Sunday, December 13, 2015

Exploring Art Interactive Student Edition

Exploring Art Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2006  oleh  Glencoe McGraw-Hill, New York adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Exploring Art Interactive Student Edition
Oleh:   Gene Mittler, Ph.D. et al
Penerbit:  Glencoe McGraw-Hill, New York
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman:   365  hal.


Gene Mittler adalah salah satu penulis dari Glencoe ini seri seni sekolah menengah, Memperkenalkan Seni, Menjelajahi Seni, dan Memahami Seni. Dia juga penulis Art in Focus, sebuah kronologis
pendekatan seni untuk program SMA Glencoe ini, dan Membuat dan Memahami Gambar.
Dia telah mengajar di kedua SD dan tingkat menengah dan di Indiana University.
Dia menerima M.F.A. di patung dari Bowling Green State University dan gelar Ph.D. dalam pendidikan seni dari Ohio State University. Dr. Mittler saat Profesor Emeritus di Texas Tech University.

Rosalind Ragans adalah salah satu penulis dari Seri seni sekolah menengah Glencoe ini, Memperkenalkan Seni, Menjelajahi seni, dan Memahami seni. Dia menjabat sebagai penulis senior di SD
Program Koneksi Seni untuk divisi SRA McGraw-Hill, dan menulis bertingkat tersebut, teks Art Talk komprehensif untuk Program SMA Glencoe ini. dia menerima sebuah B.F.A di Hunter College, CUNY, New York, dan memperoleh M.Ed. di Pendidikan Dasar di Georgia Southern College dan gelar Ph.D. di
pendidikan seni di University of Georgia. Dr. Ragans bernama Art Pendidik Nasional Tahun  1992.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Pembahasan buku ini meliputi 15 Bab. Bab 1 Art di Dunia Anda, Bab 2 The Elements of Art, Bab 3 Prinsip-prinsip Art, Bab 4 Menjelajahi Media Seni, Bab 5 Seni Kritik dan Estetika, Bab 6 Sejarah Seni dan Anda, Bab 7 Menggambar, Bab 8 Seni Grafis, Bab 9 Lukisan, Bab 10 Fotografi, Bab 11 Desain Grafis, Bab 12 Sculpture, Bab 13 Kerajinan, Bab 14 Arsitektur, dan Bab 15 Film, Video, dan Digital Art.

Daftar Isi:

Chapter 1 Art in Your World    2

    LESSON 1 What Is Art?  4
    LESSON 2 Examining Artworks  6
    LESSON 3 Artists and Ideas  8
        Activity: Creating a Portfolio
    LESSON 4 Making a Collage  12
        Computer Option
    LESSON 5 Understanding Art  14
        A Picture and a Thousand Words   18
    Chapter 1 Review  19

Chapter 2  The Elements of Art  20
    LESSON 1 The Language of Art  22
    LESSON 2 Line    24
        Activity: Creating an Idea Bank
    LESSON 3 Color  28
        Activity: Creating Value
        Activity: Understanding Intensity
    LESSON 4 Creating an Optical-Illusion Painting  32
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 5 Shape, Form, and Space  34
        Meet the Artist: Henry Moore
    LESSON 6 Making a Landscape Painting   38
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 7 Texture   40
        Time and Place: Hupa People
    LESSON 8 Making an Arpillera Wall Hanging   42
        Studio Option
        Nature by Colors   44
    Chapter 2 Review    45
     TIME Art Scene
Chapter 3 The Principles of Art   46
    LESSON 1 The Language of Design   48
    LESSON 2 Creating a Radial Design   50
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Variety, Harmony, Emphasis, and Proportion   52
        Meet the Artist: Rembrandt van Rijn
    LESSON 4 Using Proportion to Draw a Portrait   56
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 5 Pattern, Movement, and Rhythm   58
        Activity: Making a Motif
    LESSON 6 Creating Movement with Rhythm   60
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 7 Unity in Art  62
        J Mays Puts You in the Driver’s Seat   64
    Chapter 3 Review   65

