Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas

Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and  Subarctic Seas for the Last 130 kyr
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  Oleh  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and  Subarctic Seas for the Last 130 kyr
Oleh:  M.A. Levitan  dan Yu. A. Lavrushin
Penerbit:  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 399  hal.


M.A. Levitan  dan Yu. A. Lavrushin

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini   berfokus pada geologi dan paleoecology dari darat Atas Kuarter dan Holosen sedimen di wilayah Utara Eurasia. Namun, ada banyak informasi mengenai sejarah glaciation
Greenland dan Amerika Utara dalam bab-bab yang ditujukan ke laut Barat Subarctic dan Samudra Arktik. Perlu dicatat bahwa penelitian yang disajikan di sini mulai dari Mikulino Interglaciation (MIS 5e), dalam rangka untuk memiliki perbandingan bahan untuk analisis periode interglasial terakhir - Holocene.
Buku ini juga mengemukakan tentang banyak peristiwa paleogeografi penting yang Subarctic dan beberapa hasil yang diperoleh  yang telah diperhitungkan.

Daftar Isi:

Part I Geological and Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene in Northern Eurasia
1     Geological and Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene along Eurasian Coastal 
       Areas of the Arctic Ocean   3
       General Upper Pleistocene Stratigraphic Scheme for Northern Eurasia  3
       Duration of theMikulino Interglaciation   5
       Correlation of the Natural Events Correlative with MIS 5d–5a in NorthernWest Europe and
             Northwestern Russia   6
2     Late Pleistocene Geologic-Paleoecological Events in the North of European Russia  11
       Relationship between Land and Sea Areas during the Mikulino Interglacial in Northern
            Eurasia  11
       Genetic Types of Continental Sediments  14
       Marine Sediments of the Boreal Transgression in the North of European Russia    15
3     Main Geologic-Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene in the North  of Western 
       Siberia   31
4     Geologic-Paleoecological Events of the Late Pleistocene in the Northern-Siberian Lowland 
       and Taimyr Peninsula   37
5     The Late Glacial Time and Holocene of Northern Eurasia  43
6     Outlines of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene History of the East Arctic Seas    47
7     The Deglaciation Time and Holocene of Northern Eurasia  57

Part II Marine Sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas
8     The Seas of West Subarctic Region  61

       Geologic and Oceanographic Setting  61
       History of Sedimentation  68
       History of Sedimentation Rates  68
       History of Sedimentation on the Vøring Plateau During the Last 25 ka    88
       History of Sedimentation at the Continental Margin of Eastern and South-Eastern Greenland
              During the Last 130 ka   107
9     The Arctic Ocean  113
       Recent Environment   113
       Morphostructure, Oceanographic and Sea-Ice Setting, Recent Sediments and Their Mineral
            Composition  113
       Facies Variations of Holocene Sediments on the Yermak Plateau (According to Study
            Data of >63 mkm Fraction)  124
      History of Sedimentation  136
      History of Sedimentation Rates During the Last 130 ka   136
      History of Sedimentation on the Yermak Plateau During the Last 190 ka   148
      Organic-Geochemical Sediment Studies of the Eastern Part of the Central Arctic   173
10  The Western Arctic Seas  177
      Recent Sedimentation Environment  177
      The Barents Sea   177
      The Kara Sea   178
      Surface Sediments of the Pechora Sea   179
      Surface Sediments of St. Anna Trough   186
      Facies Zonality of Surface Sediments in the Eastern Kara Sea   194
      History of Sedimentation  210
      Late- and Post-Glacial History of Sedimentation in the Eastern Part of the Barents Sea   210
      Holocene Sedimentation History in the Southern Novaya Zemlya Trough    224
      History of Sedimentation in the Pechora Sea During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene   241
      Light Fraction Mineralogy of the Upper Quaternary Sediments from the Saint Anna Trough and
            Its Paleoceanographic Interpretation  247
      Holocene History of Yenisei River Discharge  256
      Holocene History of Ob River Discharge  272
11  Eastern Arctic Seas   289
      Recent Sedimentation Environment  289
      The Laptev Sea   289
      The East Siberian Sea  290
      The Chukchi Sea   291
      History of Sedimentation  291
      History of Sedimentation in the Laptev Sea During the Late Weichselian to Holocene by
            Geophysical and Geochemical Data  292
      Holocene History of the Lena and Other Rivers Discharge in the Laptev Sea   295
      Organic Geochemical Data About Sedimentation History Along the Continental Slope of the
            East Siberian Sea During the Last Climatic Cycle   297
      Preliminary Data About Accumulation of Diatom-Bearing Clayey Silts at the Chukchi Sea
            Shelf   298
12  Seas of the Eastern Subarctic  301
      Recent Sedimentation Environment  301
      History of Sedimentation  307
      History of Sedimentation in the Deep-Water Part of the Shirshov Ridge (Bering Sea) During the
            Last Three Marine-Isotope Stages   307
      History of Sedimentation in the Northern Sea of Okhotsk During the Last 1.1 Ma  310

Part III The Late Pleistocene Paleogeographic Events of Northern Eurasia and History of Sedimentation in the Subarctic Seas and the Arctic Ocean in Relation to the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation during the Last Climatic Cycle
13   Characteristic Features of the Mikulino Landscapes   333
14   Results of Paleoclimate Studies   337
15   Particularities of Sedimentation Processes Within the Continental Blocks and Marine 

             Basins   345
       Deglaciation Peculiarities   345
       Facies Variability during Glaciations, Deglaciations, Interglacials   349
       Geological History of the Arctic Ocean Sea Ice during the Last 60 ka   350
       Intercoupling of Atmo-, Hydro-, Cryo-, Bio-, and Lithospheres    353

References    357
Index   381

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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