Friday, May 15, 2015

100 ideas for Teaching Citizenship

100 ideas for Teaching Citizenship
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2005 Continuum International Publishing Group adalah buku  Edisi Pertama.

Judul: 100 ideas for Teaching Citizenship
Oleh: Ian Davies
Penerbit:  Continuum International Publishing Group
Tahun:  2005
Jumlah Halaman:  145  hal.

Ian Davies

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan tentang 100 ide untuk Pengajaran Kewarganegaraan yag dibagi menjadi  13 bagian utama. BAGIAN I Apa yang perlu Anda ketahui, BAGIAN 2 Organisasi,
BAGIAN 3 Pengajaran kewarganegaraan, BAGIAN 4 Mengembangkan Keterampilan siswa,
BAGIAN 5 pendekatan Whole-sekolah, BAGIAN 6 Menjalankan dewan sekolah, BAGIAN 7 Menyiapkan pemilu mock, BAGIAN 8 pelajaran Kewarganegaraan, BAGIAN 9 Menilai siswa?,
BAGIAN 10 Pemerintah departemen, kantor dan instansi, BAGIAN 11  silabus Pemeriksaan, BAGIAN I2 Belajar dari orang lain, dan BAGIAN I3 pengembangan profesional.

Daftar Isi:

SECTION I What you need to know
    1      Citizenship   2
    2      Politics   3
    3      Economics   5
    4      Law   6
    5      The World Trade Organization   7
    6     The United Nations   8
    7      The GS   9
    8      The European Union     11
    9      The Council of Europe    13
    10    Agenda 21   15
SECTION 2 Organizations
    11    The Citizenship Foundation     18
    12    Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT)    19
    13    Institute for Citizenship     20
    14    The Development Education Association     21
    15     Hansard Society   22
    16     Oxfam   23
    17     Carnegie Foundation    24
    18     Politics Association     25
    19     Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences    26
     20    Schools Councils UK    27
SECTION 3 Teaching citizenship
    21     History 30
    22     Geography 31
    23     English 32
    24     Science 33
    25     Mathematics 34
    26     Religious Education 35
    27     Statistics 36
    28     Physical Education 37
    29     Design and Technology 38
    30     Modern Foreign Languages 39
SECTION 4 Developing students' skills
    31     Political literacy 42
    32     Social and moral responsibility 43
    33     Community involvement 44
    34     Group discussions 46
    35     Presentation skills 47
    36     Understanding bias 48
    37     Participation 49
    38     Understanding diversity 50
    39     Effective support for special educational needs students 52
    40     Effective support for gifted and/or talented students 53
SECTION 5 Whole-school approaches
    41     Charitable activity 56
    42     Action groups 57
    43     School links/twinning 58
    44     Peer mentoring 59
    45     Ethos 60
    46     Working with the local community 61
    47     School assemblies 62
    48     Special responsibilities for students 63
    49     Working with governors 64
    50     Setting up an environmental club 65
SECTION 6 Running a school council
    51     The purpose of a school council 68
    52      Helping councillors form an agenda for meetings 69
    53      Helping councillors prepare for discussions in council meetings 70
    54      Structures for developing a school council 71
    55      Helping councillors report back 72

SECTION 7 Setting up a mock election
    56     The purposes of a mock election 74
    57     Organizations that offer support for mock elections 75|\
    58     What timetable should be established ahead of polling day? 76
    59      Polling day 77
    60      Evaluating the event 78
SECTION 8 Citizenship lessons
    51      'Anything can happen in the next few days...'  80
    62      What's the story?   81
    63      Odd one out!   82
    64      How do you feel about that?   83
    65      Sizzling sound bite slogans    84
    66      The Post-it plenary    85
    67      The answer depends on the question    86
    68      Every picture tells a story   88
    69      What should we do?    89
    70      Show us what you've got!     90
SECTION 9 Assessing students?
    71      Introduction to assessment 92
    72     What sort of levels can be used to understand students' responses? 93
    73      Assessing students' capacity to explain 94
    74      Assessing practical engagement 95
    75      Reporting on work done in citizenship 96
SECTION 10 Government departments, offices  and agencies
    76      Department for Education and Skills 98
    77     Training and Development Agency for Schools 99
    78      Ofsted 100
    79      Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 101
    80      No. 10 Downing Street 102
    81      Houses of Parliament 103
    82      Home Off ice 104
    83      Foreign Office 105
    84      Department for International Development 106
    85      The Treasury 107
SECTION 11 Examination syllabuses
    86      Aims, content and key skills for GCSE short courses 110
    87      GCSE examination boards 111
    88      Planning a GCSE citizenship activity 112
    89      Encouraging GCSE students to make good presentations 113
    90      What other courses exist? 114
SECTION I2 Learning from others
    91      Exploring the work of cross-national surveys 116
    92      The NFER study into citizenship education 118
    93      School councils: their role in citizenship 119
    94      An EPPI (Evidence for Policy and Practice Information) project121
    95      Before the citizenship order 123
SECTION I3 Professional development
    96      Developing subject knowledge 126
    97      Continuing professional development and professional values 128
    98      Planning lessons: what structures are best for citizenship lessons? 129
    99      Citizenship and class management 130
    100    Professional development and assessment of citizenship education 131


100 ideas for Teaching Citizenship Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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