Chapter 4  Exploring Art Media   66
    LESSON 1 The Media of Art   68
        Activity: Making a Leaf Print
    LESSON 2 Drawing   70
        Meet the Artist: Paul Klee
    LESSON 3 Printmaking  72
        Activity: Creating a Pattern
    LESSON 4 Painting   76
        Activity: Interpreting Subjects
    LESSON 5 Sculpture   80
        Activity: Environmental Sculpting
    LESSON 6 Digital Media   84
    LESSON 7 Computer Cartooning  88
        Portfolio Ideas
        It’s a Wrap!  90
    Chapter 4 Review  91
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 5   Art Criticism and  Aesthetics   92
    LESSON 1 Describing Works of Art   94
        Activity: Description Game
    LESSON 2 Analyzing Works of Art   98
        Meet the Artists: Richard
    LESSON 3 Recording Personal Events  100
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 4 Interpreting Works of Art   102
    LESSON 5 Mood Chalk Painting   104
        Studio Option
    LESSON 6 Judging Works of Art Using Aesthetics   106
        Activity: Judging Artworks
        What Is Your Junk Worth?  110
    Chapter 5 Review   111
Chapter 6 Art History and You  112
    LESSON 1 Describing—Who, When, and Where    114
    LESSON 2 Painting in the Manner of the Aborigines   116
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Analyzing Artistic Style    118
        Activity: Recognizing Impressionism
    LESSON 4 Painting in the Fauve Style  120
        Computer Option
    LESSON 5 Interpreting Time and Place  122
    LESSON 6 Making a Time and Place Combine Painting   126
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 7 Judging Historical Importance   128
        Meet the Artist: Pablo Picasso
    The Harlem Renaissance  130
        The Draw of the West   132
    Chapter 6 Review  133
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 7 Drawing   134
    LESSON 1 The Art of Drawing  136
        Activity: Drawing Techniques
    LESSON 2 Gesture Drawing  140
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Contour Drawing  142
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 4 Presentation Drawing   144
        Computer Option
        Art & writing
    Cartoons and Comic Strips   146
    Making Drawings Move  148
    Chapter 7 Review  149
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 8 Printmaking    150
    LESSON 1 The Art of Printmaking  152
        Meet the Artist: Henri Matisse
    LESSON 2 Monoprints  156
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 Inuit-Style Print   158
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 4 Linoleum Block Print   160
        Studio Option
    Haiku in Words and Pictures   162
        For the Birds   164
    Chapter 8 Review  165
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 9 Painting   166
    LESSON 1 The Art of Painting  168
        Meet the Artist: Alma Thomas
    LESSON 2 Watercolor Painting   172
        Computer Option
    LESSON 3 Nonobjective Painting   174
        Computer Option
    LESSON 4 Expressive Painting   176
        Reflective Thinking
        Art & writing
    Dreams in Art and Life   178
        Painting on the Floor   180
    Chapter 9 Review   181
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 10  Photography   182
    LESSON 1 The Art of Photography  184
    LESSON 2 Photograms  188
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Photo Essay   190
        Computer Option
    LESSON 4 Hand-Colored
        Photography   192
        Studio Option
        Art & social studies
        A Time Line of Photography and Film  194
    Dorothea Lange   196
    Chapter 10 Review  197
    TIME Art Scene

Chapter 11 Graphic Design   198
    LESSON 1 The Art of Graphic Design  200
        Time and Place Historical and Cultural Contexts
    LESSON 2 Illustrating a Story  204
        Computer Option
    LESSON 3 Designing a Poster  206
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 4 Package Design  208
        Computer Option
        Art&social studies
    Art in Advertising   210
    Wild Thing   212
    Chapter 11 Review  213
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 12  Sculpture  214
    LESSON 1 The Art of Sculpture  216
    LESSON 2 Abstract Sculpture  220
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 Making a Layered Low-Relief Panel   222
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 4 Plaster Carving  224
        Studio Option
    Art & social studies
    Art Symbols in World Religions  226
    A Glass Act  228
    Chapter 12 Review   229
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 13 Crafts     230
    LESSON 1 The Art of Crafts  232
        Time and Place: Caddoan Culture
    LESSON 2 Ceramic Animal Banks  236
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Tapestry Weavings  238
        Studio Options
    LESSON 4 Jewelry  240
        Studio Options
    LESSON 5 Bookbinding  242
        Reflective Thinking
        Art & social studies
    Symbols of Status in Art and Culture  244
        Unraveling a Secret Code  246
    Chapter 13 Review  247
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 14  Architecture  248
    LESSON 1 The Art of Architecture  250
        Time and Place: Concrete
    LESSON 2 Drawing Floor Plans  254
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Creating a Fanciful Exterior  256
        Studio Option
    LESSON 4 Two-Point Perspective . 258
    Sound Architecture  260
    Less Is More   262
    Chapter 14 Review  263
    TIME Art Scene
Chapter 15 Film, Video, and Digital Art   264
    LESSON 1 The Art of Motion Pictures and Video  266
    LESSON 2 The Art of Digital Media   268
    LESSON 3 Digital Frame Animation   270
        Computer Option
    LESSON 4 Digital Self-Portrait   272
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 5 Presenting a Multimedia Portfolio  274
        Portfolio Ideas
    Computerized Animation    276
    Humorous Pups!   278
    Chapter 15 Review    279
TIME Art SceneHandbook
Table of Contents  280
Technique Tips 282
Digital Media Guide  293
Career Spotlights  302
Artsource®: Performing
Arts Handbook   309
Artists and Their Works  325
Glossary  330
Glosario  335
Index  341
Credits  354Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Exploring Art Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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