Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Exploring Developmental Psychology Understanding Theory and Methods

Exploring Developmental Psychology Understanding Theory and Methods
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  Oleh  SAGE Publications Ltd. Los Angeles.,  adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Exploring Developmental Psychology Understanding Theory and Methods
Oleh:  Margaret Harris
Penerbit:   SAGE Publications Ltd. Los Angeles.
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman:  361  hal.

Margaret Harris
Lingkup Pembahasan:
Dua bab pertama dalam buku ini  dimaksudkan untuk mengatur penyajian untuk bagian utama dari buku yang memiliki format yang sangat berbeda, yang terdiri dari artikel dari developmental psychology journals. Artikel ini telah dipilih dengan cermat untuk mencerminkan pendekatan yang sangat berbeda untuk mempelajari perkembangan anak.
Buku ini tidak mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk melakukannya statistik tetapi menunjukkan cara psikolog menggunakan statistik dalam penelitian perkembangan mereka dan, di mana itu akan sangat membantu, ada catatan untuk membimbing melalui analisis dan hasil bagian dari makalah.

Daftar Isi:
List of Figures ix
Preface xi
Publisher’s Acknowledgements xiii
1  The Nature of Development 1
    Transformational and variational change 2
    A developmental systems perspective 3
    The epigenetic landscape and beyond 4
    Are there stages in development? 8
    Linear and non-linear change 9
    Information processing approaches 10
    Training studies 14
    Variation across tasks 15
    Investigating developmental change 16
2  Exploring Development 18
    Task simplification 18
    Reliability and validity 20
    Longitudinal designs and individual differences 23
    The microgenetic method 24
    Ethical issues in developmental psychology research 26
    Evaluating research studies 27
3  Observational Methods and Questionnaires 29
    Observing behaviour 29
    Field observation 30
    Observation in a controlled environment 31
    Paper 1 Assessing disruptive behaviour in young children 31
        Longitudinal observation in a controlled environment 51
    Paper 2 Effects of mother’s postnatal depression on infant development 52
    Paper 3 Predictors of Theory of Mind understanding 66
        Questionnaires 90
    Paper 4 Sex differences in reactions to outperforming friends 91
4  Experimental Research with Infants and Toddlers 113
    The habituation/dishabituation paradigm 114
    Paper 5 Infants’ perceptions of four different languages 114
        Intermodal preferential looking 125
    Paper 6 Young children’s ability to detect mispronunciations of words 125
        Visual fixations to targets 146
    Paper 7 Joint visual attention in mothers and infants 147
5  Experimental Studies of Older Children 179
    Cross sectional studies 179
    Paper 8 Children’s understanding of other people’s emotions 180
    Paper 9 Preschoolers’ understanding of number 198
        Longitudinal studies 224
    Paper 10 Longitudinal predictors of success in learning to read 225
6  Exploring Atypical Development 250
    Paper 11 Differences between children with good and poor reading comprehension 251
    Paper 12 Understanding Theory of Mind tasks by deaf and hearing children 272
    Paper 13 Face processing in children with Williams Syndrome 294

References 332
Index 337

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Exploring Developmental Psychology Understanding Theory and Methods Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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