Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity

Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007 Oleh   Springer  adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity
Oleh:  David L. Hawksworth, et al
Penerbit:   Springer
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman:  492  hal.


David L. Hawksworth
Alan T. Bull

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini menyatukan pilihan studi asli  tentang Keanekaragaman Hayati dan aspek konservasi  serta  pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati vertebrata, terutama di habitat darat. Vertebrata, bersama dengan tanaman, komponen studi yang paling dikenal dan paling intensif dipelajari keanekaragaman hayati di Bumi, seperti, pada vertebrata dapat diharapkan untuk menyediakan model untuk kelompok lain, tetapi pada saat yang sama mereka menimbulkan masalah tertentu relatif karena mobilitas mereka, misalnya burung dapat  migran lintas benua. Selain itu, banyak mamalia dan ikan juga tunduk pada eksploitasi manusia untuk makanan atau olahraga secara ekstensif. Dua kontribusi mempertimbangkan masalah modifikasi habitat dalam kaitannya dengan burung, mamalia dan reptil, salah satu yang dilakukan di hutan pantai Afrika Timur, dan tanaman pohon lainnya ditanam di Nikaragua; dalam kedua kasus hutan primer dan randa penting untuk kelangsungan hidup sebagian besar spesies tertentu.

Daftar Isi: 

FRED VAN DYKE, JAMIE D. SCHMELING, SHAWN STARKENBURG, SUNG HEUN YOO and PETER W. STEWART / Responses of plant and bird communities to prescribed burning in tallgrass prairies  1–13

DAVID GIRALT and FRANCISCO VALERA / Population trends and spatial synchrony in peripheral populations of the endangered Lesser grey shrike in response to environmental change   15–30

SIMONE DE SOUZA MARTINS, JAMES G. SANDERSON and JOSÉ DE SOUSA E SILVA-JÚNIOR / Monitoring mammals in the Caxiuanã National Forest, Brazil – First results from the Tropical Ecology, Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) program   31–44

PÉTER BATÁRY, ANDRÁS BÁLDI and SAROLTA ERDO´´S / Grassland versus non-grassland bird abundance and diversity in managed grasslands: local, landscape and regional scale effects  45–55

ERMIAS T. AZERIA, ISABEL SANMARTÍN, STEFAN ÅS, ALLAN CARLSON and NEIL BURGESS / Biogeographic patterns of the East African coastal  forest vertebrate fauna  57–86

RONNIE REYES-ARRIAGADA, PAULO CAMPOS-ELLWANGER, ROBERTO P. SCHLATTER and CHERYL BADUINI / Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) on Guafo Island: the largest seabird colony in the world?  87–104

INÉS ARROYO-QUIROZ, RAMÓN PÉREZ-GIL and NIGEL LEADERWILLIAMS/ Mexico in the international reptile skin trade: a case study  105–126

MARIA FLÁVIA CONTI NUNES and MAURO GALETTI / Use of forest fragments by blue-winged macaws (Primolius maracana) within a fragmented landscape  127–141

RÔMULO ROMEU DA NÓBREGA ALVES and GENTIL ALVES PEREIRA FILHO / Commercialization and use of snakes in North and Northeastern Brazil: implications for conservation and management   143–159

A. KRIŠTÍN, H. HOI, F. VALERA and C. HOI / Philopatry, dispersal patterns and nest-site reuse in Lesser Grey Shrikes (Lanius minor)   161–169


LISANDRO HEIL, ESTEBAN FERNÁNDEZ-JURICIC, DANIEL RENISON, ANA M. CINGOLANI and DANIEL T. BLUMSTEIN / Avian responses to tourism in the biogeographically isolated high Córdoba Mountains, Argentina   183–200

Ç. ILGAZ, O. TÜRKOZAN, A. ÖZDEMIR, Y. KASKA and M. STACHOWITSCH / Population decline of loggerhead turtles: two potential scenarios for Fethiye beach, Turkey   201–211

