Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Plant Roots Growth, Activity and Interaction with Soils

Plant Roots Growth, Activity and Interaction with Soils
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2006  Oleh  Blackwell Publishing Ltd , adalah buku edisi Pertama.

.Judul:  Plant Roots Growth, Activity and Interaction with Soils
Oleh:  Peter J. Gregory
Penerbit:   Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman: 340  hal.


Peter J. Gregory
Director, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee
Visiting Professor of Soil Science, University of Reading

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 9 Bagian, di mana tiap nagian terdiri atas beberapa  topic. 1 Tanaman, Akar dan Tanah  yang membahas Evolusi akar,  Saling ketergantungan fungsional akar dan tunas, dan Akar dan tanah.  
2  Akar dan Arsitektur Root Sistem, meliputi pembahasan Nomenklatur dan jenis akar, Struktur Akar, Perpanjangan dan bercabang, Ujung akar, dan Arsitektur sistem akar. 3  Pengembangan dan Pertumbuhan Sistem Akar,  meliputi Pengukuran sistem akar, Pengembangan sistem Akar, Ukuran dan distribusi sistem akar, Akar: menembak alokasi bahan kering, Akar umur panjang dan omset, dan Pemodelan sistem akar.  4  Fungsi Akar, mencakup  Akar anchorage, Serapan  Air,  dan Searapn Gizi. 5 Akar dan Lingkungan Physico-Kimia, meliputi Suhum Gravity dan tanggapan tropistic lainnya, Sifat mekanik Tanah, Pori-pori tanah dan isinya, Lingkungan kimia tanah, dan Konsentrasi CO2 atmosfer.  6 Akar dan Biologi Lingkungan  yang mencakup pembahasan  Interaksi akar dengan organisme tanah, Asosiasi simbiotik, Patogen akar dan asosiasi parasit, dan Akar herbivora oleh serangga.  7   Rhizosfer  meliputi Rhizodeposition, Perubahan kimia yang mempengaruhi akuisisi nutrisi, dan Perubahan fisik dalam rizosfer. 8 Genetik Pengendalian Properti Sistem Akar  mencakup Perbedaan genotipe dalam sistem akar, Genetika sistem akar, dan  Breeding baik sistem akar. 9  Sistem Akar sebagai Management Tools meliputi pembahasan Sistem akar Optimal dan kompetisi untuk sumber daya,  Tumpangsari dan
agroforestry , Rotasi Tanaman, dan Fitoremediasi.

Daftar Isi:

Preface ix
1  Plants, Roots and the Soil 1

    1.1     The evolution of roots 2
    1.2     Functional interdependence of roots and shoots 5
        1.2.1 Balanced growth of roots and shoots 5
        1.2.2 Communication between roots and shoots 7
    1.3     Roots and the soil 10
        1.3.1 The root–soil interface 10
        1.3.2 Root-induced soil processes 13
2  Roots and the Architecture of Root Systems 18
    2.1     Nomenclature and types of root 18
    2.2     Root structure 21
        2.2.1 Primary structure 22
        2.2.2 Secondary structure 25
    2.3     Extension and branching 26
        2.3.1 Extension 26
        2.3.2 Branching 28
        2.3.3 Root hairs 29
    2.4     The root tip 32
        2.4.1 The root cap and border cells 32
        2.4.2 Mucilage 34
    2.5     Architecture of root systems 37
3  Development and Growth of Root Systems 45
    3.1     Measurement of root systems 45
        3.1.1 Washed soil cores 45
        3.1.2 Rhizotrons and minirhizotrons 49
        3.1.3 Other techniques 52
    3.2     Root system development 52
    3.3     Size and distribution of root systems 54
        3.3.1 Mass and length 54
        3.3.2 Depth of rooting 59
        3.3.3 Distribution of roots 61
    3.4     Root:shoot allocation of dry matter 64
    3.5     Root longevity and turnover 65
    3.6     Modelling of root systems 68
4  The Functioning Root System 80
    4.1     Root anchorage 80
        4.1.1 Uprooting 81
        4.1.2 Overturning 84
    4.2     Water uptake 89
        4.2.1 The concept of water potential 90
        4.2.2 The soil–plant–atmosphere continuum 91
        4.2.3 Water uptake by plant root systems 103
    4.3     Nutrient uptake 108
        4.3.1 Nutrient requirements of plants and the availability of nutrients 108
        4.3.2 Nutrient movement in soil solution 109
        4.3.3 Nutrient uptake and movement across the root 113
        4.3.4 Nutrient uptake by root systems 118
5  Roots and the Physico-Chemical Environment 131
    5.1     Temperature 131
        5.1.1 Root development and growth 132
        5.1.2 Root orientation 136
        5.1.3 Other root functions 137
    5.2     Gravity and other tropistic responses 137
        5.2.1 Gravisensing and the response of roots 138
        5.2.2 Phototropism, hydrotropism and thigmotropism 139
    5.3     Soil mechanical properties 142
        5.3.1 Root elongation and mechanical impedance 143
        5.3.2 Root responses to mechanical impedance 145
        5.3.3 Roots and soil structure 149
    5.4     Soil pores and their contents 149
        5.4.1 Soil water 150
        5.4.2 Soil aeration 152
        5.4.3 Waterlogging and aerenchyma 153
    5.5     The soil chemical environment 156
        5.5.1 Plant nutrients 156
        5.5.2 Low pH and aluminium 161
        5.5.3 Salinity 163
    5.6     Atmospheric CO2 concentration 164
6  Roots and the Biological Environment 174
    6.1     Interactions of roots with soil organisms 174
        6.1.1 Root–rhizosphere communication 174
        6.1.2 Interactions with bacteria 177
        6.1.3 Interactions with fungi 182
        6.1.4 Interactions with protozoa 182
        6.1.5 Interactions with nematodes and mesofauna 183
    6.2     Symbiotic associations 185
        6.2.1 Rhizobia and N fi xation 185
        6.2.2 Mycorrhizas 189
    6.3     Root pathogens and parasitic associations 201
        6.3.1 Fungal diseases 201
        6.3.2 Nematodes 202
        6.3.3 Parasitic weeds 205
    6.4     Root herbivory by insects 209
7  The Rhizosphere 216
    7.1     Rhizodeposition 216
        7.1.1 Quantities of rhizodeposits 217
        7.1.2 Composition of rhizodeposits 220
        7.1.3 Nitrogen rhizodeposits 221
    7.2     Chemical changes affecting nutrient acquisition 222
        7.2.1 Rhizosolution composition and replenishment 223
        7.2.2 Changes in pH 227
        7.2.3 Changes in redox conditions 238
        7.2.4 Root exudates and phytosiderophores 241
        7.2.5 Enzyme activity 243
    7.3     Physical changes in the rhizosphere 244
        7.3.1 Bulk density and porosity 244
        7.3.2 Water 246
8  Genetic Control of Root System Properties 253
    8.1     Genotypic differences in root systems 253
        8.1.1 Size and architecture 254
        8.1.2 Functional properties 260
    8.2     Genetics of root systems 267
        8.2.1 Genetic control of root development and growth 267
        8.2.2 Genetic control of root properties 271
    8.3     Breeding better root systems 275
        8.3.1 Use of markers and QTL 277
9  Root Systems as Management Tools 286
    9.1     Optimal root systems and competition for resources 286
    9.2     Intercropping and agroforestry 288
    9.3     Crop rotations 296
        9.3.1 Biological drilling 297
        9.3.2 Utilization of subsoil water 298
        9.3.3 Allelopathy 300
        9.3.4 Biofumigation by brassicas 302
    9.4     Phytoremediation 304

Index 309

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Plant Roots Growth, Activity and Interaction with Soils Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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