Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking Fourth Edition

Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking  Fourth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003  Oleh  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New Jersey, adalah buku edisi Keempat.

Judul:  Thought & Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
Fourth Edition
Oleh:  Diane F. Halpern
Penerbit:   Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New Jersey
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman: 480  hal.

Diane F. Halpern

Berger Institute for Work, Family, & Children
Claremont McKenna College

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 10 pokok bahasan: 1) Berpikir: Sebuah Pengantar, 2)  Memory: Akuisisi, Retensi, dan Retrieval Pengetahuan, 3) Hubungan Antara Pemikiran dan Bahasa, 4) Penalaran: Menggambar,   Kesimpulan deduktif sehari-hari, 5) Menganalisa Argumen,  6) Berpikir seperti Pengujian Hipotesis,  7) Kemungkinan dan Ketidakpastian: Memahami Probabilitas, 8) Pengambilan Keputusan,  9) Pengembangan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah. Dan 10) Berpikir Kreatif.

Daftar Isi:

 Preface xi
1    Thinking: An Introduction 1
       The Need for Critical Thinking Skills 2
       Empirical Evidence That Thinking Can Be Improved 10
       Learning to Think Critically: A Four Part Model 14
       Intelligence and Thinking Skills 21
       Learning to Be Intelligent 25
       Becoming A Better Thinker: The Quick and Easy Way 26
       Thinking about Thinking 27
       Critical Thinking: Hollywood Style 32
       A Framework for Thinking 34
       Chapter Summary 37
       Terms to Know 38
2     Memory: The Acquisition, Retention, and Retrieval of Knowledge 39
       Memory As the Mediator of Cognitive Processes 40
       Acquisition 49
       Retention 59
       Retrieval 63
       Working Memory 66
       Metamemory 69
       Mnemonics 71
       Biases in Memory 79
       Long-Term Accuracy Is Sometimes Excellent 80
       Applying the Framework 81
       Chapter Summary 83
       Terms to Know 84
3     The Relationship Between Thought and Language 87
       Thought and Language 88
       Words and Their Meanings 100
       Language: Tool or Master of Thought? 206
       Comprehension: The Reason for Language 118
       Applying the Framework 232
       Chapter Summary 234
       Terms to Know 234
4     Reasoning: Drawing Deductively Valid Conclusions 137
       Logical and Psychological 138
       Linear Ordering 141
       If, Then Statements 146
       Combinatorial Reasoning 155
       Syllogistic Reasoning 156
       Probabilistic Reasoning 173
       Reasoning in Everyday Contexts 174
       Reasoning Gone Wrong 176
       Applying the Framework 177
       Chapter Summary 178
       Terms to Know 179
5    Analyzing Arguments 182
       The Anatomy of an Argument 183
       Diagramming the Structure of an Argument 189
       Actively Open-Minded Thinking 193
       Evaluating the Strength of an Argument 195
       How to Analyze an Argument 204
       A Template for Writing Sound Arguments 205
       Persuasion and Propaganda 207
       Explaining as Knowing 209
       Applying the Framework 226
       Chapter Summary 227
       Terms to Know 228
6     Thinking as Hypothesis Testing 231
       Understanding Hypothesis Testing 232
       Inductive and Deductive Methods 233
       Populations and Samples 236
       Science versus Science Fiction 241
       Determining Cause 243
       Thinking About Errors 253
       Self-Fulfilling Prophecies 254
       Occult Beliefs and the Paranormal 256
       Thinking as an Intuitive Scientist 257
       Applying the Framework 259
       Chapter Summary 260
       Terms to Know 261
7     Likelihood and Uncertainty: Understanding Probabilities 264
       Probabilistic Nature of the World 265
       Factors Affecting Judgments about
       Likelihood and Uncertainty 270
       Using Probability 272
       Expected Values 282
       Subjective Probability 285
       Making Probabilistic Decisions 288
       Risk 296
       Statistical Use and Abuse 300
       Applying the Framework 303
       Chapter Summary 305
       Terms to Know 306
8     Decision Making 3O8
       Making Sound Decisions 309
       Pitfalls and Pratfalls in Decision Making 325
       Evaluating Consequences 327
       Elimination by Aspects 330
       Preparing A Worksheet 332
       Postdecision Commitment and Evaluation 339
       Applying the Framework 343
       Chapter Summary 345
       Terms to Know 345
9     Development of Problem-Solving Skills 348
       What Is A Problem? 349
       Anatomy of A Problem 350
       Stages in Problem Solving 352
       Well-Defined and Ill-Defined Problems 355
       Problem Planning and Representation 356
       Problem-Solving Strategies 372
       Problem-Solving Problems 387
       Applying the Framework 392
       Chapter Summary 392
       Terms to Know 393
10   Creative Thinking 396
       Defining Creativity 397
       Creativity as a Cognitive Process 404
       Encouraging Creativity 422
       Strategies for Creative Thinking 426
       Applying the Framework 425
       Chapter Summary 427
       Terms to Know 428
11   The Last Word 43O

References 432
Author Index 453
Subject Index 46O


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