Sunday, December 13, 2015

Understanding Art: Interactive Student Edition

Understanding Art: Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2006  oleh  Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, New York adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Understanding Art: Interactive Student Edition
Oleh:   Gene Mittler, et al
Penerbit:  Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, New York
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman:  401  hal.


Gene Mittler adalah salah satu penulis dari Glencoe ini seri seni sekolah menengah, Memperkenalkan Seni, Menjelajahi Seni, dan Memahami Seni. Dia juga penulis Art in Focus, sebuah kronologis
pendekatan seni untuk program SMA Glencoe ini, dan Membuat dan Memahami Gambar.
Dia telah mengajar di kedua SD dan tingkat menengah dan di Indiana University.
Dia menerima M.F.A. di patung dari Bowling Green State University dan gelar Ph.D. dalam pendidikan seni dari Ohio State University. Dr. Mittler saat Profesor Emeritus di Texas Tech University.

Rosalind Ragans adalah salah satu penulis dari Seri seni sekolah menengah Glencoe ini, Memperkenalkan Seni, Menjelajahi seni, dan Memahami seni. Dia menjabat sebagai penulis senior di SD
Program Koneksi Seni untuk divisi SRA McGraw-Hill, dan menulis bertingkat tersebut, teks Art Talk komprehensif untuk Program SMA Glencoe ini. dia menerima sebuah B.F.A di Hunter College, CUNY, New York, dan memperoleh M.Ed. di Pendidikan Dasar di Georgia Southern College dan gelar Ph.D. di
pendidikan seni di University of Georgia. Dr. Ragans bernama Art Pendidik Nasional Tahun  1992

Lingkup Pembahasan: 

Pembahasan Buku ini meliputi: Bab 1 Seni Di Dunia, Bab 2 Bahasa Seni, Bab 3  Media Seni, Bab 4 Seni Kritik, Estetika, dan Sejarah Seni, Bab 5 Seni Tertua,  Bab 6 Seni Asia Timur, Bab 7 Art Pra-Columbus Amerika Latin, Bab 8 Seni asli Amerika Utara, Bab 9 Seni Yunani dan Roma, Bab 10 Seni dari India dan Islam, Bab 11 Seni Afrika dan Oceania, Bab 12 Seni Abad Pertengahan, Bab 13 Art di zaman  Renaissance, Bab 14 Seni dari abad ke-17 dan ke-18, Bab 15 Seni dari abad ke-19, Bab 16 Seni dari abad ke-20, dan  Bab 17 Seni Hari ini.

Daftar Isi:

Chapter 1 Art Across the World   2
    LESSON 1 The World of Art   4
        Meet the Artist: Dorothea Lange
    LESSON 2 Exploring Art Careers and Opportunities  8ME Art Scene
        Mexican Master Frida Kahlo   10
    Chapter 1 Review  11
Chapter 2  The Language of Art   12
    LESSON 1 The Elements of Art   14
    LESSON 2 Using the Elements  of Art   18
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 The Principles of Art  20
    LESSON 4 Using the Principles of Art   24
        Reflective ThinkingME Art Scene
        Visual Poet Martin Puryear   26
    Chapter 2 Review   27

Chapter 3  The Media of Art   28
    LESSON 1 Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking   30
    LESSON 2 Digital Art   34
    LESSON 3 Digital Landscape Painting   36
        Studio Option
    LESSON 4 Sculpture, Architecture, and Crafts  38
    LESSON 5 Mixed-Media Nonobjective Composition  42
        Portfolio IdeasArt Scene
        The Art of Recycling   44
    Chapter 3 Review  45

Chapter 4  Art Criticism, Aesthetics, and Art History   46
    LESSON 1 Art Criticism and Aesthetics   48
    LESSON 2 Creating an Expressive Portrait   52
        Computer Option
    LESSON 3 Art History  54
    LESSON 4 Painting in the Cubist Style   56
        Studio OptionE Art Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        The Main Man: Pablo Picasso   58
    Chapter 4 Review   59
Chapter 5  Art of Earliest Times   60
    LESSON 1 Prehistoric Art   62
        Activity: Making a Clay Pot
    LESSON 2 Earth Pigment Painting   66
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Art of Ancient Egypt   68
        Activity: Creating a Writing System
    LESSON 4 Picture Story in the Style of Ancient Egypt   72
        Computer Option
    LESSON 5 Ancient China, India, and Mesopotamia  74
        Art&social studies
    Exploring Pyramids Around the World    78    E Art Scene
    Treasure Hunt    80
    Chapter 5 Review    81

Chapter 6 Art of East Asia    82
    LESSON 1 The Art of China   84
        Activity: Learning to Perceive
    LESSON 2 Making a Scroll Based on Perception  86
        Studio Options
    LESSON 3 The Art of Japan  88
        Activity: Using Cropping to Improve a Drawing
    LESSON 4 Making a Print in the Ukiyo-e Style  92
        Reflective Thinking
        Art&social studies
    The Art of Silk  94ME Art Scene
        Three-Dimensional Landscape Art   96
    Chapter 6 Review  97

Chapter 7 Pre-Columbian Art of Latin America    98
    LESSON 1 Art of Mesoamerica  100
    LESSON 2 Making a Decorative Clay Vessel  104
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Art of the Andes  106
    LESSON 4 Making a Stylized Positive and Negative Design   110
        Computer Option
    Pre-Columbian Calendars  112TIME Art Scene
        The Olmec Mystery  114
    Chapter 7 Review   115

Chapter 8 Native Art of North America   116
    LESSON 1 Origins of Native American Art   118
    LESSON 2 Making a Weaving  122
        Studio Options
    LESSON 3 Native American Art Traditions   124
        Meet the Artist: Allan Houser
    LESSON 4 Painting in an Abstract Inuit Style   128
        Studio Option
        Art&social studies
    Native American
    Historical Figures  130ME Art Scene
    Visions from the Arctic   132
    Chapter 8 Review  133