AMYOT KOFOKY, DAUDET ANDRIAFIDISON, FANJARATRIMOMANARIVO, H. JULIE RAZAFIMANAHAKA, DANIEL RAKOTONDRAVONY, PAULA. RACEY and RICHARD K. B. JENKINS / Habitat use, roost selection and conservation of bats in Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar   213–227

ADÁN OLIVERAS DE ITA and HÉCTOR GÓMEZ DE SILVA / Territoriality and survivorship of the Sierra Madre sparrow in La Cima, México  229–235

NOEMÍ GUIL and FRANCISCO J. CABRERO-SAÑUDO / Analysis of the species description process for a little kno wn invertebrate group: the limnoterrestrial tardigrades (Bilateria, Tardigrada)   237–260

CLAUDIA SOARES and JOSÉ CARLOS BRITO / Environmental correlates for species richness among amphibians and reptiles in a climate transition area    261–276

J. C. POYNTON, S. P. LOADER, E. SHERRATT and B. T. CLARKE / Amphibian diversity in East African biodiversity hotspots: altitudinal and latitudinal patterns    277–292

FU-MIN LEI, GUO-AN WEI, HONG-FENG ZHAO, ZUO-HUA YIN and JIAN-LI LU / China subregional avian endemism and biodiversity conservation     293–304 

NIALL O’DEA and ROBERT J. WHITTAKER / How resilient are Andean montane forest bird communities to habitat degradation?  305–333

NANCY NTHENYA MOINDE-FOCKLER, NICHOLAS OTIENOH OGUGE, GENESIO MUGAMBI KARERE, DANIEL OTINA and MBARUK ABDALLASULEMAN / Human and natural impacts on forests along lower Tana river, Kenya: implications towards conservation and management of endemic primate species and their habitat   335–347

ANTONIO R. MENDES PONTES, IRAN C. NORMANDE, AMARO C. A. FERNANDES, PATRÍCIA F. ROSAS RIBEIRO and MARINA L. SOARES / Fragmentation causes rarity in common marmosets in the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil   349–356

IRENE ROMERO-NÁJERA, ALFREDO D. CUARÓN and CRISTOPHER GONZÁLEZ-BACA / Distribution, abundance, and habitat use of introduced Boa constrictor threatening the native biota of Cozumel Island, Mexico  357–369

MOGENS TROLLE, ANDREW J. NOSS, EDSON DE S. LIMA and JULIO C. DALPONTE / Camera-trap studies of maned wolf density in the Cerrado and the Pantanal of Brazil  371–378

MOGENS TROLLE, MARCOS CESAR BISSARO and HELBERT MEDEIROS PRADO / Mammal survey at a ranch of the Brazilian Cerrado  379–385

JOSÉ MIGUEL BAREA-AZCÓN, EMILIO VIRGÓS, ELENA BALLESTEROSDUPERÓN, MARCOS MOLEÓN and MANUEL CHIROSA / Surveying carnivores at large spatial scales: a comparison of four broad-applied methods   387–404

DEMETRIO LUIS GUADAGNIN and LEONARDO MALTCHIK / Habitat and landscape factors associated with neotropical waterbird occurrence and richness in wetland fragments   405–418

ROSIE WOODROFFE, LAURENCE G. FRANK, PETER A. LINDSEY, SYMON M. K. OLE RANAH and STEPHANIE ROMAÑACH / Livestock husbandry as a tool for carnivore conservation in Africa’s community rangelands: a case–control study   419–434

CLEM TISDELL and HEMANATH SWARNA NANTHA / Comparison of funding and demand for the conservation of the charismatic koala with those for the critically endangered wombat Lasiorhinus krefftii   435–455

GILBERTO PASINELLI / Nest site selection in middle and great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos medius & D. major: implications for forest management and conservation   457–472

DAVID I. KING, MARTIN D. HERNANDEZ-MAYORGA, RICHARD TRUBEY, RAUL RAUDALES and JOHN H. RAPPOLE / An evaluation of the contribution of cultivated allspice (Pimenta Dioca) to vertebrate biodiversity conservation in Nicaragua     473–494

Berminat?Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Vertebrate Conservation and Biodiversity Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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