Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Text Book of Practical Botany I

A Text Book of Practical Botany IAlgae, Fungi, Lichens, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Bryophta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany  
Buku ini  diterbitkan tahun 2010  oleh  Rastogi Publications, India  adalah buku Edsi Revisi.

Judul:   A Text Book of Practical Botany I:  Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Bryophta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany  
Oleh:   Dr. Ashok M. Bendre, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Rastogi Publications, India
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman:  339  hal.




Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini, dimulai dengan perlakuan penentuan jenis kelamin, regulasi neuroendokrin dari hipotalamus yang sumbu hipofisis-gonad, dan fungsi khusus dari ovarium dan testis. Kehamilan dan kelahiran yang dibahas dalam bab terpisah, sedangkan menyusui dan perilaku reproduksi dibahas di banyak bab.
Efek dari hormon stres dan feromon adalah ditampilkan, diikuti dengan diskusi tentang siklus reproduksi
yang dipilih kelompok mamalia. Bab terakhir membahas terganggunya kegiatan endokrin pada manusia dan lainnya mamalia sebagai konsekuensi dari luas lingkungan eksposur bahan kimia estrogenik, dan implikasi untuk reproduksi masa depan populasi mamalia liar dan spesies kita sendiri.

Daftar Isi:
1.     Introduction   1-15

        Preamble 1, Laboratory etiquette 1, Work plan 1, Necessary instruments 1,
        Microscope 1, Other laboratory provisions 4, Fixing agents and preservatives 4,
        Laboratory techniques 4, Record of work 11, Herbarium 12.
2.     Algae  16 -69
        Preamble 16, Classification 20, Chlamydomonas 21, Volvox 22, Chiarella 24,
        Hydrodictyon 25, Cladophora 26, Fritschiella 28, Coleochaete 29, Oedogonium 31,
        Zygnema 34, Chara 36, Vaucheria 40, Diatoms 43, Ectocarpus 45, Fucus 47,
        Sargassum 50, Batrachospermum 55, Ceramium 56, Polysiphonia 59,
        Oscillatoria 63, Nostoc 64, Scytonema 66, Rivularia 67, Gloeotrichia 68.
3.     Fungi 70 - 130
        Preamble 70, Classification 71, Plasmodiophora 74, Synchytrium 77, Saprolegnia 79, Achlya 81,
        Phytophthora 83, Albugo 86, Rhizopus 89, Erysiphe 92, Sphaerotheca 95, Phyllactinia 97,
        Aspergillus 99, Penicillium 102, Claviceps 103, Peziza 106, Ascobolus 107, Morchella 109,
        Ustilago 111, Puccinia 114, Agaricus 120, Polyporus 122, Alternaria 124, Cercospora 126,
        Colletotrichum 128.
4.     Lichens 131 - 136
        Ascolichens 131, Crustose lichens 131, Foliose lichens 132, Fruticose lichens 134,
        Basidiolichens 136.
5.     Microbiology 137 - 141
        To culture bacteria 137, To isolate micro-organisms from mixed culture and grow
        a pure culture 139, To stain and study bacteria 140, To measure bacterial cells 140,
        Microscopic examination of curd 141.
6.     Plant Pathology 142 -166
        Preamble 142, List of diseases 142, Black wart disease 143, Damping off 144,
        Late blight of potato 145, Green ear disease of bajra 146, Downy mildew of pea 148,
        White rust of crucifers 149, Powdery mildew of barley 150, Loose smut of wheat 151,
        Covered smut of barley 152, Whip smut of sugarcane 152, Black stem rust of wheat 153,
        Brown (orange) rust of wheat 154, Rust of linseed 155, Early blight of potato 156,
        Tikka disease of groundnuts 157, Wilt of cotton 158, Red rot of sugarcane 159,
        Bacterial blight of rice 160, Citrus canker 160, Tundu disease of wheat 161, Leaf curl of potato 162,
        Tobacco mosaic 162, Leaf curl of tabacoo 163, Leaf curl of papaya 163,
        Yellow vein mosaic of bhindi 164, Little leaf of brinjal 164, Root knot of vegetables 164.
        Important plants and their bacterial diseases 165, Important plants and their viral diseases 166.
7.     Bryophyta 167 - 219
        Preamble 167, Classification 169, Riccia 169, Riccia fluitans 173, Marchantia 173,
        Pellia 180, Porella 184, Frullania 188, Anthoceros 191, Sphagnum 196,  Funaria 203,
        Polytrichum 208, Pogonatum 215.
8.     Pteridophyta 220 - 272
        Preamble 220, Distinguishing characters of taxa 220, Psilotum 223, Lycopodium 227,Selaginella 233,
        Equisetum 239, Adiantum 247, Nephrolepis 253,Pteridium 256, Marsilea 262, Azolla 469.
9.     Gymnosperms 273 - 312
        Preamble 273, Classification 273,Distinguishing characters of taxa 274, Cycas 275,
        Pinus 288, Ephedra 303.
10.   Palaeobotany 313 - 327
        Preamble 313, Classification 313, Distinguishing characters 314, Rhynia 315,
        Homeophyton lignieri 317, Lepidodendron 318, Calamites 320, Lyginopteris 322,
        Cycadeoidea 324, Williamsonia 326

Appendix 329 - 330
    Fixing agents and preservatives 328, Stains 328, Mounting media 329,
    Recommended stains and mounting media 329.
Index 331 – 332

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

A Text Book of Practical Botany I Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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