Chapter 9 Art of Greece and Rome  134
    LESSON 1 Art of Ancient Greece  136
        Activity: Creating a Vase-Shape Cutout
    LESSON 2 Making a Painting for a Greek-Style Vase  140
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Art of Ancient Rome   142
        Activity: Designing a Victory Arch
    LESSON 4 Making a Roman-Styled Relief  146
        Studio Option
    The Art of Greek Myths  148E Art Scene
    Making Their Mark   150
    Chapter 9 Review   151

Chapter 10 Art of India and Islam   152
    LESSON 1 Art of India  154
        Activity: Capturing Action in a Figure Painting
    LESSON 2 Making a Banner Design   158
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Art of Islam   160
        Moment in Art History: A Message from the Alhambra
        Activity: Making Persian Knots
    LESSON 4 Making a Collage in the Islamic Style  164
        Computer Option
        Epic Storytelling in India 166
TIME ArtSplendid Geometry  168
    Chapter 10 Review  169
Chapter 11 Art of Africa and Oceania  170
    LESSON 1 The Figure Sculptures of  Africa  172
        Moment in Art History: Evolution of an Art Form
        Activity: Designing a “Who I Am” Necktie
    LESSON 2 Abstract Figure Relief in the Kota Style  176
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 The Masks of Africa  178
        Activity: Making an Expressive Mask Design
    LESSON 4 Making a Papier-Mâché Puppet Head   182
        Studio Option
    LESSON 5 Oceanic Art   184
        Moment in Art History: “Discovering” Australia
        Activity: Constructing a Miniature Animated Mask
    Geometry in African Art  188ME Art Scene
    African Visions  190
    Chapter 11 Review   191

Chapter 12  Art of the Middle Ages  192
    LESSON 1 Art of the Romanesque Period  194
        Activity: Designing a Decorative Letter
    LESSON 2 Romanesque-Style Manuscript Page  198
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 Art of the Gothic Period  200
        Meet the Artist: Giotto di Bondone
    LESSON 4 Making a Gargoyle Sculpture   204
        Portfolio Ideas
        Art&social studies
    Castle Life in the Middle Ages   206E Art Scene
        Giotto Leaves the Middle Ages Behind   208
    Chapter 12 Review. 209

Chapter 13 Art of the Renaissance   210
    LESSON 1 Art of the Italian Renaissance 212
        Moment in Art History: A Revolutionary Painting
        Activity: Illustrating Perspective
    LESSON 2 Using Aerial Perspective  216
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 Art of the Northern Renaissance  218
        Activity: Sketching Details
    LESSON 4 Creating a Simulated Texture Relief   222
        Reflective Thinking
        Art&social studies
    The Renaissance in England 224 Art Scene
        Breathtaking Renaissance Portraits  226
    Chapter 13 Review  227

Chapter 14 Art of the 17th and 18th  Centuries  228
    LESSON 1 Art of the 17th Century  230
    LESSON 2 Painting a Still Life in the Baroque Style  234
        Portfolio Ideas
    LESSON 3 Art of the 18th Century  236
        Activity: Make it Extraordinary
    LESSON 4 Creating a Rococo Shoe  240
        Studio Options
    The Baroque Style in the Arts  242ME Art Scene
        Master of Light and Shadow  244
    Chapter 14 Review  245

Chapter 15  Art of the 19th Century  246
    LESSON 1 Neoclassic and Romantic Art  248
        Moment in Art History: The Late Arrival
        Activity: Capturing Action with a Monoprint
    LESSON 2 Designing a Neoclassic Stage Set  252
        Studio Option
    LESSON 3 Impressionism  254
        Meet the Artist: Auguste Rodin
    LESSON 4 Painting a Landscape in the Impressionist Style 258
        Computer Option
    LESSON 5 Post-Impressionism 260
        Activity: Painting a Three- Dimensional Form
    LESSON 6 Crayon Resist in a Post- Impressionist Style   264
        Computer Option
    LESSON 7 American Painting in the 19th Century  266
        Activity: Capturing a Mood in a Chalk Painting
        Art&social studies
    Nineteenth-Century Arts and Entertainment   270ME Art Scene
        Making the Right Impression  272
    Chapter 15 Review  273

Chapter 16  Art of the 20th Century  274
    LESSON 1 Early 20th Century Art in Europe   276
    LESSON 2 Creating a Cubist Still Life with Oil Pastels . 280
        Reflective Thinking
    LESSON 3 Early 20th Century Art in America . 282
        Meet the Artist: Diego Rivera
    LESSON 4 Making a Print of a Figure in Action  286
        Computer Option
    LESSON 5 European Art Throughout the 20th Century     288
        Activity: Creating a Nonobjective Sculpture
    LESSON 6 Creating an Artwork in the  Surrealist Style   292
        Computer Option
    LESSON 7 American Art Throughout the 20th Century  294
    Literary and Artistic Innovations  298ME Art Scene
        Modern Art Takes Over  300
    Chapter 16 Review   301

Chapter 17  Art of Today  302
    LESSON 1 New Trends in Traditional Art Forms  304
    LESSON 2 New Frontiers in Art   306
    LESSON 3 Creating a Photo Retrospective  308
        Studio OptionsIME Art Scene
        Cutting-Edge Computer Animation  310
    Chapter 17 Review  311
Handbook   312
Technique Tips  314
Digital Media Guide  325
Career Spotlights   332
Artsource®: Performing
Arts Handbook  338
Artists and Their Works  354
Glossary  358
Glosario  363
Index   368
Credits   384


Understanding Art: Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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