Introduction: What Is Stress?
    502     Physical Effects of Stress: The Mind–Body Connection
    509    Individual Factors That Influence the Response to Stress
    518     Coping: How People Deal with Stress
    523     Closing Thoughts: Stress, Health, and Coping
    525     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 13  Psychological Disorders
    529     PROLOGUE: Behind the Steel Door
    531     Introduction: Understanding Psychological Disorders
    537     Anxiety Disorders: Intense Apprehension and Worry
    546     Mood Disorders: Emotions Gone Awry
    553     Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia
    555     Personality Disorders: Maladaptive Traits
    560     The Dissociative Disorders: Fragmentation of the Self
    563     Schizophrenia: A Different Reality
    572     Closing Thoughts: Psychological Disorders
    575     Chapter Review
CHAPTER 14 Therapies
    579     PROLOGUE: “A Clear Sense of Being Heard . . .”
    580    Introduction: Psychotherapy and Biomedical Therapy
    582     Psychoanalytic Therapy
    585     Humanistic Therapy
    588     Behavior Therapy
    593     Cognitive Therapies
    598     Group and Family Therapy
    601     Evaluating the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
    607     Biomedical Therapies
    615     Closing Thoughts: Therapies
    617     Chapter Review
APPENDIX A Statistics: Understanding Data
    A-1     PROLOGUE: The Tables Are Turned: A Psychologist Becomes a Research Subject
    A-2     Descriptive Statistics
    A-12 Inferential Statistics
    A-14 Endnote
    A-14 Appendix Review: Statistics: Understanding Data
APPENDIX B  Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    B-2 What Is Industrial/Organizational Psychology?
    B-2 History of I/O Psychology
    B-3 Industrial (Personnel) Psychology
    B-7 Organizational Behavior
    B-11 Workplace Trends and Issues
    B-13 Employment Settings, Type of Training, Earnings, and Employment Outlook
    B-15 Appendix Review: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Key Terms B-15
APPENDIX C  APA Goals and Outcomes
Glossary G-1
References R-1
Illustration Credits IC-1
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index SI-1

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Discovering Psychology Fifth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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